Internet and Computer Competency-Based Curriculum for Thai People Under the MICT Certification Associate Prof.Dr.Maturos Chongchaikit Faculty of Education Kasetsart University
INTRODUCTION The Aims of the Project: MICT Project Development of Internet and computer curriculum that can leverage the ICT learning competency of Thai people to international standard and to extend the community learning by providing the non-formal and informal education with this basic curriculum with certifications provided by the Ministry
Research Objectives 1. To study, analyze and synthesize the information on ICT standard curriculums and courses in Thailand and abroad. 2. To develop the basic Internet and computer curriculum certified by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology for Thai people.
Curriculum Development Phase I
The researchers conducted the document research by searching from Internet the standard curriculums of the international agencies and collecting the data. The survey research on ICT curriculums at undergraduate level and training courses in Thai Universities were conducted at the same time.
The data were analyzed and synthesized into the ICT performance standards approved by the experts, sample group set up by the MICT. The standards will be used in development process of the ICT basic curriculum for Thai people.
Ten computer and Internet experts were purposively selected by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology from public and private agencies as follows : Dr. Kanchit Malaiwong (Royal Institute) Assoc.Prof. Yuen Phuworawan (Kasetsart) Dr.Yanyong Teng-amnuay (Chulalongkorn) Assis.Prof.Dr.Panjai Tantasanawong (Silapakorn) Dr.Prasopchok Pramongkit (Microsoft Thailand) Ajarn Naree Wongsirotjanakul (ISPT) Ajarn Poonsak Sakkatatiyakul ( ETC.
Curriculum Development Phase II
The researchers designed the curriculum using the approved performance standards. The Focus Group Discussions were set up 2 times in order to gather the expert opinions, evaluate and improve the drafted curriculum. The curriculum documentation: the user manual were then delivered to the next research team for the development of teaching materials and textbooks.
Focus Group Meeting
Research Tools Analysis tables of skills and knowledge from international Standards and curriculums. Questionnaires for experts’ opinions in the 1 st Focus Group meetings. Analysis tables of the computer and Internet basic competencies. Draft competency-based curriculum on basic computer and Internet. Evaluation Questionnaires of the drafted curriculum in the 2 nd Focus Group meetings.
The ICT Competency-Based Curriculum for Thai People Under the MICT Certification
The 19 ICT Basic Competencies for Thai People: 1. Access and use of resources and services on the Internet with web browsers and search engines. 2. Searching, monitoring and use of the online information and knowledge with courtesy. 3. Using the Internet safely, legally and responsibly. 4. Knowing the basic principles of online communications. 5. Managing the online communication structure. 6. Knowing the various forms of online communication tools. 7. Using the computer network at home and at work. 8. Knowing the use of web browser. 9. Knowing the World Wide Web. 10 Knowing the main functions of word processing programs. 11.Knowing the use of online word processing programs. 12. Knowing the main functions of spreadsheet calculation programs.
13. Creating the household accounts using the spreadsheet calculation programs. 14. Designing electronic slides showing the family and community data. 15. Preparation of information to communicate via the Web using presentation programs. 16. Selecting and purchasing certain types of personal computers. 17. Selecting and purchasing certain computer peripheral devices. 18. Maintenance with basic troubleshooting of hardware components and peripheral devices. 19. Installing and maintenance with basic troubleshooting of commonly used system software and applications. The 19 ICT Basic Competencies for Thai People:
Curriculum1: Living Online Skills Including 9 competencies and 3 modules of 30, 10, and 20 hours Total: 60 hours 1.Information Search and E- Participation Literacy 2.Online Communication Literacy 3.Networks and Internet Literacy
Curriculum 2: Key Applications Skills Including 8 competencies and 3 modules of 15 hours each. Total: 45 hours 1. Word Processing Application Literacy 2. Spreadsheet Application Literacy 3. PowerPoint Application Literacy
Curriculum 3: Computing Fundamental Skills Including 4 competencies and 2 modules of 15 hours each. Total: 30 hours 1.PC Selection Literacy 2.PC Maintenance Literacy
Suggestions from Research Findings
Issue 1: To improve the curriculum. Plan setting for curriculum improvement by the MICT –Should continuously implement curriculums into use in order to follow the technology that is still rapidly and constantly changing until the covering value of the investment for lifelong learning and the going on toward the standards widely accepted among people in terms of higher ICT competencies.
Issue 2: Teaching and Learning Medias Development for Curriculum Implementation. Preparation of a large collection of certified information and knowledge resources on computer and Internet –constantly updated and applied in teaching and learning of the provided curriculums. –The standards should keep pace with technology changes, reduce the redundancy of content and knowledge creation and reduce the access to and the use of non-standard information and knowledge.
Preparation of a large gathering of other important information and knowledge for public as standard information providing with fast pace to the users’ needs without having to evaluate the accuracy of the information. –Up-to-date information consistent with current technology; –Categorized the knowledge according to usage requirements of each group such as the Health Care for illness, the agricultural education, etc.
Issue 3: Curriculum Implementation. Preparation of the first target user leading to the effective curriculum implementation, widely applied and used –the District Board –the non - formal district education committee throughout the country –the trained teachers/trainers for ICT community telecenters using appropriate training objectives and programs