21st Century Skills Initiatives


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Presentation transcript:

21st Century Skills Initiatives Core Academic Subject Mastery Students to think critically and communicate effectively must build on a base of core academic subject knowledge. 21st Century Skills Outcomes In addition to core subject mastery, we, CSDB are, obligated to help students become efficient and effective: Critical thinkers? Problem solvers? (good) Communicators? (good) Collaborators? Literate in computer, information and technology? Able to be flexible and adaptable? Have the opportunity to be innovative and/or creative? Competent globally? Literate in finance?

Core Subjects & 21st Century Themes English, Reading, Language Arts World Languages Arts Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy

21st Century Themes Global Awareness Using 21st century skills to understand and address global issues Learning from and working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, work and community contexts Understanding other nations and cultures, including the use of non-English languages Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy Knowing how to make appropriate personal economic choices Understanding the role of the economy in society Using entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options Civic Literacy Participating effectively in civic life through knowing how to stay informed and understanding governmental process Exercising the rights and obligations of citizenship at local, state, national and global levels Understanding the local and global implications of civic decisions Health Literacy Obtaining, interpreting and understanding basic health information and services and using such information and services in ways that enhance health Understanding preventive physical and mental health measures, including proper diet, nutrition, exercise, risk avoidance and stress reduction Using available information to make appropriate health-related decisions Establishing and monitoring personal and family health goals Understanding national and international public health and safety issues Environmental Literacy Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the environment and the circumstances and conditions affecting it, particularly as relates to air, climate, land, food, energy, water and ecosystems Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of society’s impact on the natural world (e.g. population growth, population development, resource consumption rate, etc.) Investigate and analyze environmental issues, and make accurate conclusions about effective solutions Take individuals and collective actions towards addressing environmental challenges (e.g., participating in global actions, designing solutions that inspire action on environmental issues

Learning & Innovation Skills Creativity & Innovation Think Creatively Work Creatively with Others Implement Innovations Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Reason Effectively Use Systems Thinking Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems Communication and Collaboration Communicate Clearly Collaborate with Others

Information, Media & Technology Skills Information Literacy Access & Evaluate Information Use & Manage Information Media Literacy Analyze Media Create Media Products Information, Communications & Technology Literacy Apply Technology Effectively

Life & Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible Initiative & Self-Direction Manage Goals & Time Work Independently Be Self-directed Learners Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams Productivity & Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results Leadership & Responsibility Guide & Lead Others Be Responsible to Others

DIGITAL LITERACY STANDARD 1 TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Research Gathering Using Information Problem Solving Communication Collaboration

Spreadsheet (Table, Chart, Graphs) DIGITAL LITERACY STANDARD 2 TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers & applications as well as an understanding of the concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity, which include hands-on experience using Apple and PC computers. Basic Operations Word Processing Desktop Publishing Database Spreadsheet (Table, Chart, Graphs) Internet & Networking Online Communication Multimedia Presentation Tools Web Authoring

DIGITAL LITERACY STANDARD 3 TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 9-12 Demonstrate the responsible use of technology and an understanding of ethics and safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school , and in society. Ethics Classroom Society Health Safety