PaN-data Meeting 4-5 October 2010 HZB, Berlin
Project Summary
PaN-data Europe Timeline PaN-data Europe runs from June 2010 until December 2011 with workshops in Spring and Autumn PaN-data Europe – building a sustainable data infrastructure for Neutron and Photon laboratories
The establishment of the policy framework within each technical theme guides the development of the relevant standards in that theme. The Data and User Policies task start from a mature basis and do not require an initial review. They will take their initial proposal to the first workshop and a revised proposal to the final workshop for dissemination. The software theme is less mature in the community, and thus requires an initial review, an exploratory first workshop and will take a draft proposal before the final workshop, to be revised subsequently. The data and software themes provide requirements for the user information theme as requirements on data and software will influence the information which will be needed to be shared on users. The three workshops within WP4, 5, and 6 will be co-located into one project workshop, represented via the box grouping tasks 4.2, 5.2 and 6.2 above. The final workshop is to a wider audience, and will present the results of the technical themes of the project, together with a draft proposal for an integrated strategy for developing the infrastructure further for the community. This integration strategy will be revised in the light of the workshop. Dependencies
Staff Effort Each WP has a lead partner (red) Most WPs have 2 supporting partners (blue) All partners have some effort in all WPs 6 Partners have leading roles 5 Partners have supporting roles STFC has coordination role Travel etc – lead partners have €10.5K, others have €5.25 5,250 = 7 * 750 = 1 person at 5 meetings + 2 other trips
Deliverables by Workpackage D1.1 : Project Reporting, IPR, risk and quality management procedures (Aug 10) D1.2 : First bi-annual management report (Nov 10) D1.3 : Second annual management report (May 11) D1.4 : Final management report (Nov 11) D2.1 : Common policy framework on scientific data (Sep 10) D2.2 : Common policy framework on analysis software (Jan 11) D2.3 : Common policy framework on user data (May 11) D2.4 : Common integrated policy framework (Sep 11) D3.1 : Project Website (Aug 10) D3.2 : Dissemination plan (Nov 10) D3.3 : Update on dissemination including version one roadmap for international standardisation(May 11) D3.4 : Final Dissemination Workshop Report (Nov 11) D4.1 : Proposal for authentication system enabling shared Virtual Organisation Management (Jan 11) D4.2 : User information workshop report (Mar 11) D4.3 : Revised specification of common authentication system (May 11) D5.1. Proposal for data format standards (Jan 11) D5.2. Data standards workshop report (Mar 11) D5.3. Revised specification of data standards (May 11) D6.1: Report on current software registries and data analysis software (Jan 11). D6.2: Workshop report on standards and methods for sharing software (Mar 11). D6.3: Draft proposal on strategy for data analysis software infrastructure (Sep 11). D6.4 : Final proposal on standards and methods for sharing software (Nov 11) D7.1: Report on survey of publication repositories, cross-linking and long-term preservation (May 11). D7.2: Proposal for integration of practices (Sep 11). D7.3 : Final report on standards for publication repositories,cross-linking and long-term preservation(Nov11)
WP Nat ureDissDel No.Deliverable NameNo. (R/ P/D /O)levelDate 1.1Project Reporting, risk and quality management procedures1RCOAug 3.1Project Website3OPUAug 2.1Common policy framework on scientific data2RPUSep 1.2First bi-annual management report1RCONov 3.2Dissemination Plan3RPUNov 2.2Common policy framework on analysis software2RPUJan 4.1Proposal for authentication system enabling shared Virtual Organisation Management4RPUJan 5.1Proposal for data format standards5RPUJan 6.1Report on current software registries and data analysis software6RPUJan 4.2User information workshop report4RPUMar 5.2Data standards workshop report5RPUMar 6.2Workshop report on standards and methods for sharing software6RPUMar 1.3Second bi-annual management report1RCOMay 2.3Common policy framework on user data2RPUMay 3.3Update on dissemination activities3RPUMay 4.3Revised specification of common authentication system4RPUMay 5.3Revised specification of data standards5RPUMay 7.1Report on survey of publication repositories, cross-linking and long-term preservation7RPUMay 2.4Common integrated policy framework2RPUSep 6.3Draft proposal on strategy for data analysis software infrastructure6RPUSep 7.2Proposal for integration of practices9RPUSep 1.4Final management report1RCONov 3.4Final Dissemination Workshop Report3RPUNov 6.4Final proposal on standards and methods for sharing software6RPUNov 7.3Final report on standards for publication repositories, cross-linking and long-term preservation7RPUNov Deliverables by Month
