CNIT 132 Intermediate HTML and CSS Publish Web Page
Agenda My Web Site: (download syllabus, class notes).
Getting Started Obtain your hills login by ing me (provide me with your name – First and Last) Access your hills account Download SSH Secure Shell from exe exe Install the SSH Secure Shell Connect to Hills server by double click the SSH Secure Shell Client icon Click the “Quick Connect” icon Enter the Host Name = Enter the User Name = your hills login name Port = 22 Password = your hills password NOTE: If at any time you have trouble with your hills login or password, you will need to contact a tech person in the CCSF computer lab. The computer lab (ICL-1) is located on the 3rd floor of Batmale Hall. There are other computer labs on the CCSF campus as well.
Create public_html directory All of your web pages must be residing in a directory called public_html, which must be under your home directory. To create this directory: Logon to hills account Create the public_html directory under your home directory and other CGI directories, type the command: setup Change permission: chmod 755 public_html
Publishing your Webpages (FTP) Upload your webpages to your public_html directory on the hills server. Double click the SSH Secure File Transfer Client Click the “Quick Connect” button Enter Host Name = Enter User Name = your hills logon name Port number = 22 Enter Password = your hills logon password On the left hand side is your windows’ directory; on the right hand side is your hills server directory. Drag and drop the files from windows side to Unix side to FTP files from PC to hills server. (or Vice Versa to download file from Unix to PC)
View your webpages from your browser Launch your browser The URL will be where LOGIN is your hills login. If the proper unix permissions have NOT been given, then viewing your homepage in a browser will display the permission denied messages. To fix this: Logon to hills server Change directory to public_html: cd public_html Change all files permission: chmod 755 *.* public_html must be given execute permission, and all web files must be given read permission.