Disciplining the Graduate Attributes. Overview Background What are the Graduate Attributes? Curriculum Renewal Project in Humanities and Social Sciences.


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Presentation transcript:

Disciplining the Graduate Attributes

Overview Background What are the Graduate Attributes? Curriculum Renewal Project in Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Renewal Process Results and Key Insights Advantages 2

Traditional Approach to Higher Education Changes to Higher Education (particularly from mid 90s) supply-driven --institutional focus (this is what we offer) demand-driven -- economy/student focus (what would you like to study?) low demand (most jobs did not require high levels of education) high demand (increasing requirements for pre/in-service education ) elitism (8%)massification (>40%) binary system (Universities and CAEs)Unified National System (Dawkins) high proportion of public fundinglow proportion of public funding (HECS, full fee courses, International students) high levels of self determinationgreater requirement for accountability quality conceptualised in terms of inputs (TER scores, funding, staffing) quality conceptualised in terms of outputs (Graduate Attributes, jobs, publications, performance-based funding) quality of courses asserted by academics according to their own frameworks quality determined by external agencies according to stakeholder perspectives (AUQA/TEQSA, AQF) 3

University Revenue by Source

5 Whitlam: fees abolished

University Revenue by Source Major policy shift: UNS, HECS

University of Adelaide Graduate Attributes Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised. The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a wide variety of sources in a planned and timely manner. An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to current and future problems. Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and communication. A proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies. A commitment to continuous learning and the capacity to maintain intellectual curiosity throughout life. A commitment to the highest standards of professional endeavour and the ability to take a leadership role in the community. An awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues within a global context and their importance in the exercise of professional skills and responsibilities. 7

Graduate Attributes: Characteristics outcomes oriented – for the student: personal improvement, social mobility, economic gain – for society: fostering citizenship, increased standard of living – for the economy: work-ready, future employability in a changing context broadly based  beyond content – content widely available (Google, MOOCs, texts, etc) the ‘feral student’ – value-add of universities – credentialling function content: syllabus transferable skills: communication, teamwork, thinking, information literacy contextual factors: personal, professional, internationalisation, citizenship, employment 8

Graduate Attributes: Characteristics at the level of program/major – made up of constituent courses – outcomes for the major determines the nature of courses » architecture determines the composition of components given meaning by the discipline – systematic and defensible (incorporate standards and stakeholder views) – intentional not aspirational (specified through learning outcomes) – measured (through assessment) – supported directly through teaching and learning responsibility of all members of the discipline 9

Graduate Attributes: Framework for Renewal part of the University’s quality assurance framework – focus on outcomes for students (employment related) – validity of programs and courses (through course learning outcomes and assessment) – stakeholder interests (employers, professional associations, quality for whom – students (confidence in what they know and can do) – society (accountability for tax payer contribution) – academic staff (professional responsibility for quality) focus for TEQSA – good practice Good Universities Guide – recruitment, marketing used in performance funding formula world-wide quality movement 10

Curriculum Renewal Project in HUMSS curriculum renewal project in each faculty 17 Majors and 306 courses (within the Faculty) variations in the structure of majors – history, politics have very little structure – languages are highly structured no external professional requirements languages must meet competency standards timeframes tight--Review of BA requires curriculum renewal to be completed by early 2014 for approval by PAEC 11

Curriculum Renewal Outcomes major – coherence and integrity – developmental sequence of knowledge, skills and their application – compliance with AQF, TEQSA, Threshold Learning Outcomes – profile in relation to U of A Graduate Attributes – Graduate Attributes profile of the major shapes Graduate Attributes of constituent courses – University priorities (Beacon, BA Review) course – alignment between course learning outcomes and assessment course learning outcomes articulate student expectations assessment determines the extent to which course learning outcomes have been achieved – learning and teaching arrangements support students to successfully undertake the assessment – contribution of the course to the GA profile of the major. University of Adelaide12

