WHY ARE YOU HERE..? Btw this course will be delivered in FULL ENGLISH Btw this course will be delivered in FULL ENGLISH
"NO GREAT ARTIST EVER SEES THINGS AS THEY REALLY ARE. IF HE DID (IF YOU DO) HE WOULD CEASE TO BE AN ARTIST" Oscar Wilde welcome to: Developing Aesthetic Sensitivity with Michael Nathaniel K.
1 st Meeting
1.Each student must choose an object of design that you personally like. 2.List down Min. 30 questions / as many as possible about that object. 3.Ask questions about your friend's chosen object. 4.If you asked the same questions as your friend, you earn a point and deduct a point out of your friend's total points. 5.You will earn more points when you asked something that hasn't been asked by your friend. 6.The final number will be your score. GAMES OF..??
Art Art is a Human activity that requires certain degree of technical ability or skills. I describe it as “a form of human expression driven by more than just basic instinct.” “Art is a way of making images, or objects, or experience, that reflects emotions, spiritual ideas or religious feelings that make us think about ourselves and the world.” Art Theory For Beginners page 9.
A esthetic is a branch of philosophy / idea about what makes an object / experience, attractive or beautiful. A rt Theory is an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the creation of an artwork. A rt History is how we look at past artifacts and adapt an attitude towards them.
Our VISION Student DEVELOPS a keen sense of aesthetic and able to explain the reasoning behind the creation of an art object or design object based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s Sensazione Principle. 1.Explanation 2.Interpretation 3.Application 4.Perspective 5.Empathy 6.Self-Knowledge Our MISSION
How do you say an object is beautiful or not..?
Everybody has a THEORY OF ART
" Art is (NOT) about what I like." Everybody has a theory of art " One man's idea of art is another man's dog's dinner." Socrates
" Art is (NOT) always about beauty nor it is always expensive.” Everybody has a theory of art Marcel Duschamp's, Fountain
let's learn from Leonardo Da Vinci
from what is Art..? what does it mean..? Is it GOOD or BAD..? who is an artist..?
Aesthetic comes from the Greek word "aesthesis" which means perception. Aesthetic is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. the basic question remains: What makes a thing beautiful, pleasing, or ugly, or indeed fine art rather than craft..? Aesthetic is....
End of the 1 st meeting. thank you Please write down what you’ve learned. Please write down your questions or things that are unclear for you to:
2 nd Meeting
aesthetic theories 1.Artist created a beautiful thing by combining a representation of something REAL and a conceptual IDEAL. CONCEPTUAL/ IMAGINATIVE COPYING REALITY (mimesis) art must represent goodness, beauty & truth nature is imitation of something higher/"idea" & only "idea" is perfect hey Aristotle, I HATE ART..! Art is only an imitation of true reality & true beauty Don't be like that Plato.. Art is just an imitation of nature; an inspiration, the more it resembles the original, the better. Vs.
aesthetic theories I believe art should fit for a function then it will be beautiful I think we could agree on that Plato, but I’d like to call it a unity of form Bauhaus (20th Century German): "economy of form", "truth to materials", and form follows function"
aesthetic theories But, useless thing can also be beautiful..! HOW CAN THIS BE? “FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION” IS NOT A PERFECT THEORY.
1.Artist created a beautiful thing by combining a representation of something REAL and a conceptual IDEAL. COPYING REALITY(realism) & IDEAL --> Raphael In order to paint beautiful woman, I should have to see many beautiful woman...; but since there are so few beautiful woman and so few sound judges, I make use of a certain idea that comes into my mind. Galetea by Raphael ( ) aesthetic theories
2.Different cultures around the world explain the nature of their art in their own ways. YORUBAN AESTHETICS aesthetic theories twins share the same soul twins are God's gift Art is an imitation of humans in a moderate way, too realistic or too abstract would not be an art "Moderate visual appearance" represents how humans should behave (cool, composure, even with certain detachment) --> no depiction of emotions or violence symmetry & elongated
PERCEPTUAL artist CONCEPTUAL artist (what the eyes see) (imagination) aesthetic theories according to Psychological theory Vs X & Theories of the artist as an outsider AVANT GARDE artist OUTSIDER artist FOLK artist Artist are like prophets who operate ahead of their times Self-taught artists who work apart from the art establishment Artists who produce traditional arts and crafts that are passed down within a minority culture
popular theories of aesthetics REALISM Art is the same as reality; the more it resembles reality the better. Titian "Venus of Urbino" 1538 realism (renaissance) love
popular theories of aesthetics REALISM in 19th Art is the same as reality but "reality" that comes from everyday life Edouard Manet "Olympia" 1863 Realism SEX
popular theories of aesthetics REALISM in 20th Art is the same as reality but "reality" that comes from everyday life Yasumasu Morimura "Portrait-Twins" 1988 Realism Slavery & prostitution to the western culture
popular theories of aesthetics PHOTO REALISM Art is the same as reality. David Jon Kassan "Approaching Noise" Super realism/photo realism
popular theories of aesthetics Art can not be ugly PRETTINESS Reuters/Corbis "9/11 NEVER FORGET" --> Art should reflect life in all its richness
aesthetic theories based on the functions of art ART FOR ART'S SAKE RELIGION MORALITY Art has no function but to serve as art itself Art instructs, inspires, makes the invisible visible Art provides models for behavior (Aristotle) Art inspires by its good style (Plato) which one is which...???
