ILC Controls & Instrumentation R&D Activities at Fermilab G. Tassotto, M. Votava, M. Wendt Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, U.S.A. Layout of the M-Test Secondary Beamline for ILC Detector Components Beam Instrumentation: Proportional wire chambers (PWC) Scintillation Counters PROPORTIONAL WIRE CHAMBER Presently used in secondary, low intensity, beamlines Chamber Specifications X,Y sense plane between HV foils. require vacuum break. lots of material in the beam Gas - ArCO 2 80/20 % Electron charge make up the signal Typical setting: V to display 20,000 particles. Electronics 96 channel integrator (FNAL design) Integration time from 1 sec to 6.5 sec Dynamic range: X1, X10, X bit ADC Sensitivity = mV/ADC count Noise 0.2% of full scale Calibration feature Installation Picture of chamber MT6WC1 after installation and alignment FIBER PROFILE MONITOR Will replace PWC in M-Test secondary beamline Low beam energy – 1 GeV Low beam intensity - down to a few ppp Cycle time - 1 min. Spill time - 4 sec. System parameters: Burle Multianode MCP PMT HV = (Gain = 800,000) Nanometrics N277 threshold = 1.86 Estimated discriminator threshold = 5 photo electrons (pe) Light output ≈ 5 pe/Mip/fiber (Mip = minimum ionization particle) Wire Plane Assembly Layout of 16 3/4 mm horizontal fibers on ceramic substrate that will show a vertical beam profile. The vertical fibers are epoxied behind the the ceramic. Final Assembly X and Y fibers planes are installed inside a vacuum can. The 64 signals are taken from the MCP via a 50 conductor cable to a standard Fermilab SWIC scanner. Cookie The fibers are bundled and epoxied in a “cookie” to match the Burle multichannel plate (
RF-gun booster cavities 1 & Ghz cav doublettripletquads beam trans. bunch compressor dipole low energy injector dump ILC Module 1 B doublet high energy beam dump dog-leg test beam-line (TBD) HOM couplers TY F T BC OB O S O STOOY O OOS T OPS P S O C TOS Y O S S O SO T CB T SOSTOSOSS S test beam-line for advanced beam instrumentation, e.g. EOS, Laser-wire, OTRI, cavity BPM’s,… S S doublet correctors dipole O S T doublet quad dipoledoublet correctors ~ 19 meters~ 22 meters Layout of the ILC Test Accelerator (ILCTA) at the “New Muon Lab” (NML) building – not to scale Basic beam instrumentation: Beam current / bunch charge monitor (T: toroid) Beam position monitor (B: button, S: stripline, PS: perpendicular stripline, C: cavity) Screen monitor (some multifunctional) (Y: YaG, O: OTR, C: CTR, S: slit, F: Faraday-cup) Time-of-flight or beam phase monitor Synchrotron light bunch length monitor (P: pyro detector) TDB: beam loss monitors (BLM) Cold L-Band Cavity BPM for the Cryomodule Principle of Operation Problems with simple “Pill-Box” Cavity BPM’s: TM010 monopole common mode (CM) Cross-talk (xy-axes, polarization) Transient response (single- bunch measurements) Wake-potential (heat-load, BBU) Cryogenic and cleanroom requirements ILC/ILCTA Controls System ILC Challenges High Availability – % uptime Phase reference distribution Remote Control – possibly 3 control rooms world-wide Sheer length and number of components – database tracking critical Operator Displays Archiving Electronics Diagnostics Operator Displays Frequency, GHz1.46 Loaded Q~ 600 Beam pipe radius, mm39 Cell radius, mm114 Cell gap, mm10 Waveguide, mm122x110x25 Coupling slot, mm47x5x3 Window – Ceramic brick of alumina 96% e r ≈ 9.4 Size: the same as slot N type receptacle, 50 Ohm, D=9.75 mm d=3.05 mm EM Modeling of the Waveguide-loaded Cavity-BPM Waveguide-loaded pillbox with slot coupling. Dimensioning for f 010 and f 110 symmetric to f RF : f RF = 1.3 GHz, f 010 ≈ 1.1 GHz, f 110 ≈ 1.5 GHz. Dipole- and monopole ports, no reference cavity for intensity signal normalization and signal phase (sign). Q load ≈ 600 (~ 10 % cross-talk at 300 ns bunch-to-bunch spacing). Minimization of the X-Y cross-talk (dimple tuning). Simple (cleanable) mechanics. Iteration of EM-simulations for optimizing all dimensions. N 2 Temperature Cycling of a Test Cavity-BPM (without Waveguide Ports) Waveguide-loaded Cold Cavity-BPM: View of the Preliminary Construction ILC LLRF Layout for a Main Linac RF Station