Guidelines for Drafting Local Action Plans for Thessaloniki October 2013
1. Local Action Plans, GFIs and Resources The GFIs that have been launced by each city are the first stage to explore the priority area of development (enterprising curriculums, spaces, brokerage – or ’hybrids’, ie. some cities are addressing several ’areas’)) In Thessaloniki the cities have to present a draft Local Action Plan (LAP) It is a DRAFT, it does not have to be – and must not be - the final version! It is more like a plan how to prepare a good LAP! In the following there are guidelines for preparing for Thessaloniki and drafting the LAP
2. Local Action Plans (LAP) The format and content of each Local Action Plan will depend on the theme addressed, on the type of project partners, and on the situation of the partners with regard to promoting employability of young people, with special focus on enterprising skills and attitudes The relevant territorial level may differ according to the partners: for instance, it may be a ‘Local Action Plan’, a ‘Regional Action Plan’, or simply an ‘Action Plan’ (for a particular topic or area)
3. Local Action Plans (LAP) The situation of the partners with regard to the policy field concerned (promoting employability of young people with special focus on enterprising skills and attitudes) may also vary. It may be, in the case of a city or region for instance, that the partners already have a strong experience or existing policies covering the youth issues/promoting youth employment and enterprising There may already be a strategic plan/partnership agreement in place related to promoting youth employment and enterprising. The LAP for these partners could be a set of actions / smaller scale projects that would link into this existing strategy in some way, and complement it in some useful way In the case of partners without such a strategy/policy/partnership in place, or the it is weak, the LAP could be a strategic plan, proposal for a policy, a partnership and collaboration that comes about as the result of the project’s exchange activities. The LAP could also take the form of a concrete action plan for a specific topic or neighbourhood. But also then it has to have an explicit link to the city policies.
4. Local Action Plans (LAP) So there is no rigid definition of what a Local Action Plan has to be Projects are encouraged to be creative when it comes to determining the best form for their Action Plans. However, all Action Plans should be of practical interest and use to practitioners and decision-makers, and reflect the impact of exchange and learning activities on local policies and practices There are some ‘musts’ for the LAPs, however they are focussed: The LAP is fitted wisely into the policy and strategy landscape and decision making of the city: It can be a complementary part of an existing policy/strategy or a new ’youth policy’ or special action plan for a certain area/set of partners It must promote an integrated, multi-stakeholder cooperation approach It takes also environmental aspects aboard (as relevant) It must have a strong young people cocreation approach It contains a plan of future resources and ’lobbying’ to secure the future and continuation of the achievements in My Generation at Work in the city
5. Local Action Plans (LAP): Preparing 1)Take a new look at how you described your city project (your ’Enterprise’) in the beginning, and check if it needs an update, now that you have had your ’GFI-experience’, and also hear about others. Attached (City baselines - short) is a short description of the city projects, which you can use as the basis for the update 2)Take a look at your GFI descriptions, and if you have new GFIs before Thessaloniki, use the same format to report the GFI to Rotterdam/Cleo. 3)Also, study the GFIs of the orther cities, and use them to rethink your plans and think about connections and visits. 4)Take a look at the Self-Assessment Tool for Local Action Plans (attached), which gives you an idea what topics the flull blown Local Action Plan must address at the end of My Generation at Work (around the end of 2014 when he final stretch begins). 5)But now we are not making a full blown LAP, it is a draft, more like a good plan on how you intend to secure you will produce a good LAP
6. Outline for drafting a LAP for Thessaloniki 1)Introduction (max 1 page): An update on the focus and goals of the city MG- Enterprise (the city MG project). Use the short description from the baseline as a basis for the update in the introdiction. 2)Update on GFIs (max 1page): a) Make an assessment on how the GFIs (also the possible new ones after Braga, and the GFIs of other cities) have contributed towards the goals of your project. (report your new GFIs separately with the format used before). 3)Assessment on LAP potential so far (max 1 page): what is the potential so far of your GFIs, and other activities of your project, and from other cities, for policy making in your city concerning promoting youth employment and enterprising 4)First draft of the LAP ( max 1-2 pages) -Name of the LAP (try to give it a ’catchy’ name, so that it stands out..) -Scope of the LAP (part of city policy, new policy, special action plan..? -Partners of the LAP (what partners, and in what roles, with special mention on how young people are involved ) -Focus and key content of the LAP (how it addresses ’enterprising skills and attitudes’ of young people) -How does your LAP make a difference? -Resources of the LAP (draft resource plan of the future of the LAP – people and money)
7. Submitting the Draft LAP and preparing for Thessaloniki The deadline for submitting the Draft LAP is 18 December, please respect the deadline! Following the outline on page 6, the Draft is max 5 pages long You can use an Appendix, if you want to present more material, like new GFIs (using the format used before), or adding pictures etc. The Draft LAPs will be posted on PROJECTPLACE, and everybody is expected to read them before Thessaloniki!
8. Presenting the Draft LAP in Thessaloniki You will be given further instructions how to present the Draft LAP in Thessaloniki before the workshop There will also be a special ’LAP development Laboratory’ session in Thessaloniki, where ideas can be exchanged, and questions asked