Conference ”Successful service delivery-ways of working with employers” Organization of the services for the employers September, Chisinau, 2013 Raisa Dogaru, Deputy Director, NEA
Republic of Moldova, 33843,5 km 2, Population of the Republic of Moldova ,5 thousand men - 48% urban - 41,7% women - 52% rural - 58,3% Capital Chisinau - over 700 thousand persons welcome
Indicators of the labour market: Occupied population 1030,2 thousand men – 49,1%urban – 51,6% women - 50,9% rural – 48,4% Rate of employment – 34,5% Rate of activity – 37,5% Rate of unemployment I quarter 2013 – 8,1% (90,8 thousand persons) Number of registered unemployed at unemployed persons Number of job-places at vacancies
National Employment Agency (NEA) Public Institution within the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family 2 levels: national and territorial. 35 employment agencies The NEA is administrated by the Council of administration on the tripartite principals (government, employer’s organization, trade unions), at the local level the tripartite consultative councils The web-site portal Center of information, Call - Center, informational system JOBLESS,
Functions. Services and Programs. Services of information and professional counceling Mediation services Vocational training: courses of qualification, re-qualification and perfection Stimulation of the mobility of the labour force Public works for the community Stimulation of the employers for the employment of the graduates Services of information and professional counceling Mediation services Vocational training: courses of qualification, re-qualification and perfection Stimulation of the mobility of the labour force Public works for the community Stimulation of the employers for the employment of the graduates Information Mediation Active and passive measures Information Mediation Active and passive measures
Organization of the work with the employers. Peer Review Similarities and differences. Positive practices. Organizational structure Organization and description of the working process The responsible persons and their roles at the different levels Stipulation of the working methods Informational system Monitoring Evaluation of the satisfaction Training of the personnel Problems. Conclusions
Organizational profile of the Service for the employers in the work with the employers Armenia CroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Organization State Employment Service Agency (SESA) Croatian Employment Service (HZZ) National Employment Agency (ANOFM) Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) Subordination Separate division of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Issues Independent legal entity under the Ministry of Labour and Pension Fund Independent legal entity under the Ministry of Labour Social Protection and Family Independent legal entity under the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Number of employees Service dedicated to employers NoYes, 22 Employers Offices NoYes Staff working with employers YES/ 30%500 Employment counsellors 26 Advisors for employers 39 Specialists for ALMP 11 Key Account Managers, 30 Specialists 50 Counsellors for Employers Tendencies There are tendencies to creat integrated services. Services under improvement, Job Clubs and Job Shops Creation of the Service for Employers Enhanced cooperation with employers, focused on small enterprises
Organization and description of the process of work with the employers
The responsible persons and their roles at the different levels ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Managers of job is a new trend in reforming service to employers. By Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs significant changes were made to improve the management of jobs. Integration of social services, including employment services 500 employment counselors 26 Consultants for employers 39 specialists for active labor market policies The counselors work with both local people as well as with employers, but most work is with unemployed. It required them to work with the employers as well, as they can suggest the best candidates. At another level are responsible only for work with employers who are in office,employers and their task is to provide information on agency services, publishing vacancies, advising employers, employers attract. Other counselors who work with employers are specialists in active measures, their purpose is to evaluate and process applications for subsidies to employers. 11 Key Account Managers, 30 specialists responsible for working with employers Role: Maintain and expand cooperation with employers leading to better management of jobs and matching supply and demand. 10 were appointed to key business account working with employers, including to coordinate promotion and finding the right people for the area, including several regional agencies. The heads of the agencies also make contacts. 50 advice for employers Several levels. Covers two areas: Advice for employers and Administration of jobs. In addition to the lower offices than 3 employees, all offices have advisers to employers. Counselors have a direct role in contacting employers active in mediation and recruitment activities and coordinating role, where appropriate, the organization of meetings, preparation for visits, activities for employers facing mass redundancies involved in the preparation of local and regional fairs. Counselors for employers working with employers in their locality. Large recruitment efforts by a single employer, as well as cases of large layoffs are supported by a coordinator from the regional office. Counselors work very closely with employers advisors person and looking for a job, especially in the matching process.
Stipulation of the methods ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Responsibility of the Central Office, which coordinates the implementation, develops methods. Department to implement the measures in the labor market Uniform methodology for training and operational performance of all activities. Support relevant at all organizational levels. Services for employers are developed at the central office, in the department for policy implementation. Is to be determined by the Tripartite Council of the Public Employment Service Methods are regulated centrally, but agencies can introduce new methods. Better methods are disseminated within the monitoring meetings, workshops, Intranet, Manual of procedures, electronic newsletters. The direction implementation of employment policies has the responsibility for developing methods. Department responsible for working with employers centrally. Support at all levels.
Organization of the initiation of the contact with the employers. ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Employers (by phone, by , by visiting local offices Local employment offices SESA central office (in specific cases) The first contact is initiated by the counsellor. Each counsellor has a number of employers with whom he regularly contacts. The counsellors also visit employers, which they are responsible for, every 2 years. The visit to the employer is a good method to keep the cooperation. The first contact can be initiated also by the employer. The person responsible for the work with employers, and by other specialists responsible for the work with the job seekers, as well as by the heads of the employment agencies. The first contact is initiated when a new employer starts his activity or when the employer is posting job vacancy. As it is compulsory for employers to report job vacancies, employers most often initiate the first contact by posting job vacancy. The ESS is actually engaged in recruitment and mediation support only if employers clearly ask for the support.