Process of Mapping and Development 1. What do we understand by the Graduate Attributes? – development of Indicators 2. What do these indicators mean within the disciplines? – development of Discipline-Specific Learning Outcomes (DSLOs) for each major 3. What have we got now? – review of each course in the major and development of course summaries – review of the major by collating the individual course summaries 4. What do we want? – agreement on the characteristics of the major 5. How are we going to get it? – identification of how these characteristics can be delivered through the component courses – changes to courses and course documentation. 13

Mapping Progression 14

1. Process of Mapping and Development: Indicators 15

GAs and their Indicators 1. Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised. a.understanding of a broad and coherent body of knowledge including concepts, theories and methodologies. b. in-depth knowledge in one or more disciplines including major scholars, concepts, techniques, theories, relevant approaches to research, key resources, current debates and research issues c.understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of scholarship 16

GAs and their Indicators 4. Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and communication. a.appreciation of social, cultural and linguistic diversity and how this impacts on interpersonal transactions including communication styles b.ability to communicate effectively within a discipline and professional context c.capacity to contribute productively to group-based outcomes 17

2. Process of Mapping and Development: Discipline-Specific Learning Outcomes (DSLOs) 18

GAs, Indicators and Discipline-Specific Learning Outcomes 1. Knowledge and understanding of the content and techniques of a chosen discipline at advanced levels that are internationally recognised IndicatorDSLOs for English a.understanding of a broad and coherent body of knowledge including concepts, theories and methodologies understanding of a broad knowledge of literary and other texts including visual representations and other forms of cultural production understanding of the various genres of literary and other texts and visual representations including prose, poetry, drama and film understanding of key terms and concepts in literary studies 19

GAs, Indicators and Discipline-Specific Learning Outcomes 4. Skills of a high order in interpersonal understanding, teamwork and communication IndicatorDSLOs for English b. ability to communicate effectively within a discipline and professional context advanced literacy skills including broad vocabulary, accurate spelling and use of grammar, clarity of expression, appropriate style disciplined approach to the writing process including the drafting and redrafting of documents ability to present sustained and persuasive written and oral arguments cogently and coherently and to engage in critical debate 20

3a. Process of Mapping and Development: Courses What have we got now? – Course Mapping Against the DSLOs Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning and Teaching Arrangements Quantification of emphases 21

Learning Outcomes 22

Assessment 23

Learning and Teaching 24

Emphases and Alignment: Tragedy HML values quantified to obtain a numerical profile of each course 25 Knowledge Information Literacy Problem Solving Communication and teamwork Technology Lifelong Learning Profession al integrity and leadership Ethical, social & cultural awareness DSLO 1a1b1c2a2b3a3b3c3d4a4b4c5a5b6a6b7a7b8a8b CLOs Score Assessment Scores

Knowledge Information Literacy Problem Solving Communication and teamwork Technology Lifelong Learning Profession al integrity and leadership Ethical, social & cultural awareness DSLO 1a1b1c2a2b3a3b3c3d4a4b4c5a5b6a6b7a7b8a8b CLOs Score Assessment Scores Emphases and Alignment: Tragedy HML quantified to obtain a numerical profile of each course 26

3b. Process of Mapping and Development: Majors What have we got now? – review collated course maps and other information – discussion involving all members of the discipline – collective responsibility 27

Collated Course Learning Outcome Scores 28

Collated Assessment Scores 29

Course Scores Collated Numerical course profiles aggregated good alignment professional dimension (7 & 8) strong knowledge very strong analysis very strong (AQF) interpersonal interaction (4a) not strong group work (4c) low 30 DSLO Alignment of CLOs and Assessment KnowledgeInformation Literacy Problem SolvingCommunication and teamwork TechnologyLifelong Learning Professional integrity and leadership Ethical, social & cultural awareness 1a1b1c2a2b3a3b3c3d4a4b4c5a5b6a6b7a7b8a8b 9.1 CLO scores Assessment scores

