CSBS Fourth Friday Faculty Workshop 1: Grant Management CSBS: Frances Solano ORSP: Stefanie Friesen TUC: Stacey Lord / Maryann Camarillo 1/23/2015 1
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Review Proposal Process PI Responsibilities Award Negotiation / Acceptance & Execution / Setup Initiating subcontracts to collaborators Progress Reports Budget Revisions Carry-forward Requests / No-cost extensions Indirect Costs ORSP System Implementation 1/23/2015 2
Introductions Your name Your department Current or past grants 1/23/2015 3
The CSBS / CSUN Proposal Process Formulate Idea Define research/program goals Identify collaborators Communicate with Department Chair Identify Funding Identify specific sponsor and program Discuss with CSBS Grants & Contracts Officer If private/non-profit sponsor, obtain clearance from CSUN Foundation. Match project to sponsor goals. Contact sponsor’s Program Officer. Develop plan for preparing proposal Draft Budget Contact ORSP Grants Coordinator Develop project timeline, abstract Draft subcontract scope of work, budget Define your effort to be devoted to project Contact ORSP Grants Coordinator to draft budget Review and Approvals Complete PAF, COI or Form 700U, supplemental COI. Attach abstract, budget, budget justification Obtain Chair signature - 3 weeks prior to deadline Forward to CSBS Grants Officer for dean’s signature - 14 days prior to deadline Write and Finalize Narrative If human subjects involved, contact CSUN Compliance Officer for preliminary IRB guidance. Finalize all sections of proposal and upload to sponsor system - 4 days prior to deadline. Submit Proposal Submit final proposal to ORSP or CSUN Foundation - 4 days prior to deadline After submission, prepare IRB protocol. 4
The CSBS / CSUN Proposal Process: PI Responsibilities Identify potential sponsor(s). Become familiar with RFP requirements. Design and write up project to address sponsor’s goals. Develop budget with ORSP Grants Coordinator as early as possible. Work with ORSP Grants Coordinator on documents for external collaborators (subcontracts) as early as possible. Initiate administrative review EARLY. PAF, Budget and Budget Justification to Chair at least 3 weeks prior to deadline. to G&C Officer at least 14 days prior to deadline. Deliver final proposal at least 4 days prior to deadline. Includes final narrative sections, formatted, and ed to ORSP in Word attachment, according to sections specified by sponsor instructions OR uploaded in correct format to sponsor system (e.g. Grants.gov, NSF FastLane, etc.) Prepare protocol and submit to IRB for review and approval. Award will not be accepted without IRB approval. 1/23/2015 5
Award Negotiation / Acceptance / Setup IRB approval is required prior to acceptance of award. ORSP will review and negotiate terms. Once accepted, agreement will be signed and fully executed. Institutional authority resides with Scott Perez, Director, ORSP. Notice sent to PI and Dean for eligibility for large grant release time. ORSP will forward agreement and final budgets to TUC. Budgets for sponsor-paid costs and costshare. TUC will set up project ID. TUC will send notice to PI and CSBS dean’s office of assigned project ID and budget. TUC will request confirmation of costshare budget (if any) 6
Subcontracts Upon acceptance of award, ORSP generates and executes subaward. notifies TUC Sponsored Projects Liaison TUC prepares purchase order Encumbers amount of subcontract in project budget Payments to subrecipient Subrecipient submits invoice to PI. PI reviews and signs invoice, certifying that services were provided. PI completes check request, attaches invoice, sends to TUC Audits and Monitoring ORSP determines risk category. PI responsible for monitoring subcontractor activities in accordance with grant. TUC manages federal A-133 audit process 1/23/2015 7
Progress Reports The PI is responsible for preparing and submitting progress reports (interim and final) to the sponsor according to terms of grant agreement. Please send copies to TUC, ORSP and CSBS G&C Officer. 1/23/2015 8
Budget Revisions PI initiates budget revision and submits to ORSP. ORSP reviews grant agreement for allowability ORSP Director signs. Sends to TUC. PI is responsible for knowing restrictions on budget revisions. Each agency is different, with different thresholds, Sponsor pre-approval may be required. 1/23/2015 9
Carry-forward Requests No-cost Extensions Carry-forward is the budget amount not spent in one project period, and PI requests to use in future project period. Expected amount must be calculated, and justification as to why not spent and how it will be spent must be provided. Request must be submitted to Director, ORSP, for approval and signature at least 90 days prior to end of budget period. No-cost extension is requesting additional time to complete project with no additional dollars being awarded by sponsor. Sponsor expects same level of effort during NCE period. Certain sponsors allow ORSP to grant ONE NCE. Request must be submitted to Director, ORSP, for approval and signature at least 45 days prior to end of budget period. 1/23/
Indirect Costs Costs that university has incurred but not specific to one project. (Eg. Space, utilities, accounting, legal, human resources, etc.) IDC negotiated with federal government (DHHS) On-campus:45% Off-campus:26% Any reductions in IDC rate must be approved by Director of ORSP and the Executive Director of TUC. Refer all questions/discussions with sponsor directly to ORSP. IDC revenue funds the TUC Sponsored Programs Accounting Office, as well as: the ORSP Large Grant Release Program internal grant competitions, other university initiatives, i.e. Faculty Writing Bootcamp, Faculty Scholars Academy, etc. 1/23/
NEW ORSP System: Cayuse Module Expected Implementation Date Purpose 424CY 2015, Q3Electronic proposal development and submission IRBCY 2015, Q3 Online human subject protocol creation, submission and management SPCY 2015, Q3Overall online management of sponsored projects. 1/23/
Resources CSBS Grants & Contracts website: ORSP website: Call ORSP for samples TUC website: Handouts Proposal Approval Form (PAF) PI Proposal Checklist Conflict of Interest Disclosure Conflict of Interest Supplement (for PHS agencies) Form 700U 13
CSUN Contacts CSBS Frances Solano, Grants & Contracts Officer (ext. 6135) ORSP Stefanie Friesen, Grant Coordinator (ext. 2901) Jennifer Reifsneider, Grant Coordinator (ext. 2901) Kat Sohn, Compliance Officer (IRB), (ext. 2901) TUC Stacey Lord, SP Liaison (ext. 7289) Maryann Camarillo, Accounting (ext. 3061) 14