WP1 Management Objectives To establish an effective and efficient collaboration between the partners delivering added value to each participant and to the European research community as a whole. To report to the Commission as required. Methodology Establish and enforce financial and administrative procedures to report and manage the EC contract with the commission and partners. Establish mailing lists, an internal website and hold regular meetings to ensure an efficient flow of information between the consortium partners. Establish quality management procedures and monitor quality of output. Establish a plan and procedures for the management of IPR. Establish a risk management plan and monitor risks, reporting to the Project Management Board. Task 1.1: Agree on common modes of working required to achieve the goals of the project including management of IPR (M1–M3). Task 1.2: Monitor progress of these joint activities and put in place appropriate corrective actions as necessary to deliver the project. (ongoing). Task 1.3: Organise general meetings of the project. (to be held at the M1,M 6, M12, M18). Task 1.4: Report to EC on the financial and technical progress of the project. (M6, 12, 18). Deliverables D1.1 : Project Reporting, IPR, risk and quality management procedures (M3) D1.2 : First bi-annual management report (M6) D1.3 : Second annual management report (M12) D1.4 : Final management report (M18)
WP2 Development of standards for a common data policy framework Objectives To agree between the partners on the elements of a general, standard, data policy framework and to establish, promote, and maintain individual data policies in accordance with this standard. This work package is the basis for the work packages devoted to the individual strands; it sets the requirements and principles within which they operate. Methodology: Survey existing relevant policies at the partner facilities and correlate them with guidelines emerging from national and international bodies. Abstract from these a common set of generic policy elements and refine and approve existing policies against this framework. Undertake a common foresight activity to inform evolution of policy in the light of technical and regulatory developments. Work towards convergence of policies in the longer term as experience of what constitutes best practice emerges. Liaise with other parties where such policies frameworks already exist to promote best practice in data management and exploitation The policies will influence and be influenced by the corresponding Work Packages devoted to the development of standards and practices, and the timings are chosen to match the milestones of those Work Packages. Task 2.1 : Development of common policy framework for scientific data (M1-M4) Task 2.2 : Development of common policy framework for analysis software (M1-M8) Task 2.3 : Development of common policy framework for user data (M8-M12) Task 2.4 : Development of integrated common policy framework for data (M12-M16) Deliverables D2.1 : Common policy framework on scientific data (M4) D2.2 : Common policy framework on analysis software (M8) D2.3 : Common policy framework on user data (M12) D2.4 : Common integrated policy framework (M16)
WP3 Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination (Original Text) Objectives To promote feedback from user communities with respect to project objectives and results. To liaise with other projects and facilities, including other photon and neutron facilities and e-infrastructure projects. To ensure effective communication with third parties such as software suppliers. Methodology Set up mechanisms for effective communication of project outputs to other relevant I3 projects, facility user communities, partner research institutes/organisations, and more general e-infrastructure developments. Remain aware of related e-infrastructure and data integration developments outside the project, in particular across Europe, with a view to the longer term integration of this work into the broader integrated infrastructure required to support European Research in the coming decade. Contribute to the development of the broader infrastructure through participation in relevant integration, planning and standardization activities required to achieve the eIRG vision of an integrated European e-Infrastructure. Task 3.1. Establish an external web site (M1-3). Task 3.2. Establish an interest group for project news items via community channels, informing them of project progress (M4-9). Task 3.3. Presentations to relevant international audiences at conferences, symposia, (other) project meetings etc. (ongoing). Task 3.4. Final workshops to present the integrated systems to user and facility communities (M18). Deliverables D3.1 : Project Website (M3) D3.2 : Dissemination plan (M6) D3.3 : Update on dissemination (M12) D3.4 : Final Dissemination Workshop Report (M18)
