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I heard you were looking for someone to manage your life. I would like to apply for the job. I believe I am the most qualified candidate for the position of life manager. Actually, I am the only One who has ever done this job successfully.
I was the first manager of human beings. I made them, in fact, so naturally I know how they work and what is needed to help them run at top efficiency and maximum happiness level. It will be like having the manufacturer as your personal mechanic.
If this is the first time you have considered My services, I would just like to point out that My salary has already been paid by the blood of My Son, Jesus, on the cross of Calvary. If this is the first time you have considered My services, I would just like to point out that My salary has already been paid by the blood of My Son, Jesus, on the cross of Calvary. What I need from you is the acknowledgment that the price is sufficient to pay for all of your sin and your independence from Me. What I need from you is the acknowledgment that the price is sufficient to pay for all of your sin and your independence from Me.
The next thing I ask for is your permission to fix what's wrong in your life so you can experience the full life I created you for. Actually, you can expect some major changes and revisions, but that's nothing to worry about. I will make the needed changes, in My way and in My time.
The other good news is that I will change your desires and give you the courage and will to undergo these changes for the better. The other good news is that I will change your desires and give you the courage and will to undergo these changes for the better.
Please keep your hands out of the way. Don't try to help Me and don't resist Me. All I really need is your full commitment and cooperation. If you give Me those, the process can go smoothly, without delays. You won't be disappointed. Yours sincerely, GOD P.S. If you need to see My credentials, I created the heavens and the earth.