Watertown City School District Grade 4 Social Studies Test Chapter 4 Part 1 Multiple Choice Part 2 Constructed Response Questions Student Name: School Name: Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. The test has two parts. Part I contains several multiple-choice questions. Part II consists several short-answer questions. Write your answers to Part II in this test booklet. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. KEY Out of 27
Part I Answer all Questions in this part. 1. Which person started the fur trade with Native Americans in 1603? (A) Verrazano(C) Cartier (B) Champlain(D) Hudson Chapter 4 Columbus comes to the Americas Verrazzano sails up the present-day Hudson River 1524 Jacques Cartier explores the St. Lawrence River 1536 Champlain starts the fur trade with Native Americans 1603 Henry Hudson sails to present-day Albany 1609
Chapter 4 2. In the 1660’s, most people living in New Amsterdam came from (A) Africa (C) Great Britain (B) The Netherlands(D) France 3. Why did Dutch colonists want Peter Stuyvesant to surrender to the English? (A) They wanted to leave the colony. (B) The Dutch feared that the English could destroy them. (C) The English promised wealth to Dutch citizens. (D) They wanted to be English citizens. Number of People National Origin Population in New Amsterdam, 1660’s DutchAfrican BritishOthers ,000 1,200 Base your answers to question 2 on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Chapter 4 Base your answer to question number 6 on the partial outline below. 6. Which selection best completes this outline? (A) near a store(C) near a neighbor (B) near a water source(D) near a mountain 7. European explorers, including Verrazano and Cartier, explored North America because they were trying to (A) claim land for England (B) find out who lived there (C) find a shorter route to Asia (D) trade with Native American Indians 4. Which explorer named a large lake in Northern New York after himself? (A) Henry Hudson(C) Peter Minuit (B) Samuel de Champlain(D) Christopher Columbus 1.Settlers to a New Land A. Location of their homes 1. `2. near wood, stones, clay, or other building material 3. near fertile soil for gardens 4. near a place to make their living 5. After a business pays its workers and its bills, the money it has left is called: (A) interest(C) tax (B) debt(D) profit
Chapter 4 8. What is the main reason why the English wanted to take over New Netherland? (A) The English felt that the Dutch were a threat to other English colonies. (B) The English didn’t have any other colonies on the east coast of North America. (C) It would give the English greater control of the east coast of North America. (D) Gold and other riches had been found in New Netherland. 9. Which of the following is false of the daily life in New Amsterdam? (A) Most families heated their homes and cooked daily meals with a huge fireplace. (B) Only boys attended school, and they went only in winter for a few hours each day. (C) School was closed on the first day the ponds froze each winter. (D) Boys and girls attended school three hours in the morning and three hours each afternoon. 10. What is a patroon? (A) landowner (B) brought settlers to work and rent his land (C) paid through crops and livestock (D) all of the above
Chapter Canandaigua Lake lies between which two longitude lines? (A) 43° N - 44° N (C) 42° N - 43° N (B) 77° W - 78° W (D) 76° W - 77° W 13. In which two hemispheres in New York located? (A) Northern and Western Hemispheres (B) Northern and Eastern Hemispheres (C) Southern and Western Hemispheres (D) Southern and Eastern Hemispheres Base your answers to questions 11 through 12 on the map of New York State below. 11. The Hudson River is located closest to which degree of longitude? (A) 79° W(C) 74° W (B) 76° W (D) 73° W Hudson River Canandaigua Lake
Chapter Which city is located closest to 44° N and 76° W? (A) Syracuse(C) Watertown (B) Rochester(D) Binghamton 15. Bill is in Rochester and is traveling directly to Jamestown. In which general direction is he moving? (A) southwest(C) northwest (B) southeast (D) northeast Base your answers to questions 14 and 15 on the map of New York State below and on your knowledge of Social Studies.
Chapter 4 Part II Directions: Write your answers to the questions that follow in the spaces provided in this test booklet. Base your answers to question 16a. and 16b. on the time line below Giovanni da Verrazzano leads French expedition into New York Bay 1524 Jacques Cartier sails up St. Lawrence River 1535 Champlain crosses Lake Ontario and reaches Onondaga region of the Iroquois 1615 Samuel de Champlain explorers northern New York. With Hurons and Algonquians, he defeats Iroquois at Lake Champlain 1609 Henry Hudson leads Dutch expedition up Hudson River / 2 16a. In which year did Champlain explore the Onondaga region? 16b. According to this time line, what was the first river in New York State Region to be explored by Europeans? 1615 St. Lawrence River
Chapter 4 / What was one way in which life in New Netherland changed? What was the same after the English took over? (TTQA) For many (English) colonists, pumpkins were the difference between survival and starvation. Native North Americans grew them and traded or sold them to the colonists until the colonists had saved up pumpkin seeds and learned to plant their own. People ate pumpkin soup, pumpkin pancakes, and, of course, pumpkin pie. People jokingly called Thanksgiving Day, St. Pompion’s Day. (Colonists spelled pumpkin, pompion.) / 3 18a. According to this document, what food did the Native American Indians trade or sell to the English colonists? 18b. According to this document, list two food items English colonists made from pompion. (1) (2) Possible Resonse: The Dutch had to swear loyalty to the English King, but they could keep speaking their own language. pumpkins pumpkin soup pumpkin pancakes pumpkin pie
Chapter 4 / According to this document, give two reasons many early settlements and forts were located next to rivers and lakes. (a.) (b.) Some settlements were started near early forts, which were located by rivers or lakes. There were few roads for settlers to use, so water transportation made travel easier. The rivers and lakes were also excellent source of food and fresh water. made travel easier source of food and fresh water
Chapter 4 / Which game did the Dutch bring to North America in the 1600’s? In the 1660’s, people in the Netherlands enjoyed bowling. The early Dutch colonists brought the game with them when they came to North America. The game they played then was a little bit different from the one we play now. The players used nine pins, not ten like today. And they played the game outside. They rolled the bowls, or balls, down a long strip of grass called a bowling green… bowling
Name: # Chapter 4 Test- Multiple Choice Name: # Chapter 4 Test- Multiple Choice KEY B B B B D B C C B D C C B C A