Civil Works, SSA, Assam Every School Beautiful Every Child In School Every Child Learning A xom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission
BACKGROUND: Progress of civil works activities in terms of ‘PHYSICAL’ and ‘FINANCIAL’ during the financial year of first 2-3 years of SSA Civil Works - was not adequate could not be implemented fully. a considerable amount along with the physical target spilled over to the forthcoming year. some activities are being accumulating year after year leaving a huge incomplete target. seen inadequate staffing pattern at district level in comparison to the volume of works. only one District Project Engineer at district level. only one Junior Engineer at block level to supervise and monitor the work at concerned block. the SMCs who are implementing the civil works activities quite unfamiliar to the drawing and estimate one JE at block level could not support as and when required by SMC reported slow progress and untimely completion of works. PAGE - 1
BACKGROUND continued …… : The role of SSA engineers are to ensure timely construction to deliver quality works to the beneficiary on time within the financial year. effective management system operated by optimal number of trained and competent technical personnel dedicated to protect the public interest. The appropriate number of qualified personnel to place at the point of most critical construction qualified technical personnel deployed to commensurate the volume of work. PAGE - 2
The staffing pattern of SSA Assam for State and District level as follows: State Mission Office State Project Engineer State Level Project Engineer Draughtsman District Level District Project Engineer Block / Sector Level Junior Engineer Technical Resource Person PAGE - 3
PLACEMENT OF TECHNICAL STAFF The technical staffs are placed in the district depending upon the work load of the district from SMO DISTRIBUTION OF WORKLOAD: Before distribution of activities amongst the JE / TRPs sector mapping with 8-9 adjoining clusters consisting of sites are prepared and the sites of one sector is allotted to JE or TRP by the district in-charge so that the JE / TRP can move easily from one site to another. JE / TRP ( = 278) SECTOR (8-9 adjoining Cluster) CLUSTER (11-12 sites) SITES (25 – 30) PAGE - 4
PRESENT STATUS OF WORKS AND TECHNICAL STAFFS OF SSA ASSAM Total PAB approved sites 7307 Sites Total Number of Cluster 2499 Total Number of Sector 278 Junior Engineer 144 Technical Resource Person Present Staff satisfying Workload PAGE - 5
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: (a) STATE PROJECT ENGINEER: The SPE is responsible for – Smooth coordination with all SSA engineers, Preparation of drawing and estimate of NSB & ACR, Fund release of Civil Works Activities to the districts /SMCs, Holding monthly review meeting at state level, Communicating EdCIL/MHRD, Attending national level review meeting, Visit to the problematic district. According technical sanction for drawing and estimate of major repair, Monitoring of KGBV, RBC. NPEGEL, etc. Monitoring of performance of third party. PAGE - 6
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITY – continued ……….: (b) PROJECT ENGINEER: The Project Engineers are to – Visit the allotted districts every month, Report to MD, SPE Checking of major repair estimates, Planning, drawing and estimating, Review Civil Works Activities of concerned districts, Communicating districts for status of progress, Fund release, etc. Attended in-house meeting at SMO and review meeting with DMC/DPE and FAO, Attending SMC/ Mason training, etc. etc. Attending monthly meeting with 3 rd party evaluation. Monitoring works of KGBV, RBC, etc. Coordinating with the district engineers of SSA of allotted districts PAGE - 7
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – continued ……….: (c) DISTRICT PROJECT ENGINEER: The DPE is responsible for - Assessment of infrastructure gap Preparation of school list to place on District Level Committee meeting for its approval Checking estimate of major repair prepared by JE / TRP Preparation of module for Mason / SMC training Smooth coordination with JE/TRP, Allotment of sites to JE / TRPs, Execution of deed of agreement with SMC through JE/TRP, Preparation of list of schools for which fund to be released. Monitoring progress and completion. Communication with SMO Attending monthly review meeting at SMO Holding weekly review meeting with JE, TRP in presence of DMC Issue certificate for release of 2 nd instalment Issue of completion certificate. Submission of performance report of JE/ TRPs PAGE - 8
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – continued ……….: (d) JE & TRPs: The JE/TRP are to - Issue construction manual, drawing and estimate to SMCs Impart Mason/ SMC training Issue and collect agreement format, Smooth supervision and monitoring to the work site. Maintaining field visit observation register Collection of Bank account No. Bank Name and Branch, etc. from SMCs To assist SMCs for material procurement and execution of works. Reporting receipt of fund to DPE / DMC after ensuring the receipt of fund from the concerned bank branch against their allotted targets. Preparation of estimate of major repair after physical verification. Attending weekly meeting with DMC / DPE Maintenance of Asset Register, School mapping, etc. Checking civil works data of DISE survey PAGE - 9
SUPERVISION AND MONITORING SYSTEM: Four stages supervision and monitoring system are developed for speedy implementation and execution of Civil Works Activities (a) SECTOR LEVEL: Execution and supervision of works is monitored by JE /TRPs as per daily site visit format. JE/TRPs are to keep site visit report and instruction given at site to SMC. In a day the JE/TRPs are to visit 4 – 5 sites and record of such visit are to keep in the format obtaining signature of HM/SMC President. (b) BLOCK LEVEL: Appraisal of progress of ongoing Civil Works Activities to BMC. The dispute that arises amongst the members of SMC regarding construction / stoppage of construction are to be discussed at Block Level with BMC by the JE concerned for solution. PAGE - 10
(C) DISTRICT LEVEL: The DMC / DPE monitor the progress of work at district Office once in every week with JE/TRPs. The records of weekly meeting are kept in monthly monitoring format as supplied from SMO. The problem that can not be resolved at block level is discussed in the district and amicable solution is tried to find out for the same. Evaluation and performance of the Junior Engineer and Technical Resource Person (TRP) PAGE - 11
(d) STATE LEVEL: In every month State Level review meeting for monitoring the Civil Works Activities is held with the DMC/DPE/FAO. The progress of work is reviewed here district-wise for each Civil Works Activities. The problem which can not be sorted out at district level is also discussed in the meeting and try to give solution to the same. State Project Engineer is monitoring the districts where progress of works found to be slow. The problematic districts are visited by SPE as and when required. 4-5 districts are directly allotted under the control of the Project Engineers of SMO who are visiting the districts 10 – 12 days in every month and monitor the progress along with the quality of works. Project Engineers of SMO are also holding meeting with DMC/DPE every month and briefing the status of work to them. PAGE - 12
(C) CONCLUSION: Development of appropriate staffing pattern for critical project like SSA where there is no direct involvement of engineers but to supervise and administer the construction process– Is utmost necessary for timely completion of the targets in a planned manner how SSA, Assam is being able to achieve the goal engaging optimal technical personnel at critical area commensurate to the requirement at field. PAGE - 13