Berwyn North District 98 Strategic Planning Committee November 16, 2011 Action Plan for District 98 for 2011-2012  Presented by:  Dorothy A. Wunderlich,


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Presentation transcript:

Berwyn North District 98 Strategic Planning Committee November 16, 2011 Action Plan for District 98 for  Presented by:  Dorothy A. Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent and  Leadership Committee Advisors

District 98 administrators and staff will analyze local assessment data to develop plans for intervention, differentiation of instruction, and on-going standards-based assessment in Reading and Math (Grades PreK-8). As result, all students in each subgroup in Grades 3-8 will improve students performance on the ISAT and achieve 92.5% AYP in 2012, and 92.5% AYP in 2013 for Reading and Math. Curriculum and Instruction Students in the yellow tier who are not making Academic progress on formative assessments (ITBS; Aims-Web, STI), will be included in extended day AR, A+ Reading and A+ Math before and after school clubs. Professional Development Teachers will receive staff development in analyzing data from the state and local assessments in order to appropriately target individual students’ needs. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will attend Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Fall and Spring to interpret student data regarding their child’s academic progress, and will be informed how the data is used to determine overall performance. Technology Deployment The District will provide students in each school with computer hardware and software to accomplish administering the state and local assessment practices.

ELL Leadership Committee Francela Lopez, Chairman Goal District 98 Department of English Language Learners will implement a research- based ELL program that provides our diverse population of learners with an optimal educational experience. As a result, there will be a 10% increase on ISAT scores in Reading and Math for students in Grades 3 through 8 for FY 12 and FY 13. Curriculum & Instruction District 98 Department of English Language Learners will consistently implement the newly selected research-based ESL program across all grade levels. Staff Development District 98 Department of English Language Learners will apply research-based strategies and best practices for English Language Learners in accordance with IELPS and ILS. Parental/Community Involvement District 98 Department of English Language Learners will increase community participation through collaboration among ELL students, families, and staff. Technology Deployment The District 98 ELL Community (families and staff) will have access to information and technological resources.

Title I Leadership Committee Teresa Kochan-Castro, Chairman Goal To provide all students (Grades PreK-8) with differentiation of instruction. As a result, students in District 98 will meet 92.5% AYP in 2012, and 92.5% AYP in Curriculum & Instruction Students (Grades PreK-8) in Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 will receive differentiated instruction and interventions in accordance with each building's "School Wide Title I Plan" and "District 98 Curriculum Mapping." Professional Development Teachers (Grades PreK-8) will receive professional development on differentiated instruction and interventions in accordance with each building’s "School Wide Title I Plan" and "District 98 Curriculum Mapping." Parental/Community Involvement Parents of students (GradesPreK-8) in Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 will receive documentation of differentiated instruction and interventions in accordance with each building’s "School Wide Title I Plan" and "District 98 Curriculum Mapping." Technology Deployment District 98 will provide teachers (Grades PreK-8) with computers in their classroom connected to the Internet and online software applications to support differentiation of instruction. As a result, surveys will show that 100% of the teachers will integrate technology into the curriculum.

Technology Leadership Committee William Witkowsky, Chairman Goal To achieve 100% utilization of the District-wide “PreK-8 Technology Curriculum” which is aligned with the Illinois State Standards, National Technology Standards and integrate technology into the grade-level curriculum. As a result, student assessment rubrics will increase from their current achievement level by 10% each year. Curriculum & Instruction Students will integrate technology aligned with Illinois State Standards, National Technology Standards and Workplace Readiness Skills to improve student performance. Professional Development Teachers will integrate technology aligned with Illinois State Standards, National Technology Standards and Workplace Readiness Skills to improve student performance. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will be trained on current Office 2010 software for career readiness and application awareness. Technology Deployment District 98 will focus on trainings and technology integration with new, upgraded and existing technologies to enhance learning for both the student and the teacher.

