WP3 Semivirtual Campus Progress Report Petr Grygarek VSB-CZ
What was done by WP3 (1) (from last meeting at Stara Lesna) Integration of Shibboleth AAA into Edinet SVC software adjustments in CP software, integration of Shibboleth SP minor changes in handling of user roles discussions concerning certificates and CAs memory upgrade was necessary to host Java-based IdP (1GB) description of IdP installation process in WP3 Wiki effective collaboration with UBE-CH Coordination/guidance of partner's lab integration (with WP6) integration is not finished by all partners yet
What was done by WP3 (2) (from last meeting at Stara Lesna) Setup of model partner’s lab hosting task properly configured at Edinet Common Portal and accessible to remote Edinet users Remote access is authenticated/authorized Software-based terminal server (Linux) Placed permamently to the Noticeboard Configuration automatically cleaned before reserved timeslots See CZ_Lab for details
What was done by WP3 (3) (from last meeting at Stara Lesna) Powerswitch-based configuration cleaning system was successfully tested and may serve as an example solution for other partners (partners may get code from WP3 SVN) Improvements in CP GUI Improvement of client-side installation guidelines
Current Status of SVC Integration The current situation concerning integration of partners' labs as known to WP3 is summarized at o_SVC The situation is not completely clear at every partner lab –staff problems at HSB-DE Partners are asked to continue with lab integration and update respective lab description Web pages under the link abovePartners are asked to continue with lab integration and update respective lab description Web pages under the link above –Consult with VSB-CZ if necessary Did every partner requested and obtained signed server certificates for IdP and GW ? –Send an to if certificates are needed
How to Progress with SVC Integration All necessary steps are summarized at nto_the_SVC Partners need to make a decision which approach to take to automatically clear configurations of lab devices before every reserved timeslots –General customizable cleaning system was designed and implemented nce_Systems/Configuration_Cleaning –Every partner is responsible for customization of example Configuration Cleaning Controller (see our SVN) Recommended solutions: power switch or scripts
Where to find installation instructions for individual components ? (1) Lab Management Network VPN Gateway – ement_Network_VPN_Gateway_System_Installation Shibboleth Identity Provider – oleth_for_our_AAA#Installation_Howto_for_EdiNet_IdP_and_SP Terminal server –Use HW device or our Linux-based implementation –HW device must be compatible with the Common Terminal Server Model (see del) –See based_Terminal_Server for information concerning our Linux- based implementation
Where to find installation instructions for individual components ? (2) Configuration cleaning system (powerswitch or scripts) – aintenance_Systems/Configuration_Cleaning Physical setup of lab task using network devices – nd_Lab_Interconnection#General_Remote_Access_S olution
Configuration of Partner’s Lab Parameters and Task Definition on the Common Portal Lab parameters (SVC-admin user) –IP addresses of lab servers –Definition of management interfaces of individual devices Lab Task (Lab admin user) –At least the task produced in scope of WP2 –Task Preconfiguration Description –Task Preconfiguration Implementation –Place the task to the Noticeboard
Lab Integration Status Inquiry The current situation at HSB-DE ? UBE-CH ? TUKE-SK ? FHJ-AT ? IT-FI ?
Other Things TODO Now FHJ-AT: Finalize customization of the bugtracking system and define procedures of the daily usage by all partners and SVC developers –Bug processing workflow, person responsible for account creation, … –use VSB-CZ suggestions if possible –DEADLINE: before piloting starts IT-FI: Nice CSSs to improve look&feel of Common Portal and possibly GUI of Local AAA Servers (Shibboleth IdP) –IdP GUI should become less complicated or a manual should be provided (UBE-CH+HSB-DE) –Deadline: before start of preparation of SVC usage manuals (screenshots needed) HSB-DE: SVC usage manuals