Social Network Analysis for Evaluation: Open and Closed Approaches Carl Hanssen November 6, 2008 American Evaluation Association The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation.
Agenda Context Open & Closed Approaches Strengths & Limitations
Context Milwaukee Math Partnership Comprehensive Work in multiple schools Goal: Distributed Leadership Life Sciences for a Global Community Institute partnership Work with 3 cohorts of 30 teachers Goal: Teacher leader network
Open Approach Respondent pool defined by the organization Clean slate Interested in network members inside and outside the organization Interested in specific individual roles
Low Student Achievement: 2007: 66% Proficient 3-year trend: -9%
High Student Achievement: 2007: 53% Proficient 3-year trend: +3%
Closed Respondents defined by cohort Fixed slate Interested in collaboration within network Similar expectations for all members
Cohort 1
District A Red diamond—institute participant Green box – science teacher Green square – other teacher (English, math, etc.)
Strengths Open Flexible Reduces bias Focus on roles Track evolution over time Informs action Closed Clean data collection All participants are equal Track evolution over time Informs action
Limitations Open Messy data Non-responses Closed Limited scope Requires clean subject lists Non-responses
Contact Information Carl Hanssen, Ph.D. Hanssen Consulting, LLC 1324 Lake Dr. SE, Suite 6 Grand Rapids, MI