ADC Core Task Sheets meeting USGS, Reston, December 19-20, 2006 Chu Ishida, JAXA Report of AR convergence of systems -
20 December 2006 Report of AR AR-06-02Task Definition Produce practical strategic and tactical guidance document on how to converge disparate systems to a higher degree of collaboration and interoperability under GEOSS including its roadmap and using existing efforts wherever possible.
20 December 2006 Report of AR AR Objective Objective AR is charged with producing 2 documents (1 strategic and 1 tactical) the readership for which are the GEO Members and POs or potentially new ones – for them to USE in practice to instruct them how to go about evolving or adapting their systems to work in line with GEOSS needs. As such, the documents have a marketing role to encourage new entrants, agencies and systems into the GEOSS process and family. The documents should explain to existing and potentially new participants how to plan (strategy) and approach (tactics) interoperability with other GEOSS components.
20 December 2006 Report of AR Activities 1 st Telecon, September 13 –Objective and approach 2 nd Telecon, October 30 –Purpose of the two guidance documents –Draft outline of the documents 3 rd Telecon, November 24 –1 st draft of strategic guidance document 4 th Telecon, December 13 –3 rd draft of strategic guidance document –1 st draft of tactical guidance document
20 December 2006 Report of AR Purposes of Guidance Documents STRATEGIC DOCUMENT PURPOSE The document is perceived as the material each participating or potential agency might take to their ministries or government leaders. It should give a short explanation of the GEOSS and the principles that countries need to apply in their planning in order to contribute effectively and benefit suitably from involvement - over the long term. Such a document should be completely non-technical and just be of order 4-5 pages. TACTICAL DOCUMENT PURPOSE This is more for technical managers to ensure that they leverage developments in GEO and that their system can interface correctly to the GEOSS components. The technical document will be used like a procedure manual for information systems or data centre managers to ensure that means are clearly identified for making their systems compatible and suitably interfaced to the GEOSS. It would include for example the components registry form that they need to submit. The main body of such a document need be no more than pages (supplemented by annexes as required)
20 December 2006 Report of AR Proposed Outline of Strategic Guidance Document Original 1.GEO and GEOSS 2.GEOSS: A Cross-Cutting Approach 3.Functional components of GEOSS 4.Three architectural roles of GEOSS 1.A role of a system for converging observation systems worldwide; 2.A role of a system for integrating observation, modeling, and data management systems; and, 3.A role of a system for coordinating the nine socio benefit areas. 5.For developing GEOSS 1.Comprehensive approach 2.Demonstrative approach Current What is the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS)? How is GEOSS managed by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)? What is the scope of GEOSS? How will GEOSS help to Realize Societal Benefits? What kinds of systems are already encompassed within GEOSS? What are the benefits of contributing a system to GEOSS? What are the requirements for contributing a system to GEOSS? Annex: GEOSS Component Registration Form
20 December 2006 Report of AR Three Meanings of “A System of Systems” A System for Converging Observation Systems Worldwide A System for Integrating Observation, Modeling, and Data Management Systems A System for Coordinating the Nine Socio Benefit Areas DisasterHealthEnergy Climate Water Ecosystem Agriculture Weather Biodiversity
20 December 2006 Report of AR Provisions for A System of Systems How will GEOSS help to Realize Societal Benefits? “It can be seen that GEOSS acts in multiple roles to help realize the envisioned benefits. GEOSS has a role in: enhancing observation systems worldwide, expanding spatial and temporal coverage of observations; coordinating the integration and modeling of observational data, leading to more accurate and useful information and predictions; and, coordinating among the nine societal benefit areas, promoting more effective sharing of data and information across very different communities.(4 th paragraph)”
20 December 2006 Report of AR Concept-oriented and Demonstrative Approach How will GEOSS help to Realize Societal Benefits? (Concept-oriented approach) “The GEOSS 10 year Implementation Plan and Reference Document is the guiding document concerning how GEOSS will achieve the envisioned societal benefits. Working with the communities who are already active in each of the nine societal benefit areas, GEOSS implementors will cooperate in identifying user needs, defining observation requirements, and implementing coordinated systems. … Such tailored approaches can be seen in the 2 ‑ year, 6-year and 10- year targets given in the GEOSS 10 year Implementation Plan. (1 st para)“ (Demonstrative approach) “The realization of societal benefits is an important focus for GEO, and will be addressed through demonstration projects using the GEOSS common architecture in concert with global observations and local applications in solving real-life issues across the various societal benefit areas. The success of such demonstration projects, even those of fairly modest scale, are as crucial to the success of GEOSS as are the overarching GEO vision and the GEOSS interoperability arrangements.(5 th para)”
20 December 2006 Report of AR Proposed Outline of Tactical Guidance Document Original 1.An analytical overview of each SBA’s targets proposed in 10YIP and their updated status of the work plan tasks. 1.Disaster –Present Status –Field observation Expected achievements in 2 year, 6 year and 10 year –Aircraft observation –Space-based observation –Observation integration –Data integration/assimilation –Modeling/Prediction 2.Health 3.Energy An analytical overview of the GEOSS functional components defined in the 10YIP and their updated status of the work plan tasks. 3.Step forward under the common principles of GEOSS Current 1.Start with a illustration on process 2.Define process along the illustration 3.Develop question & answer format 4.Ask GEOSEC for handling roadmaps
20 December GEOSS Standards and Interoperabilit y Forum Experts, SDOs, Community GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements Registry Base GEOSS Standards GEOSS Standards Registry GEOSS Societal Benefit Activity GEOSS Components Registry References Recommendation Request for help with interoperability between two GOESS components Study for possible existing solutions Register the issue as “under review” Register the recommendations, if “accepted” References
