Mineral- any naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite structure, composition and physical properties. I. Physical properties of minerals A.Color- unreliable physical property B.Streak- the color of the mineral in powdered form. C.Luster- the way minerals reflect light. metallic nonmetallic
D. Hardness- the relative resistance of a mineral to scratching. Steel Nail – hardness 6.5 Glass- hardness 5.5 Copper Coin – hardness 3.0 Fingernail- hardness 2.5
E. Density- a measure of an object’s relative weight. F.Cleavage- the tendency for minerals to break along flat sides. G. Fracture- minerals that do not break long flat sides. 1. Conchoidal- concave or convex sides. 2. Fibrous- breaks into thin fibers.
H.Crystals - the characteristic geometric solid that forms when a mineral is allowed to grow freely. I. Taste- the mineral halite is table salt. J.Effervescence- the mineral calcite will bubble When hydrochloric acid is added.
K. Magnetism- presence of Fe - Weak - Strong L. Diaphaneity - ability to see through a mineral. TransparentTranslucent Opaque
L. Fluorescence - ability to glow when exposed to UV light. L. Double Refraction - seeing double images.