Trademark Types in Taiwan Traditional trademark Word Device Non-traditional trademark Color 7-ELEVEN, INC. 2. 3D SOCIETE JAS HENNESSY & CO. THE GILLETTE COMPANY 2
Trademark Types in Taiwan Non-traditional trademark (con’t) 3. Sound INTEL CORPORATION 4. Motion HISAMITSU PHARMACEUTICAL CO., INC. 5. Hologram Hologram 3 applications, not registered yet 3
Non-traditional trademark (con’t) 6. Smell 7. Touch 8. Taste
Trademark Procedure 6-8 months of examination time First-to-file principle Against registration: 1. Opposition – 3 months, any third party 2. Cancellation – after 3 months within 5 years interested party only. 3. Revocation – non use for 3 years, any third party Renewal for 10 years
Patent Types in Taiwan Type Term Examination Subject Invention 20 years Yes Substance, article, method、biological material and purpose thereof Utility Mode 10 years No shape or structure of an article or combination of articles Design 12 years shape, pattern, color, or any combination thereof, of an article as a whole or in part
Patent Type Power control system I365142 Tire D145221 Stand structure Invention Design Power control system I365142 Tire D145221 Electric Motorcycle Utility Model Stand structure M424279 Patent Type Information From TIPO
Patent Procedure in Taiwan A request for substantive examination of a patent application for invention should be made when filing or within 3 years from the filing date Examination Time: Invention – 1.5~3 years Utility Model – 6-8 months Design – 12 months
Claim Priority Taiwan is not a member of PCT or Paris Convention but became a member of WTO since 2002. Taiwan admits the priority claim of application from any member of WTO. 12 months from the filing date of the first filing
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