The Listing Agreement Where it all starts !
Listing Agreement An employment contract between: Property Owner Real Estate Broker Salesperson represents the brokerage firm Spells out the specific terms Seller’s terms of sale Broker job description & authority to sell Broker’s compensation (commission) Seller’s responsibilities Beginning and Ending (expiration) Dates
Types of Listing Agreements Open listing – One or More Brokers Least Desirable No Time Limit – First to Perform Wins! Owner may withdraw anytime before sale Owner may sell it themselves-No fee! NO MLS
Exclusive “AGENCY” Listing Only one Company/Broker (Agency) Authorized to represent seller BUT seller may also sell it themselves May be on MLS but risky for broker! Do not confuse with : Exclusive Right to Sell
Excusive Right to Sell Listing The Residential Listing Agreement CAR Form RLA Best Agreement ! Employs a specific Company/Broker Seller cannot sell it themselves If so, Broker still owed fee. Cooperating Brokers offered compensation through MLS.
Listing Appointment - Be Prepared ! Physically & Mentally Arrive On Time (Plan Your Time) Have a Plan & Script Bring All Materials Visual Aids Contracts & Disclosures Sample Advertising, Flyers, etc. Digital Camera Laptop (not absolutely necessary)
Listing Presentation-Why List/Buy with me? Visual Aids: Print, Photo, Lap Top, CD, On Line About You…. Background Education & Experience/Career(s) Interests, Family, etc About Your Company… Established in Community, Management Office Location(s) Local, Regional, National Affiliations Ancillary Services: Escrow, Mortgage, Title… Training Program Advertising Program Office Staff & Support
The Meeting/Interview Conversation “Ice Breakers Personality Type… Determine Motivation Open Ended Questions: So, what are your plans… Describe for me… WHEN, WHEN, WHEN ? Introduce Agency Disclosure Discuss Agency Relationships Demonstrate Your Knowledge & Professionalism “They don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
CAR Form RLA See Text Chapter & Sample Form Enter all data Describe Property Safety Clause – Broker Protection Authorizes Placement on MLS Agency Relationships – Dual Possibility Confirmation of Agency Dispute Resolution Seller’s Advisory – CAR Form SA
Explain Your Services-Listing Pre-Marketing Consultation Design Marketing Schedule Property Prep Market Analysis (CMA) Net Proceeds Estimate Advertising Plan & Design Property Showing Plan Contract Review & Analysis Preparation of Documents: Counter Offers Disclosures, etc. Sale/Escrow Monitoring Home Inspections Required Reports Time Table & Deadlines
Your Marketing Plan Property Preparation Photographs Flyers & Brochures Pre – Marketing: Data Base, Internet, Office Paperwork for Office Enter Data in Multiple Listing Service Install Lock Box (?) Broker Open House Public Open House