Group 7
17 March18 March19 March 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Checklist of problems Checklist of objectives based on the problems identified Examine the case Brainstorming of recommendations based on the problems. Classification of the problems Argument on vision, mission, objectives?? Group Presentation Executive Lunch Meeting: Consolidation and work distribution Journey of Group 7
Problems 1.Facilities Lack of Teaching and Learning facilities Not user-centred Students / users’ ratings low 2.Collection Rare books – poor condition Less electronic resources compared to our peers Students / users’ ratings low
Problems 3.HR and Management No strategic plan Lack of staff motivation Staff redundancies Under perform (low ranking) Not keen to collaborate Insufficient communication Lack of awareness of current trends Bureaucracy 4.Budget Budget allocation (management) Budget reduction of 30%
Recommendations 1. Facilities Gather ideas from various stakeholders : – Comprehensive user needs study and in- depth analysis – Meeting with heads of departments to explore how the library can enhance their teaching and learning Create a more user-centric platform Suggestion box Establish relationship platform with users, e.g. using social media
Recommendations 2. Collection Rare Books – To form a project team on rare book preservation, conservation and digitization with the VC as the advisor – Collaborate with publisher/ corporations in digitization project with the aim of profit making initiatives
Recommendations 3. HR and Management Collaboration with other institutions/ individuals (e.g. libraries, archives, publishers) – Consortial subscriptions to electronic resources – Regular meetings with other libraries on various collaboration issues – Explore collaborative opportunities with IT corporations to capitalize on their latest technology
Recommendations 3. HR and Management Collaboration with other units on campus – To explore possible funding sources, e.g. Alumni Association – Closer liaison with Faculty or VIPs Gather their opinions or needs Demonstrate the importance of the library to their research/ teaching Consultancy – Invite a Faculty member from the Management School to provide input to the re-organization.
Recommendations 3. HR and Management Staff training – Develop various staff training, coaching and mentoring programs to strengthen staff competencies – Staff attachment to other libraries – Update staff through the organization of seminars or workshops on latest trends
Recommendations 3. HR and Management Benchmarking – Adopt the Balanced ScoreCard for sustainable assessment of library performance – To identify strengths of other libraries with the aim to learn from them Foster Communication within the library – Task forces/ committees on different projects, services or issues, e.g. user services committee, collection development committee
Recommendations 3. HR and Management Reorganization – Assessment of staff strengths and weaknesses – Analysis of organizational needs – Restructuring – Staff redeployment
Recommendations 4. Budget Anticipated that budget problem will be alleviated when the above problems have been addressed
Objectives To provide the best learning and teaching facilities to our users. To preserve and enhance usage of rare book collection through digitization. To strengthen the collaboration with other units on campus and other institutions for resource sharing. To explore possible sources of funding to support library projects. To develop staff competencies through training and allocation.
Our dream… A more vibrant library with a healthy budget … Instead of a vision