ICT can be a powerful tool when used appropriately to aid the delivery of science lessons and as a tool for students. As ICT capability increases, so should its application in science.
to develop a wider range of strategies for embedding ICT in pedagogy to identify appropriate application of students’ ICT capability (particularly in Scientific Enquiry) to consider how ICT can add value to the teaching and learning of science
improve and extend use of ICT in teaching and learning seek opportunities to use ICT identify when the use of ICT is appropriate
Embedding ICT
Using dataloggers usefully
Why use dataloggers? Important to reflect the current world of science. Industrial and research science relies heavily on ICT-controlled equipment and new measuring techniques. Impressive achievements, such as the sequencing of the human genome, would not have been possible without ICT-controlled analytical tools. Students need to appreciate that this is the direction of science in the 21st century.
As events happen, results are instantly displayed on the screen, prompting discussion. Software provides a range of aids for analysing and getting information from data. Data can be stored for later use. It is easy to repeat an investigation.
Students can capture data involving very fast or very slow changes accurately Electronic measuring equipment removes the tedium of manual measuring and recording and frees up time for discussion of the underlying science.
Enhance individual learning - In individual or paired applications, pupils need clear directions before they start, otherwise too much time could be spent trouble-shooting. Structured tasks and activities should focus on the scientific ideas underpinning the model, not the ICT skills needed to manage the software.
Enhance whole class learning - Use a large screen or data projector so that the whole class can see. Students: – ask questions, predict and hypothesise observe, measure and record, and manipulate variables; – interpret results and evaluate scientific evidence present and communicate their findings in a variety of ways.
What might the learner of the future look like? Learners shaping their own learning Networked and collaborative learners Changing conceptions of teacher/learner Expectations of agency and feedback
How do we get there? Learners as co-designers Innovative applications of technology to support learning New sites and spaces of learning Shifts to our curriculum and assessment systems
Pupils should be taught to make observations and measurements in a precise and systematic way They should be helped to present their findings concisely and accurately in a variety of ways including drawings, diagrams, graphs and charts.
They should have some opportunities to carry out the whole process of investigating an idea and to make decisions about what to do. Experiments with sensors provide opportunities for pupils to ask “What if...?” questions.
Match old technologies with new: Thermometer v Temperature probe Ticker timer v Motion probe Stop watch v Light gates Newton balance v Force probe
Kent Year 7 class Classroom Video designVideo design Using Spreadsheets Useful Case studiesCase studies Interactive whiteboards - NASA Science by
Class Blogs
post class-related information such as calendars, events, homework assignments and other pertinent class information. post assignments based on news articles and have students respond on their own weblogs, creating a portfolio of their work. provide online readings for students to read and react to. gather and organise Internet resources for a specific course, providing links to appropriate sites post photos and comment on class activities.. publish examples of good student work done in class.
information about topics they are studying in class, and readings to inspire learning. make use of the commenting feature to have students evaluate experiments to develop language skills. post tasks to carry out project-based learning tasks with other students across year groups. link your class with another class somewhere else in the world
Moodle Creating a Blog siteBlog site