Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-Out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission - Notified-Supplemental Award Proposals Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative -Activity -Expenditures -Reporting - Clean up - Reports - Award vs. Assumption - Reading the Award -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Negotiation -Execution -Project Setup -Reporting -Invoicing -Compliance -Technical -Financial -Other -Review Proposal -Confirm Match - Communicate changes with Faculty -Maintain Budget -Reporting -Ensure compliance -Budget Wrap up - REEport
COMMUNICATION Key to a successful Project: COMMUNICATION
Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-Out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt.
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Formulate Idea Do you have Collaborators? Identify Funding Opportunities
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Proposal Coordinators for SNRE: Extension Grants/Projects: Michele Pogue, , Research Supplemental Proposals until September 30 th and all Hatch and McIntire/Stennis projects: Deb Cushing, , Research Grants/Projects starting September 1 st : Office of Proposal Development: Erin Albertson, ,
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Share funding opportunities – Let Proposal coordinator know what you are interested in – They will notify you of funding opportunities they see We Strongly Encourage You to Seek Proposals which Allow Full F&A
OGCA ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Funding information – InfoEd SPIN – Listservs – Agency websites – Other databases Planning tools – Sample templates Resource management – Adequate facilities – Capacity – Right personnel – Other infrastructure
Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review Proposal -Confirm Match
RFP – Request For Proposal RFA – Request for Application FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
Your Proposal Coordinator will help you do this. Please contact them as soon as possible but no later then 10 business days before the deadline: 1.Send your designated Proposal Coordinator the RFP, due date to the agency, personnel on the grant application and start and end dates. 2.See OGCA Pre-Award (Formerly OSP) website Check out the faculty toolkits and associated pull-down menus. These have excellent resources to guide you through the process. 3.Budget: Excel template from your designated Proposal Coordinator. Various worksheets are available, for funding agency, match requirements, multi-unit and multiple-year proposals, with built-in escalators. 4.Budget justification (narrative) is also required. This must match the excel budget. Provide a complete description of personnel duties related to the work proposed. 5.Scope of Work: Explain what you are proposing to do with the money. Make sure you follow the RFA guidelines. 6.After reviewed by other approvers, sign off on the internal routing form. FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Proposal Coordinator’s main responsibility – Assist faculty in development of proposal – Ensure compliance and resolve issues with the agencies – Coordinate reviews and final signatures of Approvers
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Timing: Need 10 days to review, format, approve, and submit. Longer if includes subawards, match, collaborations, etc. Communication: Notify as soon as possible
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Compliance – Agency Verify that proposal matches RFP Format according to RFP requirements Review for spelling or other typographical errors – Business Office Work with Grant Fiscal Officer to get budget reviewed – UAF Verify that all UAF guidelines are being followed
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Approvals: Coordinate completion of the Internal Routing Form making sure all approvals are completed – Approval by PI – Approval by Dean/Director – If there is collaboration by other UAF units, approval by unit Dean/Director – Approval by Fiscal Officer Final approver for the proposal is the AOR (Authorized Organizational Representative), Andrew Gray
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PI signature certifies: An agreement to do all work as proposed; That there are no significant conflicts of interest (financial or other); An agreement to be the overall project manager; An agreement to abide by all applicable regulations, policies and procedures related to the project; and An agreement to accept responsibility for the scientific and ethical conduct of the project.
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Co-I/Co-PI signature certifies: An agreement to do all work as proposed; That there are no significant conflicts of interest (financial or other); An agreement to abide by all applicable regulations, policies and procedures related to the project; and An agreement to accept responsibility for the scientific and ethical conduct of his or her portion of the project.
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Dean/Director signature certifies: That PI and Co-I/Co-PI workloads are within 100% of effort; That unit resources are available and allocated; That matching/cost share commitments are authorized and committed; and That all space considerations in the project have been accounted for.
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Fiscal Officer signature certifies: That the Proposal budget is in compliance with sponsor/agency, state, federal, and university policies, regulations, and standards.
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Submission by Proposal Coordinator – To OGCA Pre-Award Required to submit 5 days prior to deadline Once approved, AOR will sign PI will be copied on approval and receive final version – To Agency Will submit on PI’s behalf (PI’s are not permitted to submit their own proposal) Must wait until Proposal approved by OGCA Pre-Award
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Follow-up Communication Notify Proposal Coordinator when receiving notices from the agency so can work with you and OGCA Pre-Award to complete timely to get responses Resources:
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Budget vs. Budget narrative Confirms match availability
OGCA ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Review – Compliance – Commitments Authorized Approvals Submission – Electronic (system or ) InfoEd Proposal Development (PD) – Paper
Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities - Notified Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative - Award vs. Assumption - Reading the Award -Negotiation -Execution -Project Setup -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Review Proposal -Confirm Match - Communicate changes with Faculty
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AWARD VS. ASSUMPTION Intent to Award: Assumption of Liability Unless either a letter of notification of intent to award or an actual award is received by UAF, OGCA may not set up project funds. – Upon receipt of notification of intent to award, the unit may assume financial liability to allow the PI to begin the work. The PI should check with the Grant Fiscal Officer if they receive such advance notification, and may request that the unit assume such financial liability. At that time, the Grant Fiscal Officer may initiate setup procedures.
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AWARD VS. ASSUMPTION Actual Award: The Real Deal When the actual award document is received, OGCA will provide a copy of the award to the business unit and the PI. They each should read the award document for content and terms and conditions. It is the PI's responsibility to check the award to ensure that it contains a statement of work to be performed (whether actual or by reference to the proposal) which agrees with the proposal as submitted. The PI should make a note of all limitations imposed by the proposed grant or contract or agency manual since those are the rules under which the project will be required to operate.
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES READING THE AWARD When you get a copy of the award, look for: Start and end dates Amount awarded (all, or incremental?) Special requirements (IRB, IACUC) Intellectual property requirements Report dates Your technical/program officer contact info Final required deliverables (ie: Reports)
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Proposal Coordinators are notified when an award is given.
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Once accepted: – Verify award vs. proposal Communicate changes with Faculty – Construct File – Update Initial Proposed Labor Spreadsheet – Obtain nickname for Award from PI – Budget entered into Banner – Notify OGCA 30 day wait
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Once OGCA sets up Grant/Project: – Grant Fiscal Officer will send Award Package Fund/Org Initial Budget
OGCA ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Negotiation – Terms and conditions – GC, when needed Acception/Execution Project Setup – Financial (Banner) – Harmonization Awards > $250K Special conditions Match/Cost Share
END OF GRANT/PROJECT LIFE CYCLE PART 1 Please reconvene tomorrow, August 27 th, 2014 for Grant/Project Life Cycle Part 2