1.What is art? List EVERYTHING that comes to mind. 2.Why do people create or perform? 3.List materials or objects commonly used for creating art. 4.List common subject matter or objects seen in art.
ART can be defined as the expression of creativity and imagination through various techniques and media producing works to fulfill a variety of purposes. ARTISTS are people who create art. (in any art form)
Write each question down and leave ample space for a response. 1.What do DANCE, DRAMA, MUSIC, and VISUAL ARTS have in common? 2.How are the arts a basic form of human communication? 3.Describe the art making process. 4.Identify criteria for creating or evaluating visual art.
Art involves: VISUAL ARTS MUSIC DANCE DRAMA These are known as the “the arts”, the ART FORMS or ART DISCIPLINES.
VISUAL ARTS View clip 1 & clip 2 from Bravo’s show Work of Art.clip 1 clip 2 Each of the three artists in the video have exhibited their work in a New York Gallery. You will watch as they give their artist statements explaining their work and are critiqued (judged) by professionals in the art world. Think about how each artist communicates his/her vison through their work.
MUSIC Jason Mraz Jason Mraz is a very soulful singer/ songwriter and explains how he finds inspiration to express himself. Think about how Jason Mraz communicates his/her vison through music. Who critiques and judges music? Do you critique and judge music?
MUSIC This video is powerful. It gives me chills and I hope it profoundly effects you as well. Stand By Me Four years ago while walking down the street in Santa Monica, CA the Playing For Change crew heard Roger Ridley singing “Stand By Me” from a block away. His voice, soul and passion set us on a journey around the world to add other musicians to his performance. This song transformed Playing For Change from a small group of individuals into a global movement for peace and understanding. This track features over 35 musicians collaborating from all over the world; they may have never met in person, but in this case, the music does the talking.
MUSIC How does music bring people together perhaps more than any other art form? Have you noticed when we experience a national or worldly tragedy (ex. 911 and Haiti Earthquake) many professional musicians join together to perform a concert. Why do you think this happens? Why specifically musicians and not visual artists or dancers?
DANCE Watch MTV’s ABDC as the Jabbawokeez preform. Think about the following questions as you watch. Jabbawokeez What was the Jabbawokeez goal? Pay attention to the vocabulary they used. What did they do before they began to choreograph their dance? What was their main purpose? What did they do at the end to fully engage the crowd. Notice the vocabulary used during the judges critique. You will hear many terms used to judge any art form.
DRAMA You will see a behind the scenes interview with actors from The Hunger Games The Hunger Games. How do they talk about the characters they portray? What did each actor do to help get into character? Who judges and critiques movies?
Aside from artists, what other people are involved in the arts? Artists, art historians, critics, museum directors, teachers, students, and VIEWERS!
The term ARTIST is a blanket term that can be broken down into many parts. VISUAL ARTS DRAMA DANCE Painter Metal Smith/Jeweler Sculptor Printmaker Potter Actor / Actress Thespian Dancer BALLET dancer BREAK dancer BALLROOM dancer MUSIC Musician Singer Songwriter Drummer Pianist
Drama – Tragedy Music – Trumpet Dance – Ballet 1. _____________A serious dialogue expressing ideas about world hunger. Music – Jazz Music – Flute Drama – Comedy 2. _____________Loud forceful sounds expressing rapid marching movements of people. 3. _____________Expression of a deer leaping and bounding through a meadow. 4. _____________Soft piercing sounds expressing movement of a bird in flight. 5. _____________Humorous dialogue expressing an obsessive interest in sports. 6. _____________ Expression of a big city’s faced paced night life. Drama – Tragedy Music – Trumpet Dance – Ballet Music – Flute Drama – Comedy Music – Jazz
1.What do DANCE, DRAMA, MUSIC, and VISUAL ARTS have in common? They are ways to express ourselves They provide a creative outlet They each use a process involving research to gain inspiration They are each evaluated based on a set of criteria.
Discuss with your SMALL table mates (the four people at your table) 2. How are the arts a BASIC form of human communication? communication Think about where you see art in your daily life. What would the world be like without ART?
We express ourselves by means of the arts. We document our memories and history. If we do not speak the same language- we can use art to communicate. If you don’t have art, you merely exist. The arts enrich our lives.
3.Describe the art making process. SAMPLE PROCESS Not all artists work the same way Artist comes up with an idea and purpose for creating Sketches out idea and experiments Chooses an art form and/or media to work with Research techniques or similar artists Experiment through trial and error Shows work to others
s. 4.Identify criteria for creating or evaluating visual art.
What is art to YOU? Why do YOU want to make art? What are your interests/hobbies? What affects your life on a daily basis? What qualities make you love something? Do you see a theme that has developed in any of your personal artwork? What might you consider your obsession? What do you hate? What bothers you about the world?