Achieving Authentic Inquiry in Your Classroom Presented by Eric Garber
My Career as a Teacher Classroom teacher for 3 rd and 5 th grade in West Covina Science and English teacher for Elementary Students in Berlin Currently teaching science to 6 th -8 th grade students at West Sacramento Early College Prep. Have utilized the Next Generation Science Standards of Practice the past three years in a project based environment.
Next Generation Science Standards This seminar will focus on the practices of a scientist and an engineer. They are the same eight for all grades K-12 but with increasing depth and sophistication
Why the change? Students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined A focus on the act of “doing” science or engineer can tap into a student’s curiosities, interests and internal motivation
The Main Goal Help students to investigate, model and explain the world as scientists and create elegant solutions to problems as engineers In other words, create young scientists and engineers not just study science and engineering
Science or Engineering? Often, if the purpose is to answer a question then it is science. If the purpose is to define and solve a problem then it most likely is engineering.
The Eight Practices 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
The Eight Practices are not separate They overlap with each other One practice may connect to another They may not progress in order
Creating Inquiry Start by helping students identify what they are curious about Develop questions around their curiosities that are researchable and testable (Science) Or, Define the problem that needs to be solved (engineering) Avoid using Google to answer your questions. Focus on the process not just the solution or claim.
Robotics Visit What did you observe? What practices do you think occurred? How could a teacher capture those moments?
Example Activity The Gear Challenge: Create the best gear combination possible to yield the highest speed of the wheel by turning the drive lever
Identifying the Practices It is important to help the students identify each of the eight practices in their work and emphasize the relevance of each practice Your assessment and insight on each of the practices that they exhibit (or don’t exhibit) will help them grow as young scientists and engineers
1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems Did the student: ask a question that arose from careful observation of phenomena, models or unexpected results, to clarify and/or seek additional information? pose a question that is testable? form a hypothesis that is based on observations and scientific principles? define a problem that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process, or system? (Engineering)
2. Using Models This is a practice in both science and engineering to use and construct models as tools for representing ideas, concepts or their explanations Models can be a diagram, drawing, or physical replica. Did they use observations and measurements to develop their model? Did they use the model to predict or explain behaviors of a system?
3. Planning and Carrying out Investigations Did the Students: make a systematic plan and outline the steps to their procedures identify what counts as data and identify variables or parameters conduct an investigation and evaluate the experiment or design to meet the their predetermined goals
4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data Did the Students: use tables, graphs, spreadsheets, etc. to display and analyze data recognize patterns in data and see relationships between variables revise my initial hypothesis when the data doesn’t support it analyze performance of a design under a range of conditions
5. Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking Did the students: use mathematics and statistics to analyze data express relationships between variables by writing mathematical models or equations use mathematical models and computer simulations to test my predictions and designs
6. Construct Explanations and Design Solutions Did the students evaluate information and form hypotheses construct explanations or models of phenomena design a variety of solutions to a problem
7. Engage in an Argument from Evidence Did the student: defend their explanation with evidence formulate evidence based on solid data examine their own understanding in light of the evidence collaborate with peers in searching for the best explanation
8. Obtain, Evaluate and Communicate Information Did the student: communicate findings clearly and persuasively derive meaning from scientific text and their own research results engage in discussions with scientific peers evaluate the validity of the findings of others Select the most appropriate methods for communicating their ideas (table, graph, science paper, model, etc.)
Getting Started Free or Inexpensive Investigations to get your young scientists and engineers going: Biodiversity: Organisms that live on your campus Dichotomous Keys: Collect, Sort and Group anything Animal Behaviors: Crickets, Ants or Earthworms Buoyancy: Tinfoil boats Building Structures: Paper Bridge Solar System: Make your own Sundial