Leading the pervasive adoption of grid computing for research and industry © 2005 Global Grid Forum The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Standards, Industry, and the Roadmap to Grid Adoption Dr. David Snelling Vice Chair of Standards Global Grid Forum / Fujitsu Labs Europe
Motivation Need for Standards −Stability, Choice, Flexibility, Competition, Collaboration,... To Develop Standards we Need Clarity −Definitions of concepts −Organization of work through Architectural Frameworks We also Need a Roadmap −Accelerate the development of the “right” specifications −Track gaps and requirements −Demonstrate progress −Support planning in industry and research
Notions of Grid Collaboration Grids −Multiple institutions, secure, widely distributed, VOs −Service level agreements & commercial partnerships −Business model: Increase overall revenue Enterprise Grids −Virtualization of enterprise resources and applications −Aggregation and centralization of management −Business model: Reduce total cost of ownership Clusters −Networks of Workstations, Blades, etc. −Cycle scavenging, Homogeneous workload −Business model: Lower marginal costs Parallel Processing Systems −Parallel processing for single applications Increasing Complexity and Revenue
Parallel Processing and Cluster Grids Parallel Processing −Tightly coupled distributed systems −Standards: MPI and OpenMP −Aimed at HPC −Code portability and performance! Cluster Grids −Loosely coupled distributed systems −Efficient scheduling of nodes for throughput −No standards, lots of players Queuing systems: LSF, PBS, LoadLeveler,... Specialist systems: CyberGRIP, gridMatrix,...
Enterprise Grids Today Enterprise Grids are about −Virtualization: Uniform encapsulation of resources: Compute, data, applications, support,... −Integration: Creation of a structured whole from the parts. −Automation: Most management tasks, mostly automatic. Examples −Fujitsu’s Triole Strategy −Oracle’s 10g Platform −Sun’s N1 Suite −HP’s Adaptive Enterprise −IBM’s “On Demand” Business Run your required services as efficiently as possible.
Collaboration Grids Today Production First Generation Collaboration Grids −UK National Grid Service and TeraGrid Running Globus GT2 −Team Shosholoza and others Running Unicore Web Service Collaboration Grids −Experimental Deployment Globus GT4, Unicore/GS −Barriers Confusion wrt Plain Web Services Politics of the Standards Process Create new business opportunities through collaboration −Enterprise Grid technology as a basis. −Requirements beyond Enterprise Grids: Discovery, Security, Virtual Organizations (VOs), Decoupling, Composition...
† Convergence: Enterprise & Collaboration Grids Technical Convergence −From Enterprise Grids Sophisticated virtualization Management infrastructure Automation −From Collaboration Grids Multi-domain security Cyber partnerships (VOs) Outsourcing The Need for Standards −Within the Enterprise Flexibility! −Between Enterprises Interoperability! Forrester’s −“Digital Business Networks” †
GGF and the Nature of Interoperability GGF is about −Enabling the pervasive adoption of grid computing for research and industry by: Defining grid specifications that lead to broadly adopted standards and interoperable software Fostering and broadening an international community for the exchange of ideas, experiences, requirements, and best practices Implicit process: −Requirements Specifications Standards Interoperability −Note: Implementations are required do do the last three steps well. Definitions: −Specifications: Normative document sufficient for implementation −Standards: Specifications plus an open process.
Interoperability In a SOA context, this is very precise −Implementations interact “on the wire” between different implementations, languages, and environments WS-SOA Offers Unprecedented QoS in this respect −Better than http, not quite as good as hardware Only possible by agreeing on a single specification −For GGF this specification is an Open Standard
Interoperation Adaptor Based Interaction Possible −A simple service wrapper for each client type e.g. JSDL to Unicore AJO to Globus JDL converters −Service composer frameworks possible e.g. NAREGI Grid composes Unicore, GT2, GT4, and WSs There is a Notion of “Abstract Service Equivalence” −OGSA V1.0 and V1.5 are instances of this −Greatly facilitates adaptor development and deployment −Language specific standards help build better adaptors e.g. a Java API for the OGSA Base Profile or SAGA API. −If all clients (or services) implement adaptors for all services (or clients) it creates a pleasant illusion of interoperability
Commercial Break
The GGF Roadmap Process End User & Technology Community Standards Groups/Orgs Vendor and Open Source Communities Use Cases and Requirements Architectures and Specifications Solutions and Building Blocks Create Value Deliver Value Manage and steer standards development Communicate status and progress Input to implementation & deployment planning
Roadmap Organization Organized by Area, Group, and then Document Content for each Document −Document name and short description −GGF Document Type −Progress against key millstones Planned and completed dates for First Draft, Public Comment, and publication −Key Words Informs Grid Design, Defines Grid Architecture, OGSA, Applications, Generic grid Component, Other,... −Adoption Levels Unimplemented, Implemented, Interoperable, Community, Adopted, and Ubiquitous.
