Electronic archives in EU and Sweden Kristina Bwire-Lund IT-Manager Cadastral Services Kristina Bwire-Lund, 2011-05-12, Minsk, Belarus.


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Presentation transcript:

Electronic archives in EU and Sweden Kristina Bwire-Lund IT-Manager Cadastral Services Kristina Bwire-Lund, , Minsk, Belarus

Lantmäteriet the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority The mission of Lantmäteriet is to  manage the Swedish cadastral system  promote the rational subdivision of land  be responsible for the efficient provision of basic geographic and land information Three divisions  Land and Geographic Information  Cadastral Services  Land Registration 90 offices countrywide, 2400 staff

Digital archive Lantmäteriet Lantmäteriet has been mapping Sweden since 1628 Backlog of cadastral records have been scanned from 2000 to 2010 To-date 75 million images Backlog of land registration records are being scanned New records are added as created – an all digital process using electronic signatures Archived records are used in daily business processes Archived records are public unless otherwise regulated

The archive law of Sweden According to archives law (1990:782) shall the archive of an authority be preserved, organised and cared for such that  The rights of public access can be managed  The requirements of information for fair juridical procedures are met  Public administration can be conducted  Research needs are catered for This law applies to all records of Swedish authorities including digital records

The laws and regulations of archives management Tryckfrihetsförordningen (freedom of press) National Archive instructions and general advice Archive RegulationsArchive law Publicity and secrecy law

Laws and regulations continued… “Tryckfrihetsförordningen” (freedom to publish information) stipulates that Members of the public have the right to access public records This right of access is restricted by law of publicity and secrecy which is applied to confidential records Archive law; an archive is formed by the public records that are created by the authority ie. a public record is an archived record Personal Data Act (protection of information about a person) There are also other laws and regulations which are specific to an authority

Regulations - archived records Applies to all public records Stipulates how records shall be prepared, organised, classified, destroyed, stored and be transferred (records management) Regulations related to media e.g. digital records, microfilm, paper etc. Technical regulations, e. g. formats for preservation of digital records The National Archive of Sweden ensures authorities complies with the regulations

Standards of archive The regulations are supplemented by different standards National Archive of Sweden refer to standards in their regulations These standards are binding the authority to apply them Swedish Institute of Standardisation Example of standards are OAIS; ISO 15489; TIFF; PDF-A etc

An OAIS (Open Archival Information System) “An OAIS is an archive, consisting of people and systems that have accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a Designated Community” Dedicated to preserving and maintaining access to digital information over the long-term (ISO 14721:2002)

EU and Electronic Archives 27 Member Countries Colors represents the Bond Yields

Archives Portal Europe APEnet project supported by the European Commission in the eContentplus programme The main goal of the Archives Portal Europe is to meet users' expectations by providing seamless access to various archival resources held throughout Europe The portal is being developed (beta version published)

DLM Forum Archive, Records and Information Management in Europe DLM Document Lifecycle Management Forum created in 1997 with support from the public archives of European Union member states DLM Forum has evolved to become a wider community of interested parties in archive, records, document and information lifecycle management throughout Europe

MoReq - Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records The MoReq specification describes model requirements for the management of electronic records and focuses mainly on functional requirements for electronic records management systems (ERMS). MoReq contains a model of how filing plans, files and records relate to each other within the context of a classification scheme, and, very importantly, it can be applicable to both electronic (digital), physical (paper), and hybrid files. Certifies systems software solutions.

Europe’s Information Society – Thematic portal The main objective of the Directive on eSignature is to create a Community framework for the use of electronic signatures. It allows electronic signature products and services to flow freely across borders and ensures the legal recognition of electronic signatures. Basic, Advanced and Qualified

Public Sector Information Public sector information (PSI) is the single largest source of information in Europe. It is produced and collected by public bodies and includes digital maps, meteorological, legal, traffic, financial, economic and other data. Most of this raw data could be re-used or integrated into new products and services, which we use on a daily basis, such as car navigation systems, weather forecasts, financial and insurance services.products and services In 2003, the EU adopted the Directive on the re-use of public sector information (PSI Directive). It has introduced a common legislative framework regulating how public sector bodies should make their information available for re-use in order to remove barriers such as discriminatory practices, monopoly markets and a lack of transparency. All 27 EU Member States have implemented the PSI Directive into their national legal orders. PSI rules in the Member States.Directive on the re-use of public sector informationPSI rules in the Member States

E-Discovery E-Discovery is defined as the identification, collection, processing, analysis and production of electronic stored information (ESI). The purpose of E-Discovery is to identify and collect relevant ESI and then reduce the total volume of ESI in an investigation so that investigators can focus on less but more relevant information. For the EU, E-discovery is essential to support findings in order to prosecute organisations that are in violation with EU regulations. For instance, the EU aims to reduce all forms of corruption at every level, in all EU countries and institutions and even outside the EU. It also aims to prevent fraud by setting up EU anti fraud offices and actively investigates and prosecutes violations of competition regulations. EU countries are in various stages of implementing EU guidelines in national legislation and regulations. Organisations have to be compliant with these regulations and are faced with multi-disciplinary challenges from law, information and communication technology. Soon, if not already, they will have to be able to produce all kinds of ESI in both internal investigations as well as legal proceedings if required to do so. Without proper preparation, E-Discovery can be a challenging ad-hoc process where tight deadlines have to be met at high cost or risk. Organisations that want to manage this cost and that want to reduce the risk of failing to produce requested ESI on time will have to become ready for E-Discovery.

Challenges Strong growth in digital information Increased and widespread use of information through e-government and e-services Legal requirements Environment and health The European PSI-directive Long-term preservation

Links to more information (Swedish National Archive) (Centre for Digital Information Management) (Europe’s Information Society - Thematic Portal) Unesco Archives Portal (=keyword)

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