Air Quality Cluster Earth Science Information Partners Goals 1. Serve as facilitator and advisor for the Earth science information community. 2. Promote flow of Earth science data from collection to end-use. 3. Improve usability of Earth science data and information systems. 4. Expand the use of Earth science information – get it to the decision-makers. 5. Educate the public about Earth science and science information systems. datatools,methods,services AQ Cluster builds links among groups in order to achieve an effective use of data in decision- making that could not be achieved by any organization acting on its own. Connect air quality data consumers and data producers: bringing people and ideas together for delivering earth science data to AQ researchers, managers and other users/consumers facilitate and demonstrate information flow from data providers to AQ consumers datatools,methods,services a) b) c) AQ Cluster aids in reuse of data, processing tools and other services across projects, programs and agencies. users
Recent Cluster Interaction Provided a coordination/collaboration forum for following activities Community ActivityCluster Interaction AQ Data Summit wiki workspace, ESIP profile GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot scenario input, wiki workspace, telecon discussions NOX Data Synthesis Workshop workshop development and coordination, group preparations, wiki, suggestions for standards-based interoperability between OMI providers and AQ users S.Cal Smoke Wiki wiki, contributed smoke data/analysis web content DataSpaces host on wiki, metadata aggregation, provide content, discussions on design; coordination with educational DataSheets Other interaction: NSF proposal coordination, NASA proposal submissions, data lineage design discussions
Data-Centric Workspace: DataSpaces Catalog - Find Dataset Describe Dataset Discuss Dataset Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Semantic Wiki: Structured (RDF) and Unstructured Content Open, Standard Matadata Ready for Export/Harvesting by Registries, Catalogs, Portals, Mashups, … Metadata Aggregation