Linnaeus-Palme A programme aiming to create and stimulate cooperation between HEI in Sweden and low- and middle income countries.
What is the Linnaeus-Palme programme? The LP-programme is a tool for the Swedish Government to reach the goals for building capacity and competence for Swedish actors, as well as actors in low- and middle income countries. Through the cooperation the actors aimed to be a part of the long-term work for a sustainable reduction of world poverty. The programme also supports Swedish HEI to internationalize and contribute to long-term bilateral cooperation. The programme consists of two parts; the Linnaeus contribution is for Swedish outgoing teachers and students, the Palme contribution is for incoming teachers and students. Palme-contribution is higher than the Linnaeus one. Financed by Sida Administrated by UHR (Swedish Council for Higher Education)
The role of the applicant The applicant is representing his/her department and writes the application together with the foreign partner The department (the applicant) is the operational responsible for the project and needs to: Administrate the grants (for students and teachers) Document and evaluate experiences and result of the cooperation Compile the project report (yearly or interim) Inform the foreign partner about the programme/conditions
LP Conditions and structure Planning trips Teachers exchanges Student exchanges Evaluation trips
1 Planning trips To prepare future exchange Min 7 days incl. travel Max 2 p can travel (teacher and admin) 20 000 kr (flat-rate) grant/p
2. Teachers exchanges Teaching at undergraduate and master's level, QA, accreditation, develop cooperation further etc. Min 21 days incl travel, max 8 week. Max 3 t/dep/project year. Palme teacher – travel costs + 800 kr/day Linnaeus teachers - travel and accommodation costs
3 Student exchanges Full time studies (Bachelor´s and Master´s level) The courses shall be accredited for the students Linnaeus- students shall be Swedish citizens or permanent residences Exchange min 12 weeks, max 40 weeks Max two weeks for language courses/welcome arrangements etc (does not need to be included in the accreditation) Max four student exchange/department/year Not for field work, only regular courses Both Linnaeus and Palme students shall write a report about the exchange experience - to be included in the project report from the department to UHR
4 Evaluation trips After three years Follow up and evaluate - academic and admin Shall be done by teacher active in the project, also administrator can join
LP Conditions and structure Support for language training: teacher can apply for max two weeks intensive language course (before exchange). Support for disability (application need to be submitted before project starts) Duration of the project: First application is for a 1 year cooperation period. After two years collaboration, one can apply for two years at the time. LP supports max eight years/cooperation project. Conditions : No fees for students and teachers should bring there salary from home-university when they are teaching abroad. :
Project applications must always include: “Information about participating departments and previous or existing contacts. Description of the aims, expected results and mutual benefits, in addition to motiving the aims 'relevance to the purpose of the Linnaeus-Palme Programme. Project plan, risk assessment and risk management plan. Please note that applications that are only for planning trips do not need to include these three sections. Instead, these issues should be clarified during the trip. Ethical discussion. This is not obligatory if the application is only for a planning trip. An up-to-date statement from the overseas department must be appended to the application. This must say that the Palme department supports the Linnaeus-Palme partnership in the current application round.”
How to apply? The application consist of two parts; 1) the department´s project application and 2) the overall - application from KTH central level. LP-call once/year. (17 November, 2014 for period 2015-2016 or 2015-2017). Internal KTH deadline approx. one week earlier. The applicant applies through UHR´s electronic application form. The applicant gives a printed, and by Head of Department (Prefect) signed, application to central LP administrator ( at KTH International Relations office. LP administrator makes a KTH-overall-application (ramansökan) with Principle´s signature. UHR informs the result in March/April 2015
Where to find partners? Using existing contacts Dialogue with KTH, IR UHR´s yearly contact seminars UHR´s yearly National seminars
Financing The programme is a compliment for the Swedish HEI to internationalize and part of financing is needed to be covered by the Swedish HEI. The applicant is encourage to investigate the indirect cost for the implementation of the project The Swedish partner is responsible for the payment of grants for both students and teachers
Financing 8000 sek – for each project (Projekteringsbidrag for administration) 1000 sek – for each participating Linnaeus teacher 4000 sek – for each participating Palme teacher 2000 sek – for each participating student Palme teachers flat-rate compensation á 800 kr/day Linnaeus teachers – country-wise + travel costs Linnaeus students – 25 000 kr/semester (20 weeks) 40 000 kr/ two semesters (40 weeks) Palme students 53 000 kr (20 weeks) and 89 000 kr (40 weeks) Extra financing for visa-costs Payment - after contract signed
Guidelines and application form is find on this link: http://www Guidelines and application form is find on this link: Contact KTH LP administrator: