Why are humans not like tigers? Visit to Morley animal sanctuary. Art Literacy 1. The tiger who came to tea 2. Brown bear, Brown bear what do You see? 3. Polar bear, Polar bear what do you hear? Year 1 Spring Term 2 History 1. Chinese New year (events Commemorated through festivals Or anniversaries.) Dragons Dragon dancing Maths 1. Patterns 2. Ordinal numbers Why are humans not like tigers? Science 1. Endangered animals 2. habitats – ice caps melting, forests being chopped down Describe and compare diff common animals 2. Identify and name a variety of common animals 3. Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 4. Identify and name basic parts of the human body 5. Our senses 6. How to care for pets 7. Habitats 8. Animals in and around school Visit to Morley animal sanctuary. Design Technology Moving Animals Art 1. Camoflage 2. Chinese symbols 3. Concertina Dragons 4. Mood drawings
Year 2 Spring Term 2 Literacy 1. Non chronological reports Maths Who lives in t Art Literacy 1. Non chronological reports 2. Diaries 3. The Gruffalo 4. The Gruffalo’s child 5. Character descriptions Year 2 Spring Term 2 Geography Maths 1. Time analogue and digital 2. Days of the week, months of the year 3. Symmetry 4. Bar charts Who lives in the forest? Science 1. Habitats 2. Life cycles of animals 3. Food chains 4. Nocturnal animals Computing Algorithm Textease Turtle design a 2D shape 4. Beebots Art 1. The Gruffallo – design and make a Gruffallo setting – forests Art week March 23rd
Who first lived Britain? Characteristics of materials Wht SpSs Literacy 1) Factfile 2) Non- Chronological Reports (Leaflets) 3) Riddles/ Poems 4)Advertisements - promoting Maths 1. Statistics- Present/ interpret data in different contexts including science week Measures- Volume/ comparing, adding and subtracting Year 3 Spring 2 History/ Geography A study of the Stone Age to the Iron Age Including; Hunter gatherer, Early farming, Bronze Age and Iron Age Using secondary sources including replica artefacts, books, pictures and maps Who first lived Britain? Stone age man Science Finish Rocks soils Characteristics of materials Tempis Fugit to visit Year 3 Computing Multi-media/ Technology in our lives. Research, Insert pictures and annotate Word documents to record work . Prepare an interactive presentation of the life of Early Britons Science week – data hand Art/DT Cave paintings Pattern Aboriginal Art
Year 4 Spring Term 2 How clean is our water? Literacy Maths Art Literacy Instructions – recipes Explanation texts Year 4 Spring Term 2 Geography Where does our food come from? – Fair Trade Weather Water cycle Where does our water come from? Maths 1. – count backwards through zero to include negative numbers – temperature 2. Volume – capacity 3. Measures – human body 4. Converting km to m 5. Area and perimeter How do I grow and move? How clean is our water? Science 1. Skeletons 2. The digestive system in humans 3. Teeth and their functions in humans 4. Food chains – producers, predators and prey 5. Electricity - circuits Computing Art / DT 1. Menus – cooking, nutrition
Year 5 Spring Term 2 Literacy Maths Art Build anglo saxon village 1. Narrative - Warning tales 2. Explanation text Year 5 Spring Term 2 Geography / History Anglo Saxons – how they lived Religon Location of settlements Where did they come from? Compare Anglo Saxon religions with sikhism Maths 1. Anglo Saxons ? Anglo saxon workshop Science Life cycles – flowering plants Life-cycles – humans Science week Computing Data – excel spreadsheets Art / DT Build anglo saxon village Art week
Art week – Edward Munsch Literacy 1. Persuasion 2. Biography 3. Poetry Year 6 Spring Term 2 Geography? What is it like where I live? Name and locate counties and cities of UK, geographical regions and human and physical characteristics Maths 1. Measure 2. Area and Perimeter 3. Reflection rotation 4. statistics What am I really like? Science 1. Foodchains 2. Microorganisms 3. Human body – circulatory system 4. Impact of diet and lifestyle on bodies 4. keys and classification Computing Algorithms Art Art week – Edward Munsch