A Joint UNEP- GEF – Rio Conventions Secretariats and 6 Pilots Countries (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Liberia, Lao PDR, Mauritius and Palau) Initiative. GEF Expanded.


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Presentation transcript:

A Joint UNEP- GEF – Rio Conventions Secretariats and 6 Pilots Countries (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Liberia, Lao PDR, Mauritius and Palau) Initiative. GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop 8-10 February 2012 Bujumbura, Burundi Synergy among Rio Conventions: Case study on Streamlining Reporting

Context Most (MEAs 200 ) require Parties to report on national implementation on a regular basis Burden to Parties particularly LDCs/SIDSs Each convention provides guidance on content and format of the national reports, often independent from the other conventions because different conventions have different goals and different objectives for reporting A Range of Rio Conventions decisions have recognised that, given the many interlinkages between the processes affecting biodiversity, land degradation / desertification, and climate change, implementation of the Conventions cannot be meaningfully pursued in isolation from each other. Thus, the need for collaboration both at the level of Convention bodies and at the level of national implementation. Documents FCCC/SBSTA/2004/INF.19, ICCD/COP (7)/5/Add.1 and CBD/WG- RI/1/7/Add.1, Harmonization of reporting formats included as an item in the Joint Work Programme between the Secretariats of the CBD and the UNCCD (UNEP/COP/7/INF/28); decision UNEP/CBD/COP/IX/16(B) and UNCCD Decision 8/COP.9

Synergy among Rio Conventions: A GEF Response to Conventions Guidance UNEP/GEF Project: Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions – FNR_Rio -The project objective is Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions (FNR_Rio). -The project specific objectives are (a)develop integrated approaches to data collection/analysis and information management of relevance to the three Rio Conventions at the national level; (b)increase synergies in the process of reporting to the three conventions without compromising relevant COP decisions; and (c)contribute to improved overall planning and decision-making processes at the country level related to the implementation of these three conventions

Synergy among Rio Conventions: A GEF Response to Conventions Guidance UNEP/GEF Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project: Two ways approach 1.Pilot countries recommendations 2.Lessons learn at global level

UNEP/GEF Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project – FNR_Rio 1.Pilot countries Recommendations: -Institutional arrangements enabling integrated reporting: (policies and legislations, Collaborative mechanisms between national focal points, Permanent committee to coordinate the activities regarding the Rio Conventions including national reporting ) -Management of data and information: (standardised data collection and information analysis, Coordination office for data sharing, Improvement of the flow of data and information, Building human capacities in data and information management, A web-based, interactive environmental information system, Financial support for infrastructure and logistics, Linked clearing-house databases at the national level)

UNEP/GEF Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project – FNR_Rio 1.Pilot countries Recommendations: -Stakeholder involvement: (An information network, Capacity Building for stakeholders, MoUs/ Agreements between the national focal points and data generating organisations, Maintain and increase collaboration, communication, education, training and public awareness to ensure participation in implementation and reporting) -International support to integrated reporting: (The move to a more integrated system of national reporting for the intergovernmental level, The need for external financial support for a more integrated system of national reporting, including information management and capacity building and for monitoring the implementation of the Rio Conventions) -Evaluation of the state of implementation of the Rio Conventions at the national level (Provide an overview of the state of implementation of the conventions in the country and to identify barriers and challenges, A website containing pertinent information on the status and level of implementation of the three conventions at the national level)

UNEP/GEF Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project – FNR_Rio 2. Lessons Learn at Global Level: Past Experience on Biodiversity related Conventions: Typical example is the Pacific Islands initiative titled: “Streamlined Reporting by Pacific Island countries to the biodiversity – related MEAs” Harmonization/ integration at the national level: By strengthening the collaboration between national focal points for the different conventions and developing a coordinated approach to information collection and management, burdens could be shared and cross-cutting analyses would be facilitated Facilitation of coordination through tools provided at the international level (Indicating possible contribution from other convention; Tools might be generated in connection with online reporting; Guidance for Parties on how to manage data and information in a harmonized manner, as well as strengthened mandates and further concrete guidance to focal points for joint activities on reporting from the Convention bodies Alignment of reporting formats: (Similar information requested by all the convention to be organized in same way in each reporting format; Shared glossary of terms, Harmonized approach to use of indicators, Division of labor on information to be reported between national reporting entities)

UNEP/GEF Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Project – FNR_Rio 2. Lessons Learn at Global Level: Joint Reporting Format The Main Risk: considering the significant amount of Convention-specific information needs pointed, it seems impractical to suggest the production of a single report which would satisfy the requirements of all three agreements (bulky document, no interest in all of the information provided, the task of the Secretariats in analysing the information provided might be made more difficult) Alternative: The approach to harmonization of reporting which has been developed in the context of the Human Rights Treaty System, which requests Parties: a) core report which includes any information that is relevant for all treaties involved, b)To report in a separate document only highly specific or technical information which is of relevance to the implementation of one agreement

Synergy among Rio Conventions: Case study on Streamlining Reporting 3. The Proposed Joint Reporting Format 3.1. Section A : Joint thematic report on the state and management of ecosystems (Joint Core report) -Centred on the state and sustainable management of ecosystems as the major shared concern of the three agreements -All types of ecosystems rather than just the ones most relevant to the UNFCCC and UNCCD (i.e. forest, agricultural and dryland ecosystems) should be included in this report, since there are often ecological interlinkages between them, and also because to a certain degree all ecosystem types may be relevant for the development of alternative livelihoods or measures for adaptation to climate change

Synergy among Rio Conventions: Case study on Streamlining Reporting 3. The Proposed Joint Reporting Format 3.2. Sections B, C and D : Convention-specific Report (For CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC respectively) Conventions Specific Reports

Synergy among Rio Conventions: Case study on Streamlining Reporting 3. The Proposed Joint Reporting Format 3.3. Assumptions -The relation of contents of mutual interest to Convention-specific information (OVERLAPS) depends very much on the national situation -The indicative structure and elements of a joint thematic report for the Rio Conventions would be most relevant for LDCs and SIDs (as well as for many other developing countries), for the following reasons ecosystem services are often of central importance to the livelihoods of local populations, and ongoing degradation of ecosystems is a major concern for the implementation of all three agreements, The amount of available data on the state of the environment is usually quite limited, which means that often the same sets of (proxy) data will be used and interpreted in order to fulfil a large share of the information requirements of all three agreements. The number of actors involved and projects carried out in the sphere of environmental policy is likely to be restricted, which facilitates overview and coordination, increases the need for burden-sharing and often leads to the fact that a single project will be designed to address more than one environmental concern. Most Least Developed Countries are affected country Parties under the UNCCD, which greatly increases the amount of overlap in information requirements. The reporting obligations on these countries under the UNFCCC are less prescriptive than those for developed countries, providing more freedom for an alignment of information requests

Synergy among Rio Conventions: Case study on Streamlining Reporting 4. Acknowledgement and project contacts The GEF Secretariat and particularly the GEF CEO who initiated the idea and make it matured in collaboration with UNEP. Strong support and an agenda for Rio+20 UNEP- World Conservation and Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), the EA, in collaboration with the 6 pilots countries and in consultation with the 3 Rio Conventions Secretariats (Technical support to the project and taking the lead in producing documents in which all the above information are extracted) Project contacts: At UNEP/GEF: At UNEP-WCMC: (Project - (International

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