Simile poems for kids by Lawraine Guichard Teacher Introduction, Learners, Standard-English Language Arts, Standard-Technology, Objectives, Resources, Student Introduction, Task, Process (part1) ,Evaluation, Conclusion, Credit
Teacher introduction (Part1) Simile poems offer wonderful opportunities to learn about the English language while exercising imagination. Simile is a poetic device that develops a person's ability to make comparisons, creating opportunity for analogous thought. The poetic device is an approach that can help communicate experiences and emotions that are beyond words.
Teacher Introduction (Part 2) Discover the Super Similes by clicking below: here
Learners This Web Quest is intended for fourth grade English language learners who are learning about similes in literature and poetry.
Standards-English Language Arts Standard 1 - Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understanding. -Students learning English as a second language will use English to acquire interpret, apply, and transmit information for content area learning and personal use. They will develop and use skills and strategies appropriate to their level of English proficiency to collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. Performance Indicators: -Identify and use reading and listening strategies to make text comprehensible and meaningful. -Read, gather, view, listen to, organize, discuss, interpret, and analyze information related to academic content areas from various sources. -Formulate, ask, and respond to various question forms to obtain, clarify, and extend information and meaning. -Make and support inferences about information and ideas with reference to features in oral and written text.
Standards-Technology 2.Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. 3.Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
Objectives Content objectives: - Students will gain knowledge by defining the term “simile”. - Students will apply this knowledge by identifying examples of similes in literature and poetry. - Students will synthesize their knowledge by using a graphic organizer to create their own similes and then incorporate these similes into their own writing. Language objectives: - Students will listen to different simile poems - Students will identify orally and in writing similes in each poem. - Students will compose their own simile poems - Students will share and discuss their simile poems with their classmates. - Students will respond verbally and in writing to reflection questions.
Resources . . . .
Student introduction A simile uses the words "like" or "as" when making a comparison between two things that are not alike. Since most of the students are having problems understanding similes when they encounter them in literature, the purpose of this Web Quest is to have you students use poetry to understand similes.
Task By the end of this Web Quest, you will: . Research about similes by exploring different websites. . Research how to use your senses to communicate through similes while exploring a specific website. . Synthesize (put together) your research to write a creative simile poem.
Process (part1) You are now going to create your simile poems. 1)Your teacher will ask you to go on the computer lab where he/she will gather you in groups of four. Each group will think of a theme/topic for a simile poem that they have to write about. The poem can be about topics such as a person, a thing, a pet, a season, or a sport. 2) Once you are gathered in groups, each member of a group will be numbered from one to four. After, each student in a group is numbered, each will be assigned a role.
Process (part2) For instance, every student numbered one will be assigned the role of visual. Every student numbered two will be assigned the role of tactile, every student numbered three will be assigned the role of auditory and every students numbered four will be assigned the role of taste and smell. 3) Based on your assigned role, you will have to come up with a simile that relates or corresponds to your role. For instance, if you are playing the visual role, you will come up with a simile that creates a vivid
Process (part3) picture in the readers mind as in “her eyes are like diamonds gleaming in rays of light”. You may go on this website below to find out more about your roles, conduct some research and get better ideas on how to come up with similes that relates or correspond to your roles. . 4)After each students in each group has come up with a similes corresponding to his/her role, the group will put their research together. In addition, each group will discuss about the four similes that each person in the group will come up with and put These similes together to create a complete simile poem.
Process (part4) 5)Each group will write their poem on Microsoft Word. In order to look for other simile poems as well as examples of similes you may go to the websites below.
Process (Part5) 6)You may decorate your poems with illustration or photographs that relate to your topic/them. You may look for illustrations on Clip Art. 7))Once each group has finished to write their poem, each will present it, share and discuss it with the whole class.
Process (Part6) 9)In a reflection sheet, each group will write their own definition of simile. Furthermore, each group Will copy one example of simile from the other groups poems and write their thoughts on this reflection question: Did the simile help you see or understand their topic more clearly? Why or why not?
Process (part7) 10) The groups who finish earlier may visit these websites below while waiting for the other groups to finish. .
Evaluation Theme Figurative Language Mechanics CATEGORY 4 Outstanding 3 Good 2 Satisfactory 1 Needs Improve-ment Theme The poem has a clear controlling idea. It has at least three key words that identify the poem‘s s subject. The poem has a clear controlling idea. It has at least two key words that identify the poem's subject The poem has a controlling idea. The poem has no controlling idea. Figurative Language The poem contains four similes that add greatly to the reader's understanding of the poem. The poem contains less than four similes that add greatly to the reader's understanding of the poem. The poem contains at least one to two similes. The poem has no similes. Mechanics There are no errors in spelling or punctuation. The title is capitalized correctly. There are one to two errors in spelling or punctuation. The title is capitalized correctly. There are three or four errors in spelling or punctuation. The title is capitalized incorrectly. There are more than four errors in spelling or punctuation. There is no title, or it is capitalized incorrectly.
Conclusion Congratulations to all for completing these creative simile poems. Now that you have learned about similes, you are ready to use similes anytime in poetry and literature.
Credits Thank you to: . All the authors of the resources that I used to complete this Web Quest. Please see the resources section to see their works. . My professor and classmates for their support and suggestions throughout the completion of this Web Quest.