Special Education Leadership Committee Sue Hyndman, Chairman Goal Analyzed ITBS, Benchmark data, Progress Monitoring, and ISAT assessment data and developed plans for intervention, differentiation of instruction, and on-going formal assessments in Reading and Math (Grades K-8). As a result, all Special Education students in Grades 3 through 8 strived to increase ISAT scores in Reading and Math by 10% or reach the “Safe Harbor Target.” Curriculum & Instruction Special Education students (Grades Pre-K-8)received adaptations, modifications and supplemental materials to enhance the standards-based instruction in order to meet 92.5% AYP in 2012 or Safe Harbor. Based on student progress data, appropriate academic interventions will be provided to students with fidelity and integrity. Professional Development As a result of staff development in reading and math, teachers (Grades PreK-8) will incorporate adaptations, modifications and supplementary materials into instruction. District Administration and staff will work with Project CHOICES to investigate more inclusive instruction for students with special needs. Parental/Community Involvement Parents of students in Special Education (Grades PreK-8) will be informed by Special Education staff via formal and informal on-going communication with parents regarding the adaptations, modifications and supplementary materials used with their child. Parents of special needs students will be notified of the opportunity to participate in Parent Mentoring Programs provided by the District Parent Partnership Committee. Technology Deployment District 98 will provide hardware and software to support adaptations, modifications and supplementary materials included in student programs.

Media Leadership Committee Laura Pincus, Chairman Goal To insure integration of information technology into the curriculum by embedding library skills and on-line resources into the “District 98 Curriculum Mapping,” providing staff development, and maintaining accurate inventory of the Media Center. As a result 100% of staff (Grades PreK-8) will integrate information technology into instruction. Curriculum and Instruction Students will become independent learners in order to use Media Center resources (i.e. printed materials, multi-media equipment and the Internet) to expand their knowledge-base and improve their information technology skills. Professional Development Teachers will be provided staff development to help them become proficient in the use of Media Center resources (i.e. printed materials, multi-media equipment and the Internet) to expand their knowledge-base and improve their information technology skills. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will be provided the opportunity to expand their knowledge-base and improve their information technology skills in order to assist their child's learning at home. Technology Deployment The District will provide Media Center resources (i.e. printed materials, multi-media equipment and the Internet) to support technology integration.

Safety/Drug Free Leadership Committee Linde Parvin, Chairman Goal To provide programs that prevent violence in District 98 for students, staff, parents, and community members that: 1) foster a safe and drug-free learning environment, 2) support student academic achievement, and 3) provide safety for students and staff in the schools. As a result, data will show a 10% decrease in fighting, suspensions, expulsions, and disfiguring of school property. Curriculum and Instruction Students will participate in a comprehensive research-based “Second Step” violence prevention program throughout the school year. Professional Development Teachers will continue to receive staff development in “Second Step”, a comprehensive, research- based violence prevention program throughout the school year. (Grades PreK-8 ) Parental/Community Involvement Parents (Grades PreK-8) will receive quarterly letters regarding instructional topics covered in “Second Step” program. Technology Deployment District 98 will continue to revise a “Safe School-Drug Free” web link on the District 98 website to include “Second Step” resources for students.

Extra-Curricular Leadership Committee Dennis Kwit, Chairman Goal To provide after-school programs for the students of Berwyn North District 98, which will monitor student participation and effects on student achievement. As a result, documentation will show a 5% increase in student participation each year. Curriculum and Instruction Students will be responsible for the following documents to be returned to their Club Sponsor in the “Extra-Curricular” Program: documents:1) Eligibility/Student Selection Criteria, 2) Parent Permission, 3) Syllabus, 4) Attendance "check-off" Sheets, 5) Schedules and 6) Student Performance Documentation. Professional Development Teachers who are Club Sponsors will be responsible for the following documents:1) Eligibility/Student Selection Criteria, 2) Parent Permission, 3) Syllabus, 4) Attendance "check- off" Sheets, 5) Schedules and 6) Student Performance Documentation. District will continue to ensure that Club Sponsors receive CPR Training. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will receive Student Registration Forms to register their son/daughter for "Extra- Curricular Activities“ and a Parent Survey to evaluate the program. Technology Deployment “Extra-Curricular” Report to be generated from the Student Management Program “Common Goal” to include student’s name, ESL, Title I, Special Ed, club sponsor, building, activity name, start date and end date.

Community Involvement Leadership Rosaleen McSwiney, Chairman Goal Develop a process to monitor community involvement strategies established by the Fourteen Leadership Committees. The process will identify means of gathering information from the Leadership Committee members to form a database for District 98. As a result, data-driven community involvement decisions will be made. Curriculum and Instruction Students will show a correlation between increased GPA scores and increased parental involvement and participation. Professional Development Teachers will receive staff development to analyze data involving parental participation and student achievement. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will take on-line surveys during Open Houses, Parent/Teacher Conferences, and other community involvement activities to show a correlation between increased GPA scores and increased parental involvement and participation. Technology Deployment Results of the Family Needs Assessment survey will be available to parents upon request.