WP3 Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination (EC Additions) Methodology The project will plan activities adequately resourced devoted to dissemination for specialised constituencies and general public, in particular for awareness and educational purposes. The dissemination plan deliverable has to consider adequate messages about the objectives of the project and its societal and economic impact. The tools to be used should include web-based communication, press releases, brochures, booklets, multimedia material, etc. The 'dissemination material' should be regularly updated to provide the latest version of the project status and objectives. Electronic and/or paper versions of this 'dissemination material' will be made available to the Project Officer beforehand for consultation and upon its final release. The project will actively participate in the concertation activities and meetings related with the e- Infrastructures area. The objective is to optimise synergies between projects by providing input and receiving feedback from working groups addressing activities of common interest (e.g. from clusters and projects). Projects may offer advice and guidance and receiving information relating to 7th Framework programme implementation, standardisation, policy and regulatory, EU Member States initiatives or relevant international initiative. Note that proper acknowledgement of the source funding (the FP7 logo and the EU flag, EC/e- Infrastructures, etc.) will be provided in all dissemination activities. D3.3 : Update on dissemination including version one roadmap for international standardisation (M12)
WP4 Development of standards for common user information exchange Objectives To foster interoperability of user information across the participating facilities and the wider research community. To develop standards enabling a shared Virtual Organisation Management and common processes across the participating facilities. Methodology The ultimate objective is the implementation of a system to allow scientific users to access data files across the physically distributed repositories. A typical use case would be a user having performed experiments at several facilities who needs to perform the same data analysis on all data sets. This process involves the use of remote computing resources and software packages, which implies a system whereby a logged user at a local site can be automatically authenticated and authorised (AAA) to use remote facilities. This additional level of AAA should be as transparent as possible to the user. Data protection laws in each country enormously complicate the sharing of user information between organisations. Consequently the AAA must function with the transfer of the very minimum of information, possibly only the user’s name and/or and the trust information. A corollary is that AAA is not involved in implementing user databases at each site but rather in providing a mechanism of interfacing with existing applications to make available the trust information in a consistent and coordinated manner across the facilities. Task 4.1: Review existing authentication solutions with special emphasis of the IRUVX / ESRFUP prototype solution. Propose prototype authentication system in view of the needs of the full neutron and photon community (M1-M8). Task 4.2: Workshop with facility authentication experts; plan the adoption strategy for the full- community authentication system (M9). Task 4.3: Revise the proposal in the light of the workshop findings, and determine the next steps (non web-based applications, GRID-related issues). (M8-M12). (Note: the final workshop to disseminate the results of the work package takes place in WP3) Deliverables D4.1 : Proposal for authentication system enabling shared Virtual Organisation Management (M8) D4.2 : User information workshop report (M10) D4.3 : Revised specification of common authentication system (M12)
WP5 Development of standards for scientific data Objectives To foster interoperability of data formats and metadata schemas across the participating facilities and the wider research community. Methodology: Today all participating facilities use their own data file formats, which is a great obstacle for file access as input file readers have to be provided for each format. A shared infrastructure, involving databases and software, effectively imposes a common data format, which requires some agreement on the data to store and the format itself. This work package, through fact finding, monitoring and strategy development, will define a common data format, based on the NeXus international standard. In order to make raw and processed data accessible to scientists it is essential to be able to search databases by their metadata, which refers to the data describing the stored data, e.g. experiment name, date, facility where the data was taken, energy range of the data, type of technique, sample type and name, etc. The metadata with a link to the raw or processed data file will be made available via a metadata catalogue. This workpackage, through fact finding, monitoring and strategy development, will determine the metadata to be included in databases. Task 5.1: Evaluate existing data format standards and propose a coherent set covering the format requirements across the facilities and in the user community, prepare workshop (M4-M8). Task 5.2. Workshop to agree on this minimum set; include decision makers from users, facilities, software developers (M9). Task 5.3. Revise the data format standards in the light of the workshop findings (M8-M12). (Note: the final workshop to disseminate the results of the work package takes place in WP3) Deliverables D5.1. Proposal for data format standards (M8) D5.2. Data standards workshop report (M10) D5.3. Revised specification of data standards (M12)
