Lab report Anu Norton group 02/10/08
Cleaning of fluorescent contamination on glass substrate Procedure that I followed for cleaning: wash glass beaker,teflon coverslip holder with hplc water and put cover slips in coverslipholder Fill beaker containing coverslips with acetone Sonication for 30min Wash with HPLC water & dry them by blown N 2 gas. Put these coverslips in piranha(7parts H 2 SO 4 3parts H 2 O 2 ) FOR 30min. Wash coverslips with HPLC water & dyr them by blowing N 2 gas. Expose these coverslips for UV light for 10min
A is plane coverslip directly from box B is cover slip from box exposure to UV light for 10min(without any cleaning procedure) C is coverslip thet under gone 30min acetone wash+30min piranha wash D is coverslip that undergone 30min acetone wash+30min piranha wash+10min UV exposure E is coverslip that washed with acetone for 30min and exposed to UV light for 10min. ABCD E DateGammaGainEM gainEX timeND leftND rightOther params Changes in display 02/06/ ms See note 02/09/09 Left ch.right ch.left ch. bkgnd. right ch. Bkgnd. A B C D E These intensity numbers are on 14 bit scale note: All images were saved as.tif files from q imaging software after applying full display range ( ). Unfortunately, when opened with image J for analysis, an automatic display range is applied. This display setting does not alter the data but for display purposes, all images were scaled to the same intenisity range (in this case, pixels displayed are of values 0 min- 9200max). Analysis was done on these 14 bit images. For display in reports, 8- bit images are required so the 14 bit images are converted to 8-bit before adding them to the final report. Appearance of the images does not change during this 14 to 8 bit change.