제목이 한 줄인 경우 날짜 Future Infrastructure Team Sun-Moo Kang Future Internet Testbed in Korea
2 Contents FN Testbed ⅡⅡ Overview ⅠⅠ Projects on Testbed III
3 KOREN Testbed Overview KOREN : KOREA Advanced REsearch Network Non-profit research network Funded by Government [MIC] Established in 1995 NIA started its participation in KOREN from 2002 Support network service and R&D Project Currently, 79 R&D institutions 9 funded R&D Projects in 2007
4 Network Connection
5 R&E User PoP IX (2) QoS guaranteed Testbed Network (1) Best-Effort R&E Network Testbed PoP Testbed International R&E Network Network Function R&E User R&E User
6 Network Enhancement Application IP DWDM Optical Fiber Application IP (R&E)IP (Test) IP (Logical) Etc. MSPP/MSTP OpticalSwitch DWDM Optical Fiber
7 Open Lab Testbed Suwon Daegu PS KJ DJ Seoul 20G 10G Open Testbed (NIA) BcN QoS Measurement, (VoIP), BcN Pilot Service Internetworking 자재함 Open Testbed (ICU) Mobility, Security, Charging, AAA, Service Architecture Open Testbed (‘07) IPTV test, UCC, FTTH, Motion Deection Open Testbed (’07) u-Mobile, Wibro, WiFi, CDMA, Ad-hoc, Mesh, u-Sensor Open Testbed (’07) Application Service Architecture
8 FN Testbed Activities on KOREN - Define the need for Future Network Testbed Purpose of the Future Network Testbed Various Requirements on the FN testbed Agenda for research using FN Testbed R&D Topics on the FN testbed The anticipated range of experiments International Cooperation Various R&D projects with foreign institutions OMNIA … Conceptual design Set-up a reference model for FN Testbed Refer to world FN testbed architectures Realizing of ideas (Substrates, Network control, etc…)
9 KOREN ZigBee Gateway Service Server ③ Server Transmission (KOREN) ④ Providing Services (Web) Family Medical Doctor 911 House of Living -Alone Elderly Person Nursing Homes Senior Hospitals ② Information Collection Vaious Sensers (Including Image Sensors for Patients with Severe Dementia) ① Information Sensing FTTH(100M) Gloriad APII IT Village (High-Speed Network) Location Detection (Using Ultrasonic Data) DataBase Management Analysis Action Pattern (Using Acceleration Data) Interface (for Wireless Device) Data Transmission (Sensor ↔ KOREN) DataBase Management Analysis Action Pattern (Acceleration + Location Data) Real-Time Information Monitoring Welfare Support System for u-Lifecare
10 Performance of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks i) Power, rate, and carrier sense threshold control: To increase the level of spatial reuse in multi-hop wireless networks. ii) Interference aware routing and scheduling: To improve overall network capacity by exploiting temporal- spatial diversity. iii) Contention control for wireless sensor networks: To utilize the wireless channel effectively by adjusting the channel access probability. Web interface model i) Remote control: Online upload or scenario files and application files on wireless node ii) Automation of experiment process: Real time auto collection of traffic traces and debugging messages.
11 Auto-configuration for Mobile Objects 6LoWPAN GW Monitoring Service Initial Monitoring Service Service Type A Service Directory WHO AM I? (Addr Autoconf) WHAT IS AVAILABLE? (Service Discovery) Limitations of memory and processing power Sensors do not have enough descriptions for service discovery Movement Type Based Address Configuration and Service Discovery Service Type B Combining Basic Two Queries KOREN The Internet
12 6LowPAN Interworking Testbed in KOREN Daegu Busan Gwangj u Daeje on Suwo n Seoul 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 2001:2b8:f2: 2::3 2001:2b8:f2: 2::4 DWDM/OADM ATM Switch Router Gigabit Switch 35Gbps 2.5Gbps 155Mbps KOREN is a research network based on QoS/Multicast/ IPv6/MPLS established in 1998 –Connected to APII Testbed (Japen, China), TEIN2(Europe). 6LowPAN Interworking testbed in 6 KOREN areas located in 6 Major cities in Korea
13 IP-USN Applications Intelligent Building System U-Health U-Work Intelligent Traffic System U-Defence IP-USN IP + USN Router IP G/W USN Sensor Node
14 Commercial IP networks ARP for sensor network service Sensor node architecture based on ARP Energy efficient MAC/Routing protocol QoS issue of MAC/Routing protocol Wireless Sensor networks Cooperative network architecture Efficient data delivery Addressing Issue Sink node discovery Mobile sink node WiBro/ Cellular Ethernet/ Optical Efficient interconnection between non- IP sensor networks and IP networks Oversea Network (EU, US, JP, etc) Resource efficient sensor network architecture and protocols IP-USN Sink node (Gateway ) KOREN Target Issues in USN
15 OMNIA for FP7 call 1 - Architecture Omnipresent Mobile Next Generation Internet Architecture
16 OMNIA for FP7 call 1 - Map
17 Future Internet in Korea Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) IITA (Institute for IT Advancement) : R&D planning and supervision BcN developed as the infrastructure for the near future National exploratory R&D project on Future Internet is launched in 2007 “ Future Internet ” selected as one of the Ten Strategic Areas (from 2008)
18 Future Internet Forum Established in 2006 to promote R&D collaborations in Future networking Building research communities –Architecture –Wireless –Service –Testbed –Policy
19 Testbed Working Group Research areas include : developing Future Internet testbed (e.g. KOREN) to perform end-to- end experiments over diverse, advanced technologies and realize interoperability, manageability, customization, accessibility, virtualization, and sliceability NIA is leading this and Policy WG
20 Proposal Federated Testbed Project using KOREN and Geant through TEIN2 Interesting topics include, - Ubiquitous Sensor related work : Sensor Node, Gateway, Ad-hoc Router, OS, Tiny stack, Protocol, Service and Application - Sensor Map or Web related work(GIS + LBS + USN), Global Logistics : Asset and History Tracing, information sharing on Environmental issues, i.e. Co2, Water, Global Warming - Future Internet related Topics : Wireless Mesh network, Ambient, Programmable Router, Network Virtualization International Cooperation on FP7 or self- funding joint research projects
21 Thank You !!