Πολυμεσικό Υλικό στο Internet: Συγχρονισμός, Επεξεργασία και Διακίνηση Multimedia content delivery in the Internet: examples in MOOCs 11/12/2014 Β. Μάγκλαρης Μ. Γραμματικού Δ. Καλογεράς
Outline MOOCs from the Instructor’s side MOOCs from the Learner’s side Coursera & edX Cases Some examples
Coursera Case Coursera: is a for-profit educational technology company List of ways to generate revenue, include: – verified certification fees – tutoring – sponsorships – tuition fees In January 2013, Coursera announced that the American Council on Education had approved five courses for college credit
Coursera from the Instructors’ side Coursera Partner Inquiry form Preparation behind the Scenes
Coursera Partner Inquiry Form AqgJ-Z58/viewform AqgJ-Z58/viewform
Coursera: behind the scenes filming By Ben Loveridge (Learning Environments) behind-the-scenes-filming/ behind-the-scenes-filming/ Photo: Coursera filming set-up showing autocue and Wacom Cintiq 24HD Touch (Credit: Ben Loveridge)
edX Case edX is a non-profit online initiative created by founding partners Harvard and MIT (in 2012) and runs on an open-source software platform ( edX has more than 3 million users taking over 300 courses online (of 22 October 2014) Around 100,000 certificates earned by edX students Topics include: – biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, electronics, engineering, food and nutrition, history, humanities, law, literature, math, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, science, statistics and more
edX Case With the exception of professional education courses, edX courses are free for everyone Some courses have a fee for verified certificates but are free to audit
edX from the Instructors’ side EdX is committed to expanding the number of universities and other high-quality course builders who offer courses on its platform New members are welcomed as edX builds capacity to accommodate the growing interest from both institutions and learners
MOOCs from the Learners’ side Available questions and requirements for learners before the registration to the course (Stanford as an example): S101/Summer2014/about S101/Summer2014/about Registration for free Videos, Chats, discussions, quizzes, exams, all the material available on the Internet, certificates
Courses on MOOCs Financial Markets (Coursera): Introduction to Computer Science (edX): science-harvardx-cs50x#.VImAOCuUckM science-harvardx-cs50x#.VImAOCuUckM Developing Android Apps (Udacity): Intro to HTML and CSS (Udacity):
NETMODE on line Courses Διαχείριση Δικτύων – Ευφυή Δίκτυα: n=com_content§ionid=4&task=view&id=115&It emid=49 n=com_content§ionid=4&task=view&id=115&It emid=49 Συστήματα Αναμονής: n=com_content§ionid=4&task=view&id=117&It emid=98 n=com_content§ionid=4&task=view&id=117&It emid=98
mzyMY-AqgJ-Z58/viewform mzyMY-AqgJ-Z58/viewform behind-the-scenes-filming/ behind-the-scenes-filming/ coursera-course/ coursera-course/ References (I)