ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT D OCUMENTATION SCCS499 - Senior Projects Faculty of Information and Communication Technology 1
ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT D OCUMENTATION Main Contents in ICT Senior Project Documentation Process Templates for ICT Senior Project
M AIN C ONTENTS IN ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT 1. First Page 2. Acknowledgement 3. Abstract (English) 4. Abstract (Thai) 5. Table of Contents 6. List of Tables (optional) 7. List of Figure (optional) 8. Contents of the Project (divided into chapters) 9. Appendix (optional) 10. References 11. Biography
F IRST P AGE อาจารย์ : LECT. ผศ. : ASST.PROF. รศ. : ASSOC.PROF. ศ. : PROF.
A CKNOWLEDGEMENT A formal written statement to express your gratitude to those who have assisted you in the completion of your project.
A BSTRACT (E NGLISH ) A brief summary of your project and it is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the project's purpose
A BSTRACT (T HAI ) A brief summary of your project in Thai ( บทคัดย่อ )
C ONTENTS OF THE P ROJECT The contents will be divided into chapters The number and names of chapters depend on each advisor and track
C ONTENTS OF THE P ROJECT C OMMON ARRANGEMENT CS 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Analysis and Design 4. Implementation 5. Experiments and Result 6. Conclusion MM 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Methodology 4. Implementation 5. Testing and Evaluation 6. Conclusion DB and EB 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Analysis and Design 4. Implementation 5. Testing and Evaluation 6. Conclusion
C ONTENTS OF THE P ROJECT C OMMON ARRANGEMENT 1. Introduction 1. Motivation 2. Problem Statement 3. Objectives of The Project 4. Scope of The Project 5. Expected Benefits 6. Organization of The Document 2. Background 3. Conclusion 1. Benefits I. Benefits to Project Developers II. Benefits to Users 2. Problems and Limitations 3. Future Works
ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT D OCUMENTATION Main Contents in ICT Senior Project Documentation Process Templates for ICT Senior Project
D OCUMENTATION P ROCESS 1. Progress Report I (Chapter 1-2) November 11, Progress Report II (Chapter 3-4) January 6, Advisor Approval 4. Grammatical Checking 5. Format Checking 6. Advisor Approval for Printing and Binding 7. Handing in concurrent checking if students print out 2 issues
ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT D OCUMENTATION Main Contents in ICT Senior Project Documentation Process Templates for ICT Senior Project
T EMPLATES FOR ICT S ENIOR P ROJECT There are 2 versions of senior project template 1. MS word 2. LaTeX Which version to be used depends on the agreement between advisor and students.
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