ITEMS Innovative Teaching for European Museum Strategies Preliminary Meeting Rome, 3rd November 2010 Andersen Museum.


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Presentation transcript:

ITEMS Innovative Teaching for European Museum Strategies Preliminary Meeting Rome, 3rd November 2010 Andersen Museum

A few hints for our discussion 1) Focusing the Project on the Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) Program 2) Logistics 3) Dissemination and Communication

Focusing the Project on the Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) Program Reference to EU documents/Copenaghen process; Reference to EU documents/Copenaghen process; Shaping ITEMS: Shaping ITEMS: 1) common objectives (Keywords: Museum/School/Technology); 2) actions  analysis of existing national situations  research/experimentation of new experiences Results and achievements Results and achievements European impact European impact

Logistics Formal issues (certificate of attendace; reports; invoices) Formal issues (certificate of attendace; reports; invoices) Schedule (plan of activities for the next two years) Schedule (plan of activities for the next two years)

Dissemination and Communication Internet ITEMS site (contents) Internet ITEMS site (contents) Logo Logo External communication: wiki and youtube External communication: wiki and youtube External communication: publications (bulletins/newletters/web site of partners’ institutions AND International magazines: InSEA?) External communication: publications (bulletins/newletters/web site of partners’ institutions AND International magazines: InSEA?) Publication of final results: book? (who can do it? what format?) Publication of final results: book? (who can do it? what format?)

AIMS More specifically, LdV partnerships are differentiated from the partnership actions in the Comenius and Grundtvig programme on the basis of the content of the activities, which have to be clearly VET related. A second particularity of LdV partnership is the strive towards participation of other stakeholders than just VET schools, such as enterprises, social partners, regional, local or even national decision makers. A Leonardo da Vinci Partnership is a framework for small-scale cooperation activities between organisations working in the field of vocational education and training ("VET") which will be cooperating on themes of mutual interest to the participating organisations. Projects can focus more on the active participation of trainees, while others will concentrate on the cooperation between teachers, trainers or VET-professionals. EU’S ATTENDANCES EU’S ATTENDANCES

EXPECTED OUTCOMES The LdV Partnership will produce an outcome or results which allow later dissemination and further application of the results of the cooperation. This can be descriptive or tangible, take the form of a common report, a conference, a CD, a tangible product as developed for / on behalf of / with the involvement of trainees, a training concept in a specific VET field,...etc. PERSPECTIVES Partnerships could also be used to continue to cooperate on results achieved in a previous project or be a first step towards a mobility or transfer of innovation project. Partnerships are an excellent way of enabling peer learning activities for the use of common tools as described in the Helsinki Communiqué, such as transparency, EQF, ECVET, quality assurance, excellence of skills, competences for key sectors.

WHAT WE PROMISED TO DO…. (from our application form) DESCRIPTION Analysis, research and exchange on good practices with regard to museums as educational resources in the very context of school training and with particular attention to the secondary school level. Analysis, research and exchange on good practices with regard to museums as educational resources in the very context of school training and with particular attention to the secondary school level. Exam of previous researches carried on in several European countries Exam of previous researches carried on in several European countries Consideration of the peculiar aspects of museums like learning spaces (which means different from the traditional classroom) where students can learn in an active way, by connecting the two processes of absorbing and acquiring knowledge. Consideration of the peculiar aspects of museums like learning spaces (which means different from the traditional classroom) where students can learn in an active way, by connecting the two processes of absorbing and acquiring knowledge. Analysis of the relationship between school and museum and of the the possibility of adopting the learning (formal and informal) experiences normally made in museums, into the formal context of school learning. Analysis of the relationship between school and museum and of the the possibility of adopting the learning (formal and informal) experiences normally made in museums, into the formal context of school learning. Connection of these approaches to the national curricula will be also examined. Connection of these approaches to the national curricula will be also examined.

