Strengthening Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting on Sustainable Forest Management in Asia (GCP/INT/988/JPN) Collaboration with the ASEAN region for forest monitoring, assessment and reporting Masahiro Otsuka Forestry Officer FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand DRAFT
Support for ASEAN C&I Collaboration with ASEAN C&I framework, Online format Training workshop, consultation Collaboration with countries Willing countries: Cambodia, Philippines, ….. Training, pilot testing, thematic studies (national, FMU) Collaboration with international processes on forests Harmonization of international reporting processes (C&I, FRA, UNFF, CBD, UNFCCC, etc.) Consultations, training workshop Limited project funds: Partnership with other organizations
Collaboration with ASEAN Support for training to member states on the ASEAN online format Training workshop: Kuala Lumpur, 5 – 7 May 2009 Objective: Review the status of countries’ application of MAR Introduce ASEAN C&I framework/online format Discuss further improvement of the format Issue: Capacities of FMU for data collection Data collection for specific indicators (carbon stock, etc.) Data formats of different data sources Local languages for online formats (FMUs, etc.)
Suggestions to improve an online format Further clarification of footnotes with enough texts Revision of texts by correcting spelling errors Use of decimals for numeric columns Inclusion of a box for remarks with scroll functions for most tables Different coding for indicators: - Not applicable in countries - Applicable but not feasible due to lack of information Resolution of a syntax error problem - Editing of indicators, when “0” is accidentally inserted ASEAN C&I Training (2)
Assessment of an adequate indicator set in each country - Whole C&I set or selected set? Research, institutional strengthening & training in assessment - Forest-dependent flora/fauna - Endangered/rare species - Forest carbon stock - Quantification of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) - Valuation of forest ecosystem services - Application of IUCN Protected Area Management Categories Inclusion of critical variables - Planted forest - Resource ownership/use rights - Role of forest in climate change mitigation/adaptation Recommendations on C&I (1)
Development of appropriate and cost-effective tools - Remote sensing (RS), GIS, etc. Preparation of the C&I format in local languages Effective coordination for inter-/intra-agency collaboration Facilitation in sharing of experiences among member states for CHM by ASEAN Development of networking with other organizations for harmonization of forest-related reporting A periodical synthesis report on application of the C&I format in member states by ASEAN Recommendations on C&I (2)
National C&I format 7 criteria, 59 indicators - Geographic and its general condition of the forest resources - Conservation process (endangered species) - Land protection from Human/natural impacts - Protection of land productivity & upstream catchment's area - Harvest Planning - Assessment of forest utilization process toward economic value, management bodies, and community participation Cambodia C&I (1)
Issues Clarification of technical terms (forest extent, etc.) Non-PFE may not be relevant – national land tenure regimes Difficulty in data collection on forest-dependent people Assessment of forest boundaries – divergent land policies Demarcation of production forests – illegal logging Redefinition of state-owned forest management Carbon assessment techniques Assessment of human resources Pilot testing/training on national C&I with FMUs at two pilot sites Cambodia C&I (2)
Philippine C&I + audit system 7 criteria, 57 indicators Awareness campaign, field training (FMUs) Issues: Participatory/transparent process for SFM Adaptation to diverse FMUs (land tenure, etc.) One unified concept of SFM – integration/streamlining into one standard reporting system Highly technical indicators: capacity building A need for effective institutional structure to strengthen C&I for SFM Philippine C&I
International Reporting Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, 13 – 16 October FAO/FRA, Forest Dept. of Malaysia, CBD, ITTO, ASEAN + UNEP/WCMC, UNFF, UNFCCC, CITES, Ramsar + 22 countries Issues on international forest-related reporting International v.s. national terms, definitions, classifications of forests: Flexibility for adaptation or common system? Definitions of Permanent Forest Estates (PFEs) Coordination among different national agencies/programmes for harmonization & collection of data: common terminologies? Limited capacities on thematic aspects: carbon, biodiversity... Lack of updated data - proper tools & methodologies Free data availability for efficient & accurate reporting
Thematic reporting issues Forest extent/conditions: Updated RS data, field studies Forest degradation: Indicators for human/natural factors Biodiversity: Coordination among stakeholders for improved classifications & assessment Soil/water protection: Institutional coordination & scientific studies to improve data quality Climate change: Agreement on a global forest classification for measuring biomass & carbon in trees outside forests Forest production: common classifications on removal of NWFPs: available, actual, unrecorded Socio-economic aspects: Inclusion of cultural aspects? Legal, policy, institutional framework: Methods to assess effects of laws/policies, good governance, etc. for SFM
Suggested next plan 1 Regional programme with ASEAN & partners Follow-up training on C&I online format: FMU - Key indicators Studies on monitoring/assessment for specific indicators - Carbon, biodiversity, NWFP, remote sensing/GIS, etc. Development of the ASEAN network for C&I ASEAN, REFoP, willing member states Technical organizations: e.g. IUCN, remote sensing agencies, forest research institutes, forest monitoring projects, etc. + FAO programmes Integrated (umbrella) programme with partners - Financial partnership
National programmes in some willing countries Pilot testing & training on national C&I - Methodology of data collection - Database management system Collaboration with national/int’l stakeholders Coordination with other forestry programmes International programme Technical consultations on harmonization of international reporting processes on forests with C&I -FAO: FRA, CPF, NFMA, LCCS/GLCN, GOFC-GOLD, etc. -CBD, UNFF, UNFCCC/IPCC, UNCCD, etc. Effective budget allocation + partnership Suggested next plan 2
Strengthening Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting on Sustainable Forest Management in Asia (GCP/INT/988/JPN) 14 Thank you!