+ Date : 16 Sept 2014 Digital Publishing Tools: WordPress
This afternoon ✤ Quick: design concepts ✤ WordPress overview ✤ Lab
+ Grids / Typeface / Visuals & Text
+ SanSerif v Serif Points v Pixels Best practices
+ Grids / Typeface / Visuals & Text Images should convey info (not just be pretty) Writing style for screens: Chunk Bullets Active tense Short graphs Optimal text for hyperlinks (no “click here”)
+ What Is A Blog? A blog is a website with certain characteristics (n); To blog is a verb It is characterized by a reverse chronological ordering of entries, which we call posts. We do not call them blogs! Posts are grouped into categories for ease of finding like posts Posts may also have tags. Think of categories like nouns and tags like adjectives. (Blue socks) Posts are linked to RSS, a form of subscription/alerts. You can also create pages (about-me is standard) which are stand-alone and do not show up on the blog home page
+ What Is WordPress? WordPress is a content management system WordPress is a blogging platform WordPress is an identity system WordPress flavors.com.org
+ Lab Setting up a WordPress blog Creating an account Your first post Using categories Managing your user profile
+ 1a. Set up account Go to WordPress.com Type your firstNamelastName in the box Prepare to use an address you can access from your lab computer
+ 1b. Set up account It may be a challenge to pick a unique username You want the FREE version (scroll)
+ 1c. Set up account Pick a name
+ 1d. Set up theme Use Twenty Thirteen – you can change it later
+ 1e. Set up theme Skip – you can customize it later
+ 1f. Set up sharing Skip – you can figure out sharing later
+ 1g. Confirm
+ 1h. Confirm
+ 1i. Confirm
+ 2a. Your first post & categories Title: Hello, world! Body: something about the lab New category: Class posts Publish
+ 2b. Your first post & categories
+ 2c. Your first post & categories
+ 3a. Manage personal profile
+ 3b. Manage personal profile Gravatar.com
+ Resources 10 resources for beginning WordPress bloggers 10 resources for beginning WordPress bloggers Blogging glossary Creating links (hypertext) in WordPress (YouTube) Creating links (hypertext) in WordPress Creating links (hypertext) in WordPress editor Creating links (hypertext) in WordPress editor Other WordPress and blogging resources Other WordPress and blogging resources
+ Contact Kathy E Gill kegill at uw dot edu or gmail (fastest!)kegill Presentation permalink: wp.me/p3eg9d-2kVwp.me/p3eg9d-2kV Licensing: Creative Commons attribution (link to this Slideshare or WiredPen), non-commercial, share-and-share alike