WP6 Strategy for data analysis software infrastructure Objectives To determine how to develop, deploy, operate and evaluate a common registry of data analysis software and, where appropriate, the necessary format converters, so that data from different sources can, in the future, be treated with a variety of data analysis software. Methodology Data analysis (software) is a key link in the chain of events that transforms original ideas into conclusive scientific output. This WP, by fostering a common software resource, will ultimately enable the most appropriate software to be used independently of where the data is collected. A model for this type of activity is the “Collaborative Computational Projects” in the UK (see The approach of this WP are therefore to help define a common software resource that will: 1.simplify and streamline for facility users the conversion of raw data into high quality scientific data for publication, 2.accelerate the deployment and use of new data analysis methods which will open doors to new science across the facilities and the user community, 3.enhance and optimise the scientific output of the facilities i.e. better value for money. Task 6.1: Review existing registries for data analysis software. Catalogue the data analysis software in use across the facilities and in the user community (M4-M8). Task 6.2: Workshop to agree position on data analysis software infrastructure, including providers of this software to define standards/rules for sharing, versioning, tracing software (M9). Task 6.3 : Analyse findings of workshop and propose strategy on software sharing (M8-M16) Task 6.4 : Revise proposal strategy for data analysis software sharing (M17-M18) (Note: the final workshop to disseminate the results of the work package takes place in WP3) Deliverables D6.1: Report on current software registries and data analysis software (M8). D6.2: Workshop report on standards and methods for sharing software (M10). D6.3: Draft proposal on strategy for data analysis software infrastructure (M16). D6.4 : Final proposal on standards and methods for sharing software (M18)
WP7 Development of standards for integration and cross-linking of outputs Objectives To foster the integration of the whole science lifecycle, focussing on linking of publications and data, interaction between institutional repositories of publications, packaging for long-term preservation, and services for search and reuse. Methodology: Publications repositories complete the lifecycle of innovation. Linking to Users, Data and Software enable traceability of published results through the scientific process. Sharing of the final results provides a foundation for the next cycle of science, and packaging enables long-term preservation of the outputs of research. Association of data with the publications resulting from it is a basis for preservation through Representation Information—a term from the OAIS standard (Open Archival Information System), meaning information necessary to ensure continued understandability and usability of a digital resource. Furthermore, this is also a basis for reuse of data across diverse communities, since the supplementary information needed for continued understandability is also valuable for transfer across communities. The European Support Action PARSE. Insight (of which STFC is WPL) is producing a roadmap for digital preservation in Europe, informed by a large-scale survey of attitudes and practices in a wide range of scientific disciplines. The roadmap includes components such as tools for creation of Representation Information, and will be taken into account in the project work. Task 7.1: Review existing provision for publication repositories, citation recording and long-term preservation in use across the facilities and in the user community, including facility libraries. (M8-M12) Task 7.2: Propose strategy on integration of practices across the community (M12-M16). Task 7.3: Develop final proposal on integration of practices across the community (M17-18). (Note: the final workshop to disseminate the results of the work package takes place in WP3) Deliverables D7.1: Report on survey of publication repositories, cross-linking and long-term preservation (M12). D7.2: Proposal for integration of practices (M16). D7.3 : Final report on standards for publication repositories, cross-linking and long-term preservation (M18)
Management Administration GPFs – Grant Preparation Forms – all done! – Have all “A2.5”s except one (some in the post) GA – Grant Agreement – All done – Draft distributed – final will be issued by EC – Will need “A form” signed in triplicate by each partner CA – DESCA v2 agreed in principle – Draft distributed – List of “background” to be included/excluded from each partner – Please get this signed ASAP. Prefinancing – received within 42 days of GA) – Distributed within ?? Days (provided GA/CA sufficiently signed)
Deliverable 1.1 Have a similar from another project which can be adapted. Will distribute in the coming weeks Communications Progress reports and monthly plans Teleconferences? Proceedures