MOTIVATIONS FOR THE PROJECT Field studies to museums and galleries are often proposed in a random way and have poor feedbacks in terms of long lasting learning. Field studies to museums and galleries are often proposed in a random way and have poor feedbacks in terms of long lasting learning. Lack of a focused training for teachers interested in the dialogue school- museum; Lack of a focused training for teachers interested in the dialogue school- museum; Lack of proper understanding of the school context and of its specific needs of teachers from the part of Museums Lack of proper understanding of the school context and of its specific needs of teachers from the part of Museums WHAT WE PROMISED TO DO…. (from our application form)

IMPACT Encouragement of mutual dialogue among different cultural institutions, mainly Schools and Museums. Encouragement of mutual dialogue among different cultural institutions, mainly Schools and Museums. Producing a portfolio of good practices, competences and knowledge which will encourage not only the partners involved but the single trainees to update their approach to cultural education through a much wider European perspective. Producing a portfolio of good practices, competences and knowledge which will encourage not only the partners involved but the single trainees to update their approach to cultural education through a much wider European perspective. Checking the effectiveness of partners’ strategies by comparing them to different realities; Checking the effectiveness of partners’ strategies by comparing them to different realities; Reconsideration and, possibly, a “re-mediation” of educational activities Reconsideration and, possibly, a “re-mediation” of educational activities Confrontation with professionals of the same and of different areas of activity. Confrontation with professionals of the same and of different areas of activity. Encouragement of the integration of others’ experiences and their adaptation to even unexpected realities, boosting creativity and experimentation. Encouragement of the integration of others’ experiences and their adaptation to even unexpected realities, boosting creativity and experimentation. Flanking professionals of different fields and having them working together to pursue successful outcomes. T Flanking professionals of different fields and having them working together to pursue successful outcomes. T Creation of a web of experts and resources to make this dialogue enduring and repetitive. Creation of a web of experts and resources to make this dialogue enduring and repetitive. WHAT WE PROMISED TO DO…. (from our application form)

GOALS attention to modern technologies in the didactics of schools and museums: attention to modern technologies in the didactics of schools and museums: Involvemente of in service and initial teachers, researchers and people working into the field of education and museums activity. Trainees will examine real case studies and will participate to field studies and workshops Involvemente of in service and initial teachers, researchers and people working into the field of education and museums activity. Trainees will examine real case studies and will participate to field studies and workshops Enhancement of changes of organization and good practices in the relationship between School and Museum. Enhancement of changes of organization and good practices in the relationship between School and Museum. Final results will be disseminated through the web sites of each partner in order to enhance the impact of the training experience (seminars) onto the communities linked to each institution involved into the project. Final results will be disseminated through the web sites of each partner in order to enhance the impact of the training experience (seminars) onto the communities linked to each institution involved into the project. WHAT WE PROMISED TO DO…. (from our application form)


DIDACTIC EXPERIENCE BETWEEN MUSEUM AND SCHOOL AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL; the Italian Situation. Mutual collaboration between Museum and Schools within the context of the didactics for secondary school pupils was perceived in our country quite recently

OBSTACLES/REASONS OF CONCERN: Lack of an in service training system for Teachers (not mandatory, not structured, lack of awards for teachers career) Recent consideration of Technology as a didactic tool to have Museums and Schools talking each other POSITIVE CONDITIONS: Primacy of Italy in art history as mandatory subject at the secondary school level; Official Agreement between the Ministery of Fine Arts and the Minister of National Education; Autonomy of Italian Schools as a boost for educational project and didactic experimentation; Italian Prompt reception of EU’s recommendations of LLP

ANISA engagement on the field Training courses for teachers on the field of museum didactic and, recently on the use of ICT; Training courses for teachers on the field of museum didactic and, recently on the use of ICT; Research and experimentation; Research and experimentation; Development of a culture of continuous training Development of a culture of continuous training OUR PROPOSAL FOR FIRST ITEMS’ MEETING VATICAN MUSEUMS PARTNERSHIP ON TRAINING TEACHERS AND MUSEUM EDUCATORS