FRAMEWORK ESTABLISHED IN 1994 AND HAS 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE ROLE All staff have experience in managing community sector Projects, or have been Directors on VBOM most have minimum of 10 yrs experience in the Support Worker role. Framework has long experience in managing both expansion and uncertainty in complex operational environments. Framework works from community development principles and has a good track record in building positive working relationships with Projects and a partnership approach to monitoring. FRAMEWORK BACKGROUND
FRAMEWORK APPROACH Acknowledging existing skills and experience of volunteers Understanding the different stages of development in Projects Working from anti-racism / equality / human rights based approaches Valuing relationship building and collaborative partnership approaches Promoting integrated approach to Family Support Practice and Community Development Working to strengthen relationships with Regional and National Forums Viewing conflict as an inevitable and developmental element of organisational development
WHAT SUPPORT WILL LOOK LIKE IN CURRENT SITUATION LESS RESOURCES, AND TIME, MORE PROJECTS OVER A WIDER GEOGRAPHICAL SPREAD Key Support Workers working with specific number of Projects Delivery of support based on need. Delivery of day to day support based more on telephone, and internet contact, monitoring and inter-project training Support for Projects experiencing difficulties will need to be prioritised. Less time for intensive support.
BALANCING SUPPORT BASED ON WHAT FSA REQUESTED 1.RESPONDING AT AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT LEVEL: ~ Contractual issues / compliance / Workplan development / employment etc. ~ SPEAK / Annual Progress Reports etc. ~ Monitoring and dealing with difficulties / conflict 2. COLLECTIVE INTER-PROJECT TRAINING WITH A FOCUS ON: ~ Community development / family support practice ~ Organisational development / role as employers etc.. 3. BETTER COHESION -Tri-partite working between the FSA, FRC National Forum and Framework -Good regional level relationships between Framework and FRC Regional Forums.
MONITORING How will it work ? 1. Based on partnership approach & agreed Code of Practice 2. Use of Checklists to identify support or training needs and a basis for ongoing contact 3. Any difficulties with monitoring relationship dealt with through Grievance and Monitoring Document previously developed. WHERE PROJECTS ARE NOT AVAILING OF SUPPORT INITIAL CHECK LIST and 2 MEETINGS PER YEAR WITH VBOM ANNUAL REVIEW AND PLANNING OR FACILITATION OF 3 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN JOINT PROGRESS REPORT INVOLVEMENT IN RECRUITMENT PROCEDURES WHEN REQUIRED
HOW INTERNAL CONFLICT AND DIFFICULTIES WILL BE HANDLED HOW INTERNAL DIFFICULTIES IN PROJECTS WILL BE HANDLED 1.Difficulties will be identified through Project self disclosure, through issues erupting or from observations of Support Worker. 2. Less time for Framework to deal with long term protracted conflict but Projects in crisis will be prioritised. 3. Work with the VBOM & staff to understand the problem, develop strategies, make recommendations for what needs to change and what supports are required. Write this up. 4. Jointly inform the FSA and participate in tri-partite meeting if required. Other supports needing extra resources will need to be identified and then approved by FSA eg; LRC, SSAs, external mediation, or extra Framework time 5. Framework will support positive action for moving out of crisis using recommendations and procedures agreed 6. Ongoing follow up contact
FRAMEWORK support, training and development FRAMEWORK support, training and development