aesthetic theories based on comparison between the art FINE ART APPLIED ART Art until some extent has no function but to serve as art itself Art serve a function Zaha Hadid Andy Warhol
aesthetic theories based on symbolic communication theory SEMIOTICS SYMBOLIC COMMUNICATIONS INSTITUTIONAL Art communicates by visual signs between artist and viewer The art world tells us when to experience art Art communicates using symbols that not everyone could understand Frida Kahlo Marcel Duschamp's, Fountain
what is the difference between Aesthetics & Taste Aesthetics is the philosophical notion of beauty. Taste is a result of education and awareness of elite cultural values; therefore taste can be learned. Taste varies according to class, cultural background, and education. According to Kant, beauty is objective and universal; thus certain things are beautiful to everyone. The contemporary view of beauty is not based on innate qualities, but rather on cultural specifics and individual interpretations.
Aesthetic judgment According to Alexander Baumgarten, we all make "aesthetic judgment," as we see certain artworks as superior o others. "Reason applied to art will give us truly aesthetic understanding." Critique of judgment According to Kant, there is no scientific rule for determining what beauty is. The perception of beauty-that is, "the judgment" of beauty-involves the eye, the mind, and the perception of the beholder (imagination and understanding)
Art is about what does it mean..? it is good or bad..? who is an artist..? MEANING & SKILL Art Theory is.... " a set of principles that attempts to reflect on why we describe certain objects or events as art, and which can help identify common characteristics of work of art."
Conclusion of Aesthetics.... Art can be seen as part of a larger (visual & non-visual) culture. To see art objects and how they relate to a broader culture, for example politics, power structures, gender, technology, etc. "Art is a form of visual curiosity, which means that it is always in some sense about how we view ourselves and others in the world... (AESTHETICS OF CURIOSITY)" 2006 ; ART THEORY, page 186
End of the 2 nd meeting. thank you Please write down what you’ve learned. Please write down your questions or things that are unclear for you to:
3 rd Meeting
Average humans, “looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feelings, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance, and talks without thinking.” Leonardo Da Vinci saper vedere “knowing how to see”
Let’s go to the museum
POST-IMAGINING: VISUALIZE anything you can imagine after this tour Now your Assignment is....
What is the MOST beautiful thing you have ever seen? Next Week Assignment is....
UAS task is: CREATE A DAILY JOURNAL: Observe and document (draw) at least one great sensation in a day describe it and question anything min. 30 UAS task is: CREATE A DAILY JOURNAL: Observe and document (draw) at least one great sensation in a day describe it and question anything min. 30
When others say WHY, DESIGNERS should say WHY NOT..? When others say WHY, DESIGNERS should say WHY NOT..?
4 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... What is the MOST beautiful thing you have ever seen? WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now..
What is the SWEETEST sound you have ever heard? Next Week Assignment is....
5 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... What is the SWEETEST sound you have ever heard? WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now.. Let’s try to VISUALIZE the sound we’re going to hear
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
What is the most EXQUISITELY TENDER TOUCH you’ve ever felt? Next Week Assignment is....
6 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... What is the most EXQUISITELY TENDER TOUCH you’ve ever felt? WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now.. Let’s try to CONCEPTUALIZE an Anti-DRUG campaign using what you’ve felt as inspiration
CREATIVELY VISUALIZE your most meaningful experience Next Week MID TERM is....
8 th Meeting
Let’s assess the Mid Term Projects together? Today’s discussion is....
What is the most WONDERFUL AROMA you’ve ever smell? Next Week Assignment is....
9 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... What is the most WONDERFUL AROMA you’ve ever smell? WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now.. Let’s try to DESCRIBE WITH WORDS the AROMAS we’ve smell
Let’s try some FOOD we’ve NEVER tasted before and bring them to class next week. Next Week Assignment is....
10 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... some FOOD we’ve NEVER tasted before WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now.. Let’s try to CONCEPTUALIZE an advertising idea of that food.
Find your most wonderful EXPERIENCE THAT’S RELATED TO DESIGN and share it to class next week. Next Week Assignment is....
11 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... most wonderful EXPERIENCE THAT’S RELATED TO DESIGN WHY? What makes it great?
WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it? Now.. Let’s try to CONCEPTUALIZE an advertising idea of that food.
ANALYZE the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and explain: - What you like - What you wish - How to - What if Next Week KAT 1. is....
12 th Meeting
Today’s discussion is.... Lord of the Rings Trilogy WHY? What makes it great? WHAT IF we HATE IT, what would makes us hate it?
13 th Meeting
14 th Meeting
CREATE A DESIGN that is meaningful for your partner INSPIRED by: - a natural phenomena - a flora/ a fauna Today KAT 2. is.... Choose a friend and interview him/ her. Find what matters to them. Explore and ideate.
Today’s discussion is.... DESIGN something that is meaningful for your partner INSPIRED by: - a natural phenomena - a flora/ a fauna