CMD-2 and SND results on the and International Workshop «e+e- Collisions from to » February 27 – March 2, 2006, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia M.N. Achasov Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Cross section e + e → hadrons
Process e + e → hadrons ( √s < 1,4 GeV ) V – vector meson, I G (J PC ) = 1 + (1 ) и 0 (1 ) V = , excited states. (at √s < 1,4 GeV the vector mesons dominance model describes the e + e → hadrons cross section with accuracy of about 1% )
Importance of the e + e → hadrons processes studies in the energy region √s < 1,4 GeV Determination of the parameters of the light vector mesons R(s)= (e + e → hadrons )/ (e + e → ) ( calculation of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g-2)/2; … ) Check of the CVC ( comparison of the isovector part of the e + e → hadrons cross section with spectral function in → hadrons decays )
Experimental situation in the energy region √s < 2 GeV. VEPP-2M (√s <1,4 ГэВ, luminosity up to 3 × cm -2 s -1 ) finished its operation and now is beening reconstructed as VEPP-2000 (energy region up to 2 ГэВ, luminosity up to cm -2 s -1 ) factory DA NE (luminosity up to cm -2 s -1 ) nowadays produce experimental data at the meson mass (1020 MeV). B-factory at SLAC the e + e → hadrons cross section at low energies is measured with radiative return method :
VEPP-2M Center of mass energy region 360 – 1400 MeV Luminosity at 1000 MeV 3 × cm -2 s -1
CRYOGENIC MAGNETIC DETECTOR - 2 (CMD-2) SPHERICAL NEUTRAL DETECTOR (SND) 1 – beam pipeline, 2 – drift chambers, 3 – scintillation counter, 4 – light guides, 5 – PMT, 6 – NaI(Tl) crystals, 7 – VPT, 8 – iron absorber, 9 – stream tubes, 10 – iron plates, 11 – scintillation counters, 12 – magnetic lens, 13 – bonding magnets. 1 – beam pipeline, 2 – drift chamber, 3 – Z-chamber, 4 – superconducting solenoid, 5 – compensating magnets, 6 – BGO end cup calorimeter, 7 – CsI(Tl,Na) calorimeter, 8 – muon system, 9 – magnet yoke.
Integrated luminosity Integrated luminosity accumulation dynamics Integrated luminosity distribution over energy region. Total luminosity per detector is 30 pb -1.
The cross sections e + e → hadrons measurement method The experimental data is accumulated using √s energy scan method and then analyzed ; The e + e → hadrons cross sections measurement: N – number of the e + e → hadrons events; IL – integrated luminosity (measured using e + e → e + e and ); - detection efficiency (obtained from MC simulation); rad – radiative correction; spr – correction due to the beam energy spread.
Analysis of the e + e → hadrons cross sections In order to obtain the vector mesons V = parameters the measured cross section of the process e + e → X is fitted with theoretical expression: The following parameters can be obtained from the fit: m V - mass, V – width, V – phase and
Measurement of already known decays First observation → → → e + e → e + e → f 0 a 0 e + e Results of the mesons rare decays studies with CMD-2 and SND detectors at VEPP-2M. Rare decays of (Br<10 3 ).
The e + e → cross section The e + e → process cross section in the VEPP-2M energy region. The value → e + e ) obtained in various experiments. Yellow area shows the average value For data description the mesons are required. At √s 780 МэВ the interference is seen.
The meson parameters (mass and width) Here are shown the m and measured in e + e experiments in processes: e + e → → (SND-05, CMD-2-02, OLYA-85), e + e → → SND-05, KLOE-03 → → (ALEPH-05, CLOE-2-00) Yellow area shows the average value.
The e + e → cross section The e + e → → transition dominates in this reaction. At VEPP-2M the e + e → → transition was observed. The intermediate state different from these two was observed by KLOE and CMD-2 in the -meson energy region (maybe e + e → → ). The e + e → cross section measured by SND. Syst. error 3,4–5,4%. The curve is the result of the fit taking into account
The e + e → cross section Curve is the result of the fit taking into account resonances. (Dots are SND data) The e + e → process cross section. Syst. error: SND - 3%, CMD %.
The meson parameters (mass and width) In measurements CMD-2-04 and SND-03 the -meson parameters were obtained using e + e → process, while in CMD using e + e → reaction Yellow area shows the average value.
The meson main decays modes Yellow area shows the average value.
The e + e → K + K and K S K L cross sections For data description the resonances are required.
The e + e → K + K cross section in the – meson energy region. → K + K decay. Systematic errors: SND – 7%, CMD-2 – 3-4% (preliminary) Yellow area shows the average value.
The e + e → K S K L cross section in the – meson energy region. → K S K L decay. The cross section measurements were based on the K S → and decays. Systematic errors: SND – 3,3%, CMD-2 – 1,7% Yellow area shows the average value.
The e + e → cross section The cross section was measured using → decays. For data description the following states are required . The systematic errors in the vicinity of the meson peak are 3-7%
The → and decays Comparison of the SND and CMD-2 measurements with the other experimental results. Yellow area shows the average value.
The meson parameters (mass and width) Comparison of the SND and CMD-2 measurements with the other experimental results. Yellow area shows the average value.
Probability of the → e + e decay. Yellow area shows the VEPP-2M average. Deviation from KLOE result is 3 CMD-2-05 – using the main → hadrons decays (preliminary). KLOE-05 – using cross section and e + e forward-backward asymmetry. СНД-01 – using the main → hadrons decays and cross section. CMD-2-95 – using the main → hadrons decays
Resonances with I G (J PC ) = 1 + (1 ) and 0 (1 ) above meson. These resonances exist. Their parameters are not well established and nature is not clear. The number of them is unknown. Some important results from SND and CMD-2: The clear experimental evidence of the resonance; Observation of the a 1 dominance in the process e + e → The e + e → cross sectionThe e + e → + - - cross section
Estimation of the / and / / parameters m V, MeV V, MeV (V→ 3 nb (V→ee),eV ,5860 The parameters of the /, / / were estimated from combined analysis of the e + e → process cross section measured by SND and DM-2 data on the e + e → reaction The ratios of the wave functions at the origin are more then 1 : while
Conclusions In the the experiments with CMD-2 and SND detectors at VEPP-2M were fulfilled. The cross sections of the e + e annihilation in hadrons were measured in the energy region √s = 0,36 – 1,38 GeV. Results of these experiments determine nowadays the accuracy of the light vector mesons parameters determination. They are one of the main source of information about particle physics at low energies.