20 December 2006 Report of AR Needs of roadmap Assists overall and long-term planning Assists understanding user requirements Assists linking and prioritization of targets Assists convergence of systems and applications of “a system of system” engineering Assists evaluation of progress
20 December 2006Report of AR SBA Road Map - Water In-situ observation Integration Product Model User IF Improve existing in-situ sys Test global net of integ. in-situ obs sites Test a fully integrated prototype data system Make integrated in-situ obs site operational Operational integrated data system Space-based observation Study water quality measure capability, altimetry for streamflow and water storage Integrated info on climate indices/ extreme events Impl. plan for data Integration system Plan integ. in-situ site net 3 hourly global precipitation Integrated precip. and soil moisture products Int’l coord. mecha. GPM, surface & subsurface water stores Plan water quality monitoring System for monitoring WC changes Data and info on water quantity and quality Collaborative mechanism between obs and research community Framework for ensemble hydro prediction Gravity mission for water cycle monitor New products for precipitation, soil moisture, evaporation and evapotranspiration Integrated water cycle data sets Water level data collection sys PlanningPrototypingOperational
20 December GEOSS Functional Componets - Data Integration Disaster Health Climate Water cycle Ecosystem Agriculture InSAR integration to warning and prediction system Integrated system of InSAR and GPS Develop products and systems integrating DB with health Health info net DB Inventory of EO DB that can be associated with known health problem Devel Early detec sys for health-related change Facilitate early detect and control of env risk Establish data archive centers for ECVs, commit integrated global analysis of ECV Develop data integration facilitiesPromote reanalysis program Integrated obs sys for atmos. chem. Test a fully integrated prototype data systemOperational integrated data systemImpl. plan for data integ. system System for monitoring WC changes Support WMO for new regional centers for warningSustained operations of regional centers Weather Implement global nitrogen obs sys Spatially-resolved information on ecosystem change Implement IGOS Carbon obs Globally agreed classifi. scheme Eliminate regional disparity Develop scale up tools Monitoring of urban ecosystems Fully integ obs sys for on-time drought EWSOn-time monitoring and info sys for significant events Use of agriculture, forestry, fishery production statistics to a pixel level Operational linkage of EO data to statisticsSocio-economic data converted to pixel Analytical tools and methods for agriculture risk assessment Support completion of world soil and terrestrial DB at 1:1M Global DB and assessment of agriculture On-time monitor and info sys for land degradation and desertification
20 December 2006 Report of AR Timetable & Approval Process Oct 30 ( )2 nd AR task telecon Nov 10(Fri) First draft of the strategic document Nov 20(Mon) Second draft of the strategic document Nov 27 (Mon)ADC Co-Chairs meeting Nov 28-29(Wed)GEO-III Dec 8 (Fri)Final version of the strategic document Dec 11(Mon) First draft of the tactical document Dec 16(Fri)Release of strategic guidance document draft for ADC review Dec 28 (Thu) Second draft of the tactical document Jan TBDRelease of tactical guidance document draft for ADC review TBDPublish guidance documents
20 December 2006 Report of AR AR Issue to be solved GEOSS 10 Year IP address only 2 year targets for Architecture and current AR strategic guidance document focus on a process to encourage new components to join in and to ensure they are compatible with other components of GEOSS. Long-term planning and a process to ensure building up an architecture to respond to envisioned SBA’s goals and targets are missing. Making link with the long-term planning or roadmaps in architecture and defining such process are essential. Role and process of system of system engineering to enable such architecture needs to be addressed.
20 December 2006 Report of AR Long-term planning for GEOSS Architecture and Data Monitor and provide guidance how GEOSS Architecture and Data evolve based upon GEOSS 10 Year IP. Dialogue with User Interface Committee to define user requirements and facilitate applications of “a system of systems” to each SBA and among SBAs Provide guidance to application of interoperability arrangements and standards Evaluate prototype system of systems and provide guidance to transfer research system to operational system Provide guidance to data management, common product generation
18 GEOSS - Architecture Integration Formal commitments Analysis of data transfer and dissemination by GEOSS members Network-distributed catalogue Process for reaching interoperability Use of SDI components in areas such as geodetic reference frames, common geographic data In-situ observation Baseline sites for global in-situ networks Cost-and-benefit sharing mechanism Framework for future continuity of obs and initiating new obs Common understanding on future global data dissemination capability Annex-3
19 SBA Road Map - Commonalities Integration Product Strategic plan Periodic demo of overall progress of overall progress Optimum use of GEOSS data and info Sharing of best practice for development of Products customized for specific SBA Strategic and tactical guidance on how to converge sys and interoperability Interoperability among data sets Formal commitments Joint evaluation of prototype sys of sys and operational research demonstration Plan to sustain and evolve sys of sys beyond 10 years PlanningPrototyping Operational
20 GEOSS – Data & Users Product Strategic plan Mechanism for coordinating user needs with SBAs Common data, metadata, products across SBAs Life cycle data management, incl. analysis, visualization of large volume data International info sharing capabilities, incl. Internet-based services Sharing of data and products and their Use in decision making support Protection of radio frequency Efforts for enhanced data availability and usability beyond 10 years Integration Planning PrototypingOperational
21 GEOSS - Products Disaster Health Water cycle Weather Ecosystem Energy Historical RS data Exchange data/product, forecast info New energy tailored products and services Integrated precip. and soil moisture products Data and info on water quantity and quality New products for precipitation, soil moisture, evaporation and evapotranspiration Integrated water cycle data sets Support WMO to Improve data and models Rescue historical info Baseline maps of global ecosystem properties Global irrigated map Agriculture Access to SRTM data
20 December 2006 Report of AR Thank you