Trademark role Trademark evolution Trademark protection Well known trademarks
TRADEMARK ROLE Role to differentiate the products or services to consumers Design - easy to memorize - distinctive - appropriate for the product - no legal restrictions - positive connotation
TRADEMARK EVOLUTION the marking of goods for various purposes dates back to ancient times 19th century – first modern trademarks
The first trademark registry 1875 Trademarks Law 1883 The trademarks act of 1905 first statutory definition of a 'trademark '
TRADEMARK PROTECTION TRADEMARK property Establishing proprietary rights: use in the marketplace registration with the trademarks registry
Registered trade mark confers: exclusive rights upon the registered owners – unauthorized use prevented territorial principle: i.e. Trademark - valid only on the territory of the country where it is registered
Protection in the territory of other countries: Submitting separate application to the competent office Filling in an international application through Madrid system Filling EU`s application to the European trademark office
Common characteristics of famous trademarks : same positioning worldwide single product category company name brand name access to the global village social responsibility