4. Process of Mapping and Development: Agreeing on the Curriculum What do we want? – agreeing on the preferred curriculum characteristics of the major emphases discipline issues University issues 31

Rethinking the Major Numerical course profiles aggregated good alignment but are these the preferred emphases? increase professional dimension (7 & 8)? does knowledge/analysis need to be this dominant? increase interpersonal interaction (4a)? increase group work (4c)? 32 DSLO Alignment of CLOs and Assessment KnowledgeInformation Literacy Problem SolvingCommunication and teamwork TechnologyLifelong Learning Professional integrity and leadership Ethical, social & cultural awareness 1a1b1c2a2b3a3b3c3d4a4b4c5a5b6a6b7a7b8a8b 9.1 CLO scores Assessment scores

How are we going to get it? – changes to the major can only occur through the constituent courses – Course Coordinators make agreed changes complete necessary documentation – Course Learning Outcomes all courses Process of Mapping and Development: Amending Courses

Renewing Course Learning Outcomes ENGL 2069 Tragedy Existing Course Learning OutcomesRenewed Course Learning Outcomes On the successful completion of this course students will be able to: 1.Confidently read and understand a variety of creative and theoretical texts central to the discourse of tragedy. 1.read and interpret a selection of creative and theoretical texts central to the discourse of Tragedy. 2. Explain key terms in the theory and practice of tragedy. 2. understand the major theoretical and critical movements as they apply to Tragedy. 3. Evaluate the relationship between theory and practice as it relates to tragedy. 3.explain the interdisciplinary nature of the discourse of Tragedy 4. Recognise and evaluate cultural and historical specificity and difference as these are represented by the range of creative and theoretical texts 4.evaluate the selected texts within their historical contexts 5. Research set topics and write coherently and logically argued essays which incorporate that research. 5.undertake research on set topics including an annotated bibliography and a brief survey of the critical literature 6. Critically evaluate their own and other’s written materials. 6.present persuasive and sustained written arguments based on the research 7.C ontribute to group-based activities and work as a member of a team in the preparation and delivery of a seminar presentation 7.contribute to group-based activities and work as a member of a team in the preparation and delivery of a seminar presentation 34

Tragedy Renewed 35

Results Across HUMSS 88% (269/306) of courses completed the mapping majors – Graduate Outcomes in 4c, 7 and 8 were generally not strong – Knowledge and Problem Solving strong courses – alignment mixed – changes needed to Course Learning Outcomes – changes to assessment in some cases – reconsider the mapping—may be there but not recognised other processes still being undertaken 36

Key Insights curriculum development is serious academic work that needs recognition in workload and acknowledgement of expertise a way of thinking about teaching--not a once-off exercise course coordinators operate as members of an academic team – ‘ownership’ of courses – transparency – accountability implications for Faculty committee structure, quality processes and academic roles as part of an integrated approach foundation for further curriculum development – capstones, first year experience, career readiness, articulation other possible applications – e-portfolios, tailor-made qualifications, employer interface 37

Advantages of the Approach Indicators – clarifies the GAs – facilitates consistent outcomes across majors – compliance with AQF level 7 and TEQSA – benchmarks nationally and internationally Discipline Specific Learning Outcomes –‘interprets’ the University’s GAs within disciplines –incorporates discipline standards, stakeholder concerns, international benchmarking –incorporates other University priorities: academic literacies, e-Experience, Small Group Discovery Experiences, capstones, and research skills development Major – facilitates discussion and debate about strategic and operational issues – coherent, intentional and justifiable expression of the major (not just an aggregation of courses) – maps developmental sequences of academic literacies, research skills, e-Experience – identifies and shapes the various contributions of courses to the major Courses – validity–alignment between course learning outcomes and assessment, and their relationship to teaching and learning arrangements – identifies contribution of a course to the major 38