GE1201 Information Management and its Social Impact Dr Ron Kwok Department of Information Systems City University of Hong Kong
Do you feel there is too much information around you? Do you always find it difficult to backup and safeguard your information? Do you always find it difficult to evaluate and organize your information collected from various sources? Do you always find it difficult to make use of the available information to complete a task? However, do you always find it difficult to find the information when you really need it This is the right course for you!
This course aims to: Develop students’ InfoIQ, the ability to identify, retrieve, evaluate, utilize and create quality information for effective, efficient decision-making and problem solving, from the science, engineering and business perspectives GE1201: Information Management and its Social Impact
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 1.Describe the theories of information management 2.Explain the conceptual framework of information management from the science, engineering and business perspectives 3.Apply the general methodologies and strategies to identify, retrieve, evaluate, utilize and create quality information for decision making and problem-solving Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: 4.Design and develop particular information management solutions to support life-long learning 5.Work productively as part of team in a collaborative and virtual environment with a global context Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) (cont)
1.Lecture: Concepts and general theories of information management. The applications from science, engineering and business perspectives are explained. 2.Computer Lab Tutorial: Technical aspects of information management are covered. 3.Outside Classroom Activities: Additional help will be provided outside official class time. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
Lecture : Focusing on IM Case Study using PDA Help students learn by asking questions. Enable effective interaction between teachers and students (knowing the students and monitoring their performance). Provide instant personalized feedback. Keep students motivated. Give students more opportunity to think and participate in classes.
In-Class PDA-based Case Study Activities 1. The lecturer poses a question LecturerStudent #1 Student #2 Student #3 Student #n
In-Class PDA-based Case Study Activities 2. Students enter and submit their answers Lecturer Student #1 Student #2 Student #3 Student #n x n
In-Class PDA-based Case Study Activities 3. The PDA system integrates and presents students’ answers Lecturer x n
Stereo projector Arrays of infrared illuminators Camera Silver screen Arrays of infrared illuminators Computer Lab Tutorial: Smart Ambience at IMVR Lab of CityU (Organized by Prof Horace Ip)
Total (1794) Self RegulationSkillWill Score (Percentile) Average LASSI score for Entry (07 cohort) (all) JUPAS by 10 scales as of 07 Aug 07 Tutorial: Evaluate and Use of Your Personal Information Learning & Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) (Organized by EDO)
Other Examples of Lecture/Tutorial Topics: Advanced Internet Searching Technique and Phonebook Management Information Backup and Security Global Group Information Management Group Calendar Collaborative Information Analysis and Processing on Working Documents e.g., Wiki and Google Docs Financial Information Management, e.g. Use of Reuters Information for Financial Decision Etc….
Out-Class Activities: Language Companion Course (LCC) Practice “Group Information Management” via Global Virtual Team Work Provide online English tutors from overseas who comment on students’ course work before they submit it to their teachers An innovative approach to enhance students' English writing skills" (organized by the Offices of the Dean of Student Learning (DSL) and Chief Information Officer (CIO)) on-line language specialist tutor subject teacher CityU student Global Virtual Team Work
Tutorial Assignments and Participation (20%) Group Assignment (50%) Take-Home Exam (30%) Assessment Tasks/Activities:
NOW: After Completing GE1201: Information Management and its Social Impact The Past s, Bookmarks, To-do list, Calendar Files, e-books, SMS/MMS, Voic s, Phonebooks How can I access my Personal Information when I am out? After work? During my holidays? Can I edit the file with Ron Kwok simultaneously? Can my s, bookmarks, to-do list, calendar be synchronized anywhere? Can I edit the file that just updated last night at home? Forget to copy all the phonebooks, etc, to this new mobile? How could I give a call to new friend now? Reliability? Backup? Security? Safe? Then, it’s Great! Remote myPIM, Update myPIM, Access myPIM, Collaborative Information Processing, Virtual Office, Home Office If there is Information Replication and Consistency Everywhere, Replication and myPIM = Anywhere Increase Efficiency Increase Effectiveness Increase Information Accuracy Increase Information Reliability Access Anywhere A A We wish this course can benefit your study, career and life long learning
Thank You GE1201 Information Management and its Social Impact