Create a chart of three columns In column one, list the freedoms you enjoy both at home and in the community. In column two, list the freedoms you are denied. In column three, list what purposes other people (society) are trying to accomplish by denying you (the individual) those freedoms (your opinion). Be ready to present to the class in 15 minutes. During the discussion, feel free to add anything to your group’s list.
Communism Bullet instead of ballot box Economic and political Only collective (public) ownership of capital Socialism Ballot box instead of bullet Economic Private ownership of capital allowed In practice, Socialism & Communism tend to have the following similarities: Reactions against capitalism Workers’ revolution Goals= to abolish distinctions based on ownership and establish equal power relations Differences:
Oligarchy “Rule of the few” (Inner Party) Totalitarianism Socialist/Communist government with dictator in charge (Big Brother)
Read your assigned section: 1.“Bourgeois and Proletarians” p “Bourgeois and Proletarians” p “Proletarians and Communism” p (stopping at “Abolition of the family!”) 4.“Proletarians and Communism” p. 24 (starting at “Abolition of the family!”) -27 Complete the “Evaluating” worksheet. Join with your group members to discuss your section. Share and come to a consensus on each part of the worksheet. Write the collective information on your white board.
1984Our Society Telescreens are everywhere (except for where the Proles live and work) Workplace monitoring— Winston can’t look at a note on his desk or dwell too long on a single document Thought Police interpret people’s facial expressions and voice intonations Spies—one never knows whom to trust FBI surveillance Corporations collecting data on consumers Drug testing at the workplace or school Employers monitoring employees’ s, phone calls, etc. Internet privacy issues Cell phone tracking Cameras Source: