Why are humans not like tigers? Visit to Morley animal sanctuary.


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Presentation transcript:

Why are humans not like tigers? Visit to Morley animal sanctuary. Art Literacy 1. The tiger who came to tea 2. Brown bear, Brown bear what do You see? 3. Polar bear, Polar bear what do you hear? Year 1 Spring Term 2 History 1. Chinese New year (events Commemorated through festivals Or anniversaries.) Dragons Dragon dancing Maths 1. Patterns 2. Ordinal numbers Why are humans not like tigers? Science 1. Endangered animals 2. habitats – ice caps melting, forests being chopped down Describe and compare diff common animals 2. Identify and name a variety of common animals 3. Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 4. Identify and name basic parts of the human body 5. Our senses 6. How to care for pets 7. Habitats 8. Animals in and around school Visit to Morley animal sanctuary. Design Technology Moving Animals Art 1. Camoflage 2. Chinese symbols 3. Concertina Dragons 4. Mood drawings

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