Adoption Level Definitions Unimplemented −Although the specification exists and may be viewed as stable, no implementation exists. There may be prototypes under development within various organizations, which are not available outside that organization. Implemented −There exists at least one implementation that is generally available for testing and/or deployment that according to the authors (or third parties) implement the specification. Interoperable −There exists at least two implementations, as defined above, that interoperate. There must be a report detailing at least one interoperability workshop.
Adoption Level Definitions Continued Community −At least one of the interoperable implementations, as defined above, is deployed and used on a regular basis by a specific community. This may be due to either a lack of acceptance of the specification by the community at large or due to the specialist nature of a specific specification. Adopted −There exists more than one interoperable implementation, as defined above, and each implementation is used across several communities. Commercially supported implementations are available. This may be either as a product or support for an open source implementation. There may be some restriction on which platforms support the implementations or other aspects that restrict the availability of the implementations. Ubiquitous −Interoperable implementations exist for virtually all platforms. Commercial support is available, but provided transparently as part of the supporting infrastructure.
Some Roadmap Statistics Roadmap Documents by Type −Recommendation Documents26 −Informational Documents30 −Experimental Documents 3 Roadmap Documents by Area −Applications 9 −Architecture 6 −Compute 9 −Data13 −Infrastructure 6 −Management 9 −Security 7
Some More Statistics Published Documents −Compute/SRM 6 −Data10 −Architecture 7 −Applications/APME 7 −Infrastructure/ISP/P2P 8 −Security10 −Management 2 −GFSG 5 Published Draft-Recommendations Documents9
The Current Pipeline Statistics: −Published since GGF 15 9 −In or after Public Comment22 −Others in the pipeline 5 Publication Highlights −GFD.53: OGSA Roadmap −GFD.56: JSDL 1.0 −GFD.58: Namespaces for XML Infosets −GFD.59: OGSA Profile Definition Progress Highlights −GWD.xx: WSRF OGSA Base Profile through Public Comment −GWD.xx: WS-Agreement through Public Comment Highlights from Public Comment −GWD.xx: ByteIO Suite - 2 specs −GWD.xx: DAI Suite - 3 specs 18 Documents in 12 Months
OGSA: Status November 2004 SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT UTILITY COMPUTING GRID COMPUTING Core Services Base Profile WS-Addressing Privacy WS-BaseNotification CIM/JSIM WSRF-RAP WSDM WS-Security Naming OGSA-EMSOGSA Self Mgmt GFD-C.16 GGF-UR Data Model HTTP(S)/SOAP Discovery SAML/XACML WSDL WSRF-RL Trust WS-DAI VO Management Information Distributed query processing ASP Data Centre Use Cases & Applications CollaborationMulti MediaPersistent Archive Data Transport WSRF-RP X.509 StandardEvolvingGapHole Warning: Data may be inaccurate
OGSA: Status February 2006 (or soon) SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT UTILITY COMPUTING GRID COMPUTING Core Services Base Profile WS-Addressing Privacy WS-BaseNotification CIM/JSIM WSRF-RAP WSDM WS-Security Naming OGSA-EMSOGSA Self Mgmt GFD-C.16 GGF-UR Data Model HTTP(S)/SOAP Discovery SAML/XACML WSDL WSRF-RL Trust WS-DAI VO Management Information Distributed query processing ASP Data Centre Use Cases & Applications CollaborationMulti MediaPersistent Archive Data Transport WSRF-RP X.509 StandardEvolvingGapHole Warning: Data may be inaccurate
Implementations of GGF Specifications GFD.56: JSDL6 GFD.62: PMA Charter3 GFD.24: GSSAPI extensions6 GFD.15: OGSI5 GFD.20: GridFTP5 GFD.52: GridRPC API4 GFD.22: DRMAA4
Implementations of GGF Drafts GWD.xx: SAML authorization callout3 GWD.xx: VOMS attribute certificate format4 GWD.xx: Daonity1 GWD.xx: OGSA BES2 GWD.xx: GGF Usage Record4 GWD.xx: Usage Record Service4 GWD.xx: WS-Agreement6 GWD.xx: OGSA Byte IO2 GWD.xx: WS-Naming1 GWD.xx: SAGA4
Implementations of GGF Drafts GWD.xx: CDDLM Smart Frog Language 1 GWD.xx: CDDLM Component Model4 GWD.xx: CDDLM Deployment API4 GWD.xx: CDDLM XML-CDL4 GWD.xx: ACS2 GWD.xx: WSRF OGSA Base Profile3 GWD.xx: OGSA BSP Core3 GWD.xx: OGSA BSP Secure Channel3
Other Implementations GGF Derived Specifications −RFC38205 −WSRF5 −WSN5 GFD.16 Certificate Policy Model40+
Summary 103 Implementations of GGF Specifications The pipeline is still flowing −Thanks Greg! More help is (always) needed Give yourselves a hand. Thank you