Finance Leadership Committee Christine Crook and Michele Krunis, Co-Chairmen Goal Identify areas to be improved, maintained, and/or developed for support of Berwyn North District 98’s programs of instruction and growth. Curriculum & Instruction Students (Grades PreK-8) will be provided with a safe environment as a result of "Safety Inspection" by Building & Grounds Director and Principals, and "Housekeeping Inspection" by Berwyn Fire Department for each building, which is kept on file at each building. Professional Development Teachers (Grades PreK-8) will be provided with a safe environment as a result of "Safety Inspection" by Director of Building & Grounds and Principals, and "Housekeeping Inspection" by Berwyn Fire Department for each building, which is kept on file at each building. Parental/Community Involvement Parents of students (Grades PreK-8) will receive the results of the "Safety Inspection" by Director of Building & Grounds and Principals, and "Housekeeping Inspection" by Berwyn Fire Department for each building, which is kept on file at each building. Technology Deployment The results, of Safety Inspection and House Cleaning Inspection reports will be available upon request.

Mentoring Leadership Committee Stacy Goldman and Jennifer Danek-Parker, Co-Chairmen Goal To develop, support, and retain quality teachers by providing assistance and training through professional collaborative teams, which will result in improved student achievement and 10% retention rate. Curriculum and Instruction Students (Grades PreK-8) will receive a letter in English and Spanish to notify parents of Parent-Teacher conferences. Professional Development New Teachers (Grades PreK-8) will receive in-service on “How to Prepare for a Successful Parent-Teacher Conference” from their mentor. Parental/Community Involvement Parents of students (Grades PreK-8) will meet with new teachers during “Parent-Teacher Conference”. Technology Deployment District 98 will maintain a current calendar on the web-site which includes “Parent-Teacher Conferences”.

Gifted Leadership Committee Elisabete Abrantes and Rachel Cline, Co-Chairmen Goal Gifted students in District 98 will maximize their abilities, aptitudes, and talents by receiving differentiated instruction. As a result, 3rd through 8th grade students who participated in the “Gifted A.I.M. Program,” must qualify by meeting the previously determined matrix criteria. As a result of the A.I.M. Program, these students will be able to meet future, advanced, academic challenges. Curriculum and Instruction Students will increase their ability to independently research and present areas of interest. Professional Development Teachers will facilitate students' development in their ability to independently research and present areas of interest. Parental/Community Involvement Parents and Community will facilitate students’ development in their ability to independently research and present areas of interest. Technology Deployment Technology usage will assist students in developing the ability to independently research and present areas of interest.

Staff Development Leadership Committee Judith Geerdes, Chairman Goal To align all professional development strategies from the Fourteen Leadership Committees with the District Improvement Plan, Technology Improvement Plan and School Improvement Plans, which result in data-driven decisions for the staff, students, and parents of the District 98 community. Curriculum and Instruction Students’ academic performance and social behavior will be evaluated through data analysis reports and standard based assessments to support the RtI “progress monitoring model” and the need for additional intervention. Professional Development Teachers will receive staff development in data analysis and standards-based assessments to monitor academic performance and social behavior in support of the RtI “progress monitoring model” and the need for additional intervention. Parental/Community Involvement Parents will receive data analysis reports and standards-based assessments to show academic performance and social behavior in support of the RtI “progress monitoring model” and the need for additional intervention. Technology Deployment District 98 will provide data analysis reports and standards-based assessments to show academic performance and social behavior in support of the RtI “progress monitoring model” and the need for additional intervention.

RTI Leadership Committee Nancy Akin, Chairman Goal All educators and parents in District 98 share responsibility for the academic progress of students. A district-wide Response to Intervention Committee, comprised of educators and parents, will be created to develop guidelines for implementation of an RtI model in each District school by As a result, 100% of teachers in District 98 will monitor student progress data to adjust instruction and meet the needs of all students in Reading, Math, and Behavioral Support (Grades K-8). Curriculum & Instruction Students participated in RtI at each school in the District, following each individual RtI Plan. Professional Development Teachers from each building participated on the "District RtI Committee" to help support individual School RtI plans. An RtI resource handbook was created. Paperwork was revised to be consistent throughout the district. Parental/Community Involvement District 98 parents participated on the "District RtI Committee" to help create guidelines that will be followed by each school in the District when revising their individual School RtI plans. Technology Deployment District RtI Committee posted guidelines on the District 98 Web Site.

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