A Brief Examination of Existing Psychosocial Programs Alan Dick MSW RSW Oct 2011
CRTI Psychosocial Contracts CRTI RD Psychological risk assessment and management tools to enhance response to CBRN attacks and threats in Canada (Lemyre) (4 Ranking) %20Lemyre%20et%20al%20- %20A%20psychosocial%20risk%20assessment%20and%20management%20fra mework,% pdf %20Lemyre%20et%20al%20- %20A%20psychosocial%20risk%20assessment%20and%20management%20fra mework,% pdf P-RAM Is a PS risk assessment tool create to assist those in leadership to better determine the needs of a community. CRTI TD Psychosocial risk manager: computer-based pre-event training (Lemyre) Also known as PRiMer. (4 Ranking) PRiMer is a step forward from P-RAM. It is a a training course part online part in person. CRTI RD Simulation Training and Exercise (SIMTEC) (Justice institute) (4 Ranking) Just beginning but it will examine the training needs of managers in EOC on psychosocial issues
CRTI Psychosocial Contracts CRTI RD Enhancing resilience among high risk populations to maximize disaster preparedness (Tracey O’Sullivan) (Ranking 3-4) yEN.pdf yEN.pdf To review current intervention programs for special pop, To design, implement and evaluate resilience-building interventions for high risk populations in 3 target communities CRTI RD Rural Disaster Resilience Project (RDRP) (Justice Institute) (3 Ranking) Develop technologies to enhance the resiliency and response capability for rural communities in Canada, and delivery of a web-based Virtual Community. CRTI RD Caring about healthcare workers as first responders: enhancing capacity for gender-based support mechanisms in emergency preparedness planning (Health Canada) (Ranking 2-3) Caring about healthcare workers as first responders: Enhancing capacity for gender-based support mechanisms in emergency preparedness planning.
Other Existing Programs Psychological First Aid Training: National Child Traumatic Stress Network/ National Center for PTSD/Dept of Veteran Affairs Current gold standard, a free to distribute psychosocial response manual, 8 core actions, online Certificate Disaster Behavioural Health Course: Public Health Agency of Canada/DEEP Center Based on DEEPs Surge, Sort and Support manual. Hospital based psychosocial response manual/training, Canadianized, online Certificate Safety Function Action training: DEEP Center/University Miami Psychosocial Response Framework, from safety to activate. Online Certificate Disaster Mental Health training, University of North Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness part training of ½ hour video clips and testing, more thorough mental portion. Certificates