* How often do your students use technology in your class? A. Daily B. A few times a week C. A few times a month D. Rarely
* More than one in five teachers surveyed in 2011 was under the age of 30and 31 % are 50. * "To be effective, technology certification for educators needs to be part of formal education policy and a required element of school and teacher evaluations... * Educators need a CONTINUAL system of technology training and certification." Council on Basic Education, % Of College Students Have Cell Phones: Ball State Study
Session’s Goal
* Which is the predominant method your teachers use to provide content knowledge A. Textbook B. Resource Sheets/ Worksheets C. Videos D. Lecture
* Students read in a textbook or off a worksheet during class time or in a textbook that is sent home. * Readings or videos can be done at home flipping the classroom and providing more time to facilitate critical thinking and project based learning activities. * Worksheets are disseminated electronically through: * A curriculum loft system or Website (teacher or school based) * Prezi or Edmodo * Googledocs or Dropbox * Khan Academy, podcasts or videos from Safari Montage or BrainPop
* Traditional Worksheet
* Which is the predominant method your teachers use for GROUP WORK A. Pair Share B. Stations C. Small Group Conversations D. Whole Class
* Students work in small groups or pairs during class time * New technologies can be used to: * Share ideas through blogging- Edmodo * Work on the same document with Googledocs * Share ideas through Skyping within a class, between two classes, or outside of classtime * Cloud and Dropbox
* Cloud based storage * Any Internet connected device can access * Shared document * Multiple users can work on at the same time * All changes saved and recorded as they type * Can import existing files, or create new * Has word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, as well as forms and drawing tool.
* Which is the predominant method your teachers use have students TAKE NOTES A. Worksheets B. Loose-leaf paper C. Tablets/ Laptops
* Cornell Notes * Outlining * Webs and Sequence Chains * Timelines * New technologies can be used to give students CHOICES of how they want to learn and take notes.
* Read Write Think resources/student-interactives/ A variety of graphic organizers that can be used on a web based computer device or via iOS apps. resources/student-interactives/ * Any write or draw program * Timeline Maker maker/ or /timeline/ or maker/ /timeline/
* Which is the predominant method your teachers use to RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL STUDENT RESPONSES A. Call and response B. Exit Tickets C. Thumbs up and down D. Clickers
* Students write their responses on worksheets, posters, chalkboards, or bubble in a scan sheet. * New technologies can be used to: * Take attendance: * Summative Assessment * Formative Assessment- exit ticket * Discussion feedback * Warm-Up: * Contingent Teaching: Question- Driven Instruction: * “Choose Your Own Adventure”
* Clicker system (such as Activexpressions, Turning Point) * Draw or Blackboard (app) * Socrative (Web based) * Polleverywhere (web based)
* Web / app based tool * Can be for both summative and formative * No prep necessary for most questions
* Research Reports * Science Displays * PowerPoint presentations/ Prezi * Student created videos * Websites * Interactive templates ( org/) org/ * Podcasts
Download the free ClassDojo apps to award points remotely! Record student behavior Give visual reminders for students of positive and negative behavior Great for use with just special needs students Print reports- track behavior Parent participation
* Animoto * ToonDoo * YouTubeTeachers * Dipity With Dipity, you can find, create and embed interactive timelines. Dipity * Wallwisher Wallwisher is basically an online message board where you post “Sticky Notes Wallwisher * Create-a-Graph Use Create-a-Graph to make attractive graphs for free. Choose from bar, line, area, pie and simple XY coordinate graphs. Create-a-Graph * Sharendipity Customize, create and share your own educational games with Sharendipity. Sharendipity * SumDog Sumdog's learning engine adapts its questions to each student's ability helping teachers deliver Common Core State Standards. Aimed at grades 1 through 8. Covers number operations through to simple algebra. New for 2013: English language arts. Core State StandardsEnglish language arts
* Expands the classroom beyond the school walls. Using a tablet is so natural that it makes learning fun and easy. * Tablets help students learn more material faster. 81% of K-12 teachers believe that "tablets enrich classroom education. Tablets lower the amount of paper teachers have to print for handouts and assignments, helping to save the environment and money. * Technology-based instruction can reduce the time students take to reach a learning objective by %, according to the US Department of Education and studies by the National Training and Simulation Association.
World Fact book Kingsoft Office FlashCard Wizard Periodic Table of Elements Scientific/ Graphing Calculator EdmodoKindle/ Nook/ Overdrive DictionaryEverstudentGoogle Sky MangoMyHomeworkPhotoshopSocrativeSymbaloo WriteGoogle DriveBrainpopEasybibLemonade Stand
* What is ONE new technology that you or your teachers could implement into their instruction: A. SOCRATIVE B. EDMODO C. PREZI D. GOOGLE DOCS E. APPS F. CLASS DOJO G. OTHER H. NONE OF THE ABOVE
* Technology integration is not a baking recipe with exact measurements and formulas. * Teachers learn best when they can make choices in content, pacing and styles while enjoying the support of a team of like-minded fellow learners. Carlene Murphy (1998) and others have developed and tested study group models that fruitfully engage every teacher in such activities.
Bibliography: National Center for Education Information Profile of Teachers in the U.S ( ) Technology Standards for Teachers. Council on Basic Education, 1998.( eachers.html) eachers.html McKenzie, Jamie. How Teachers Learn Technology Best. From Now On The Educational Technology Journal. Vol 10|No 6|March|2001. ( achers%20Learn%20Technology%20Best.pdf ) achers%20Learn%20Technology%20Best.pdf Jonathan OlsenJonathan Olsen.The 6 Ways Teachers Want To Change Schools, ( schools/?buffer_share=8b327 ) schools/?buffer_share=8b327 SOCRACTIVE The Flipped Classroom ( flipped-classroom-defined/ ) flipped-classroom-defined/