Channels of initiation of the contacts ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Visits to employers, Meetings with employers and social partners, Organizing different events (Job fairs, Round tables, conferences, presentations on different projects), Employment forums, Expo exhibitions in different economy sectors. Visits to employers, by telephone and , using various sources (newspapers, internet, website, etc.). They also exchange data on company registration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. After receiving the data the counsellors make new contacts. By phone, visits to employer, with using the database information for employers of the State Registration Chamber, Tax Inspectorate, National Bureau of Statistics, Labour Inspection Information, Internet (portals), Mass media, exhibitions, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, job fairs, call centre, etc Visits to employers, Meetings with employers, Career and job fairs, Strategic conferences, Focus groups for employers.
Frequency of the contacts ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Once a 10 day, if the job vacancies are available. Twice a year, if the vacancies are not available. Visit employers who make redundancies to direct people under redundancy to local offices. Labour market survey twice a year. Employment forums twice a year in 4 regions, Agreement committee and Employment councils have regular meetings during the year. Round tables are organized according to the current needs. Monitoring employers, who are involved in State employment programmes (periodically) A rule it established that every employer should be visited once every 2 years. Telephone contacts are made when necessary. Job vacancy notice to employer within 5 days. Weekly, if the economic agent has vacancies recorded in the database of the Agency. In large part, visits to economic agents are done 2-3 times per year for each one. Labour Market Forecast is done once a year. National Job Fairs are organized twice a year; 1- 2 times a year is organized job fairs in all regions. Branch job fairs are organized according to the employers’ needs. Frequency of contacting existing clients depends on the current needs of employers and the ESS availability. The Employers Satisfaction Survey is accrued out on annual basis. Contacts are also made through strategic cooperation.
Identification of the necessities ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Filling vacancies, applying for subsidizing employment information SESA inform employers about services and they choose their services. Small and medium companies prefer recruiting services and active and large companies prefer to attend job fairs, conferences, round tables, seminars. Filling vacancies, applying for subsidizing employment, labor market information, training, counseling layoffs Filling vacancies labor market information, training, counseling redundancies. Small and micro rarely addressed, considering that the agencies can not provide the necessary workforce, employing more through relatives, friends. A load current approach is that the NEA to restructure the organization and its services according to the needs NEA inform employers about services and they choose their services. Filling vacancies, applying for subsidizing employment, labor market information, training, counseling and others layoffs
Support of the informational technologies ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Databases (economic sector, type of organization, address, etc.) Renewal base Working with records Development of e- services Databases (economic sector, type of organization, address, etc.) Renewal base Employment Service began to connect with other institutions Development of e-services To access online services employers must register with the CES. When employers need help with online services, support and assistance from IT Call Center helps. Databases (economic sector, type of organization, address, etc.) Working with records Development of e-services for employers information Portal Databases (economic sector, type of organization, address, etc.) Catalogue employers (economic activity, number) e-services developed for employers. Employers of Slovenia have access to a database of people looking for a job that allows them to recruit online. Own IT department, which develops and maintains a wide range of services. Development of multi-channel (mail, telephone and personal) is established doctrine of working with employers and unemployed persons seeking work. 80% Employers apply online.
Monitoring ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, in particular Deputy Minister who is responsible for coordination of SESA, Department of monitoring of the Ministry, All the units of the Agency Local centers Central service, regional offices Responsible for monitoring / placing information in the database is the specialist responsible for working with employers. He introduces and excludes from evidence the vacancies, enters the information following a visit to the employer and information about the job fairs organized. Monitoring is done at local and central level.
Ways of evaluation of the satisfaction Armenia CroatiaMoldovaSlovenia The analysis of the labor market, Phone calls, Questionnaire (within the survey of the labour market), Calculation of the number of letters of satisfaction and complaints Quality is determined by the variety and frequency of services used by employers, as well as participation in projects, job fairs, workshops, conferences, etc.. - forms of satisfaction of employers after the job fairs and the forecast of the labor market ; - Phone calls; - Questioning opinions during seminars and round tables. - Labor market vacancy rate was used as a performance indicator for many years to monitor the number of employers and vacancies; - Annual surveys of satisfaction of the employers; - Answers from the employers during the regular visits to the employers
Training of the staff ArmeniaCroatiaMoldovaSlovenia 25 trainers trained at central and regional level, which must be ready to train their staff. Responsible for the training is the central office. Specific training advisers, depending on needs. Four trainers in four regional offices. Other fully trainers working as counselors in local and regional offices. Responsible for the training is the central office. Responsible for field training specialists in specific areas related to strengthening relationships with employers, developing effective and sustainable relationships. Training in marketing communication and negotiation, lasting 3 days. Workshops to enhance the performance and efficiency of their recruitment counselors, skills identification of future recruitment needs. Training to undertake specific training programs tailored.
Problems. Challenges The structure of employment services, limited financial resources, systems not as flexible financing labor market policies Decision. The introduction of new methods. Programs insufficient incentives for employers to employ people vulnerable in the labor market The need for relevant information about employers, identifying the needs of employers. Corresponding IT system. Profiling employers. Special attention should be given to small employers. Continuous training and motivation of staff - an issue in the development of quality services. Lack of communication and negotiation skills and knowledge related to the labor market, identifying the needs of Recruitment, Marketing in cooperation with employers to cut employment service image, reduce its effectiveness.
Conlusions Ensure functioning of organizational and institutional framework in relation to employers. A process working well structured and organized with employers and people looking for a job. A structure to streamline work processes and focus on results. Adjusting employer cooperation and providing strategic and systematic concrete candidates. An improvement of the system of collecting and processing data in an efficient information system that will facilitate monitoring activities. Regulation of collaboration between institutions to have relevant data on employers. Programs and services must be tailored to local needs in cooperation with labor market actors Developing of the monitoring and evaluation systems by measuring the results according to management objectives. Customer satisfaction should be the scope of activities of the Public Employment Service Continuous training of personnel, information and dissemination of positive experience. Creation of the Center for the training of the staff.
Thank you for your kind attention!