Type Anatomy of Click anywhere on the screen to view the next slide, or use the arrow keys to move forward and back.
T yp Anatomy of Type meanline baseline An imaginary line that establishes the height of the body of lowercase letters. T yp baseline An imaginary line upon which the base of each capital letter rests.
T yp Anatomy of Type capline x-height An imaginary line that runs along the tops of uppercase letters. T yp x-height The distance from the baseline to the meanline. The height of the body of lowercase letters.
dp Anatomy of Type ascender descender A stroke on a lowercase letter that rises above the meanline. dp descender A stroke on a lowercase letter that falls below the baseline.
de Anatomy of Type bowl counter A curved stroke enclosing a counter. The negative space that is fully or partially enclosed by a letterform.
do serif Anatomy of Type hairline Short strokes that extend from and at an angle to the upper and lower ends of the major strokes of a letterform. do hairline The thinnest strokes within a typeface that has strokes of varying weights.
h Anatomy of Type terminal stroke The end of any letterform that does not end with a serif. h stroke Any of the linear elements within a letterform.