Welcome To Maldives 33 号. Location Southwest of Sri Lanka, on the equator Geography 1,190 coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls. Stretches.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome To Maldives 33 号

Location Southwest of Sri Lanka, on the equator Geography 1,190 coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls. Stretches 820 kilometres north to south and 120 kilometres east to west. 202 are inhabited, 87 are exclusive resort islands

马尔代夫国旗呈长方形,长宽 之比为 3 : 2 。红色旗面,中间 为绿色长方形,内有一轮白色 新月。红色象征英雄的鲜血。 绿色象征生命,进步与繁荣。 白色新月表示和平,安宁及人 民对伊斯兰教的信仰。 马尔代夫国徽由一弯新月、一 颗五角星、两面国旗、一棵海 椰子树和绶带构成。新月和五 角星表示马尔代夫的国教为伊 斯兰教,国旗象征国家的权力 和尊严,海椰子树代表人民的 生计。底端的绶带上写着马尔 代夫的传统名称。

Capital:Male Male, located on the eponymous island male. Area of square kilometers, a population of The daily maximum temperature of 31 ℃, the minimum temperature of 26 ℃. The country's political, economic center, but also the economic development of port, in addition to fisheries and aquatic product processing and tourism industry is also very fast, built International Airport

Climate Generally warm and humid. Sun shines all year through. Average temperature around degrees Celsius.

What to wear Dress is generally casual. T-shirts and cotton clothing are most suitable. In Male’, the capital island and other inhabited islands it is recommended that women wear modest clothing without baring too much.

Population About 394,999according to 2011 estimates. Origin of the Maldivians are lost in antiquity, but history reveals that the islands have been populated for over 3,000 years ago. Early settlers were travellers on the Silk Route and from the Indus Valley Civilisation. Inherently warm, friendly and hospitable By nature, it is easy to feel comfortable and relaxed with a Maldivian

Maldives is an Islamic country, pray occupies a very important position in life, work and Entertainment more than. So in the prayer time try not to upset the local people, especially in preparation for prayer, because then they any requirements for tourists are likely to be rejected. Encountered in the blanket Muslims pray, do not pass through from front to detour around the blankets, not look.

Food Maldivians staple food is rice, followed by sweet potato, potato and other staple food, mainly cattle, sheep, chicken, fish, don't eat fish without scales, followed by vegetables and meat, Betel nut chewing habit

Based on environmental factors in Maldives, unable to railway construction, mainly in the aviation, highway, with Ibrahim Nasir international airport.


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