EUFAR - EUropean Facility for Airborne Research Mngt – Management General Assembly 02 – Sept 14th 2009, Evora Project management: Issues requiring a vote.


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Presentation transcript:

EUFAR - EUropean Facility for Airborne Research Mngt – Management General Assembly 02 – Sept 14th 2009, Evora Project management: Issues requiring a vote (F.RIVE, 1-MF-CNRM)

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 1: Transfer UEDIN -> PML VOTE 1: Due to the departure of Dr. Tim Malthus from the University of Edinburgh (UEDIN-beneficiary 31), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML-beneficiary 33) takes over all contractual responsibilities of UEDIN. Consequently the EC contribution initially allocated to UEDIN will be transfered to PML. Results of Vote 1 (made by electronic means in June 2009): Approve = 29 Refuse = 0 Abstain = 3 Veto = 0 No answer = 1

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA VOTE 2: N9SST–T&S VOTE 2: To transfer 8400€ from N2TAC-T&S budget line into N9SST–T&S budget line Background: Allocation for 4 years (9100€) already exceeded (by 2325€) with: N9SST meeting 02 at NCAR for international collaboration (Denver, /01/09) => 2650 € N9SST meeting 03 on Infrastructures for Environment (Paris,16/03/2009) => 430 € N9SST meeting 04 at 33rd ISRSE conference (Italy, 04-08/05/09) => 8340 € Costs of the N9SST meeting 04 (8340€) were not anticipated in the contract Future N9SST expenses evaluated to 6000€

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 3: N8EC–Dissemination VOTE 3: To transfer 15000€ from N2TAC-T&S budget line into N8EC budget lines Background: Allocation for 4 years (4280€) already exceeded (by 8530€) with: Stand at EGU 2009 (Austria, 20-24/04/09) => 4260 € Stand at 33rd ISRSE conference (Italy, 04-08/05/09) => 8120 € Amendments to EUFAR posters and flyers => 440 € Costs for dissemination of information were anticipated in the contract, but distributed in all activities budget lines Request to centralize the dissemination costs: Because dissemination actions are usually common to all activities For easier management

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 4: Exchange of personnel between aircraft/instrument operators VOTE 4: To promote exchange of personnel between aircraft/instrument operators, by the provision of 10000€ (in N5ET-T&S budget line) for supporting the T&S of the visitors Background: The objective is to exchange the knowledge and know-how (about instrument calibration, data acquisition, etc) between aircraft/instrument operators by participation in field campaigns or ground/flight tests

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 5: Change of beneficiary: UHEI -> PTB VOTE 5: To approve: - the removal of UHEI (beneficiary 20) from the EUFAR Consortium - the addition of PTB into the EUFAR Consortium - the transfer of all UHEI contractual responsibilities and EC contribution to PTB PTB has more than adequate expertise to undertake the research that UHEI was due to undertake. Background: Volker Ebert left UHEI for a new position at the German National Metrology Institute (PTB - Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt). His new duties (amongst others) will be to develop laser-based precision gas analyzers and to be responsible for the national humidity standard of Germany. Both are quite helpful for JRA1. Moreover, a substantial part of his group as well as significant parts of his equipment and other research projects will be transferred to PTB. The capabilities of his new group will therefore be strengthened and can supply important additional capabilities (like DIRECT access to the precision humidity sensors of PTB) to JRA1 and to EUFAR.

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 6: Addition of special clause 10 to the GA VOTE 6: To add the special clause 10 below into Article 7 of the EUFAR Grant Agreement 1. The following third parties are linked to CNRS -- Université de Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan 2. This beneficiary may charge costs incurred by the above-mentioned third parties in carrying out the project, in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement. These contributions shall not be considered as receipts of the project. The third parties shall identify the costs to the project mutatis mutandis in accordance with the provisions of part B of Annex II of the grant agreement. Each third party shall charge its eligible costs in accordance with the principles established in Articles II.14 and II.15. The beneficiary shall provide to the Commission: - an individual financial statement from each third party in the format specified in Form C. These costs shall not be included in the beneficiary’s Form C - certificates on the financial statements and/or on the methodology from each third party in accordance with the relevant provisions of this grant agreement. - a summary financial report consolidating the sum of the eligible costs borne by the third parties and the beneficiary, as stated in their individual financial statements, shall be appended to the beneficiary’s Form C. When submitting reports referred to in Article II.4, the consortium shall identify work performed and resources deployed by each third party linking it to the corresponding beneficiary. 3. The eligibility of the third parties’ costs charged by the beneficiary is subject to controls and audits of the third parties, in accordance with Articles II.22 and The beneficiary shall retain sole responsibility towards the Community and the other beneficiaries for the third parties linked to it. The beneficiary shall ensure that the third parties abide by the provisions of the grant agreement.

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 7: Entry of Geophysica VOTE 7: - To approve the addition of the operator of the Geophysica aircraft into the EUFAR Consortium - To open the Geophysica to Transnational Access as long as the quantity of access provided by each operator is reduced accordingly and approved by the EC Background: The Geophysica aircraft (operated by Geophysica EEIG) was part of the Transnational Access program in EUFAR FP6 Following the liquidation of Geophysica EEIG, the Geophysica was withdrawn from the EUFAR fleet The Geophysica is still operational as part of other on-going EU projects, with the operator MDB/STM as project partner or sub-contractor 1 TA project with 12FH costs about €

Votes Vote 1: UEDIN -> PML Vote 2: N9SST budget Vote 3: N8EC budget Vote 4: N5ET budget Vote 5: UHEI -> PTB Vote 6: GA clause 10 Vote 7: Geophysica Vote 8: Addition ONERA Vote 8: Addition of ONERA VOTE 8: To add ONERA in the EUFAR Consortium for participation in JRA2 activity (without allocation). Background: ONERA is working for a long time in the hyperspectral imagery field and would like to join EUFAR to participate in the JRA2 activity. See attached doc for more info. Conclusion: ONERA will be invited at the next JRA2 meeting in November. Then the JRA2 coordinator will send a recommendation to the General Assembly for a vote by electronic means in November/December 2009.