Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor in e-izobraževanje: ali znamo? Miloš Petrovič, mag. Dunja Legat.


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Presentation transcript:

Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor in e-izobraževanje: ali znamo? Miloš Petrovič, mag. Dunja Legat

2 Okolje  V Sloveniji nimamo enotnega modela univerzitetnega knjižničarstva;  Komisija za knjižnični sistem UM pri ravnateljici UKM; Univerzitetna služba za knjižnično dejavnost UL + komisija pri Senatu UL;  Univerza in knjižnice – avtonomna, asimetrična in neodvisna sistema

3 Knjižnice Dve prelomnici:  Avtomatizacija v knjižnicah  Pojav interneta  Pred 30 leti pionirji  Kasneje spregledali razvoj poučevanja na univerzi  Klasično izobraževanje vs. e-izobraževanje

E-izobraževanje  Moodle  Discovery servisi (v Sloveniji EDS (EBSCO) prisoten na dveh univerzah)  Raziskovalni vodiči (LibGudes)

5 Moodle

6 Ebsco Discovery Service – vtičnik

7 Raziskovalni vodiči

8 KNJIŽNIČARJI Oblikovanje različnih vodičev: „tematskih“ vodičev, „kako iskati“ vodičev, „kako citirati – plagiatorstvo“ vodičev, etc. KNJIŽNIČAR PROFESOR ŠTUDENT PROFESORJI Oblikovanje seznamov priporočene literature ŠTUDENTOV POGLED Izboljšaj svoje znanje iz telemedicine: (1) (1)Priporočena literatura (EBSCO EDS) (2) (2)Izboljšaj svojo študijsko izkušnjo s pomočjo knjižničarja (LIbGuides)

Kako nadaljevati?  Podcasti  Screencasti  Video vsebine (Videolectures, Mooc…)  iTunesU  Repozitoriji  Portali  Mobilne aplikacije  Sistem enovite prijave

10 Sodelovanje – dobre prakse  Prevajanje in prilagajanje aplikacij v slovenščino (Ebsco, Libguides…)  Vključevanje novih aplikacij (vtičnik za Moodle, BrowZine, Raziskovalni pomočnik, Vufind…)

11 Organizacija  Potrebujemo učinkovito, smiselno preprosto in privlačno organizacijo celovite ponudbe e-izobraževanja;  Projektno delo, ker gre za akterje iz različnih institucij;  Začetki na UM: ustanovitev Delovne skupine za e-izobraževanje na UM (član tudi predstavnik UKM).

12 Organizacija in sodelovanje?

LEAVING THE SAFE HARBOR: REPOSITIONING THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR LIBRARY IN THE LMS Dunja Legat, MSc., Miloš Petrovič The strategy of the University of Maribor till 2020 is to increase also the usage of the learning management system (LMS) Moodle. With the incorporation of different library tools into the Moodle our library intends to support the university strategy and with this one step further wish to encourage the use of library resources as well as the subject librarians’ support. To access the library services only through website is nowadays not enough, so the library wishes to achieve more effective, time-saving and on-site instructions support in the centre of student's e-learning space - Moodle. As a show case we have integrated the library services into the first „entry“ Moodle page and the functionalities of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), LibGuides and subject librarian support at the „subject level“ page into the university LMS with the goal to empower the relationship between students, teachers and librarians. To examine these functionalities of the entire concept we have incorporated EDS plug-in into the administrative level of the LMS Moodle to help the teaching staff preparing reading lists directly connected to library resources. The advantage is that neither the professors nor the students have to leave the Moodle environment. For the incorporation of the LibGuides into the Moodle we used LibGuides API that can be integrated into the Moodle by the teacher’s request. We used the regular course at the University of Maribor as a show case and test the usability of our approach with the students survey. University of Maribor – current situation in LMS  University of Maribor – 17 faculties;  11 of them have central installation of Moodle;  4 of them have local & central installation of Moodle;  1 has local installation of Moodle;  1 uses Sharepoint;  just 2 faculties official offer a study programme as blended learnig; they conducted accreditation of their study programme performing as blended learning at the national level. (Faculty of Organizational Sciences and Faculty of Logistics).  1151 active study subjects;  unique entries of students;  370 active performers (teachers, assistants) of blended learning. Users‘ friendly library Links to:  Subject librarian  University discovery service UM:NIK  University of Maribor Digital library  Information literacy programmes  University library system Users‘ friendly library Links to:  Subject librarian  University discovery service UM:NIK  University of Maribor Digital library  Information literacy programmes  University library system Moodle administrator integration into Moodles‘ external tools (EBSCO EDS Plug In; LibGuides API) 1 2 LIBRARIAN PROFESSOR STUDENT Moodle entry page My courses“ page „My courses“ page Subject: Introduction to medicine II 25students (1 group) Prof. dr. Dejan Dinevski PROFESSORS‘ VIEW Creating recommended readings‘ lists STUDENTS SURVEY RESULTS (20 % answers, 5 students) Question: Please evaluate your experience of the usage of library services inside of Moodle STUDENTS‘ VIEW Improve your knowledge in telemedicine: (1) Recommended literature (EBSCO EDS) (2) Improve your study experience with the help of subject librarian (LIbGuides) LIBRARIANS Creating different guides: „subject“ guides, „how to search“ guides, „how to cite – plagiarism“ guides, etc. VABLJENI K OGLEDU (poster referat, LIBER 2014)